Invincible sword repair system

Chapter 228 Three Strange People

Chapter 228 The Three Strange People (Second)
Before knowing the truth, nothing can be concluded.


Su Fei always felt that they seemed to have something important to hide from him.

Of course, since they had already done so, even if Su Fei asked about it, they might not tell the truth.

Furthermore, Ye Xue also said that there is no abnormality in Su Fei's body and the dragon energy in his body for the time being, there is no need to rush to increase the power of the dragon soul, so there is no need to force it.

So, he cupped his fists and saluted, "If that's the case, I'll take my leave first."

"and many more."

Ye Xue called him, "I just came back, why are you leaving in such a hurry."

Su Fei paused, "Didn't you tell me to get close to Xiao Mei? If you don't leave now, what if you go late?"

Hearing this, Ye Xue got up and stopped Su Fei, "Mr. Su, what's going on with you, are you trying to make a fool of yourself?"

"What do you mean?" Su Fei asked.

"I don't mean anything. If you don't understand, forget it. Let's go!"

Ye Xue looked unhappy and made way for Su Fei.


Su Fei really didn't understand what she meant, so he used the empty ghost step and quickly returned to Qingyu Inn.



After Su Fei left, Granny Shen got up and walked to Ye Xue, and said with a smile: "Vendor Master, don't rush everything, Mr. Su is still a young boy, you must not blame him. "

"Grandma Shen, I don't mean to blame him, it's just..."

"Just what?"

"I just feel that sister Yueling's painstaking efforts may be in vain."

"That's not necessarily true." Grandma Shen said, "Who can say what will happen in the future."

"Even Grandma Shen is not sure?" Ye Xue looked surprised.


Grandma Shen smiled deeply, "Master, you know that my old lady never likes to pry into other people's privacy. It's better to let nature take its course for such small private matters."

"Is it?"

Ye Xue glanced at Granny Shen suspiciously, wondering if she believed what Granny Shen said just now.

However, she was really worried about Su Fei.

Getting close to Xiao Mei this time was a great test for Su Fei.



Meanwhile, Xiao Mei had already walked into Qingyu Inn.

Her clothes are very special, she doesn't look like someone from Saint Ding Continent.

He wore a slim-fit khaki trench coat on his upper body and tight black jeans on his lower body.

When she walked into Qingyu Inn wearing this dress, all eyes were on her alone.

"Who is this girl? She's dressed so strangely, she doesn't look like a native of Qin."

"I don't know, whoever she is, in short, don't let her in."

"But... can we stop her?"

"If you can't stop it, you have to try, otherwise, the president will blame you, and none of us can afford it."


As he said that, two burly men from the Red Clothes Club came up again.

"Hey, I said this girl, you can't come here, get out of here immediately!"

Xiao Mei is not tall, only about 155cm, and weighs no more than 40kg. She is also a serious "Princess Taiping".

Not only that, but she also has a baby face. Although she is 30 years old this year, she really looks like a junior high school girl.

On the surface, she does look very ordinary.

But facing the two burly men, she didn't change her face, and said calmly: "You two, you may have misunderstood. I just came in for a cup of tea and left in a while."

"That won't work either!" The big man said: "This place has already been taken over by our Red Clothes Association. If you want to drink tea, please go to another place, otherwise, don't blame us for being rude!"

"You're welcome?"

Xiao Mei glanced at the two big men, and her expression darkened instantly, "Do you know who I am, dare to talk to me like this, and call your president out to me!"

"Hehe, it's up to you. What are you? If you want to see our president, you have to pass my test first!"

With that said, the big man shot coldly.

There was only a "hum!"

The fierce fist wind hit Xiao Mei's face.

Xiao Mei was petite, and in the eyes of others, if she was punched by a big man, she might die on the spot.

However, she did not dodge or dodge, slowly stretched out her hand, and flicked her fingers lightly on the big man's fist.


No matter how hard she exerted herself, the big man's hand bones were broken!


The big man let out a scream and rolled on the ground in pain.

and many more!

It seems that not only the bones of the hand were broken, but the bones of the whole body!
This! ...

What kind of effort?
Those gangsters from the Red Clothes Society were terrified.

Those who came to Qingyu Inn in the past few days seemed to be more powerful than each other.

"Clap clap clap!"

Just as everyone was looking at Xiao Mei with fearful eyes.

Suddenly, a young man dressed as a scholar walked in from the outside and applauded repeatedly: "Meimei, I haven't seen you for a few years, your ability is getting better and better."

"Xiaokang, I finally saw you."

The young man who came in was 35 years old, a jade-faced scholar in fluttering white clothes.

Naturally, the little guys here don't know who he is.

But Xiao Mei came here today just to see him.

When he walked in, he immediately greeted Xiao Mei.

Seeing this scene, those young people from the Red Clothes Society didn't dare to step forward to offend them.

But right here, a person came down from upstairs.

The man was wearing a red dress and was fat and ugly. Judging from his appearance, he should be close to 40 years old.

Seeing her appearance, the gang of Red Clothes Society knelt down and worshiped, and shouted in unison: "Master President, please forgive my subordinates for being incompetent and unable to share the worries of Master President, please punish him!"

"Get up!"

This person is Ye Hongyi, the president of the Hongyi Club.

Xiao Mei glanced at Ye Hongyi's face, and said contemptuously: "Ye Hongyi, I think you are getting more and more bored now, what are you doing here!"

Ye Hongyi squinted at Kang Bo behind Xiao Mei, then smiled courteously and said, "Mei Mei, are you still blaming me for what happened back then, actually I..."

"You don't need to talk." Xiao Mei interrupted her, "I came here today to talk to Xiaokang, please don't disturb us, otherwise, I promise you will never see Xiaokang."


"What are you, if you don't disappear immediately, I will make you disappear forever!" Xiao Mei snarled.


Ye Hongyi was about to walk up to Kang Bo, but after listening to Xiao Mei's words, she didn't dare to go any further.

"Oh! Forget it, Meimei, let's talk!"

In the end, she stomped her feet in anger, then turned around and went upstairs helplessly! ...

For these, Su Fei has been seeing clearly in his room.

But he just didn't know, Xiao Mei, Kang Bo, and Ye Hongyi, what is the relationship between the three of them?
(End of this chapter)

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