Invincible sword repair system

Chapter 231 Motivation

Chapter 231 Motivation (Second Update)

In retrospect, Qian Mei had clearly stated before that Kang Bo was Ming Chaoying's fiancé.

Thinking about it this way, it was reasonable for Kang Bo to come to Minglou.

Along the way, none of the three spoke.

But there is one thing that Su Fei couldn't understand. It was already late, even if he was avoiding something, there was no need to make such a big detour.

After entering Minglou, they went straight to the backyard of the main hall.

Only then did I realize that there was no one in the bright building at night.

The bright moon hangs high in the sky, illuminating the entire building as bright as day.

Finally, Su Fei couldn't help but asked, "Why is there no one here, where have they all gone?"

Hearing this, Kang Bo asked back: "Why, could it be that Mr. Su has been here before?"

Su Fei was surprised by Kang Bo's reaction.

He didn't seem to say anything, how did he know that he had been here before?
This matter is quite strange.

Su Fei boldly guessed in his heart, could it be that there shouldn't be anyone in this bright building?
Thinking carefully, Su Fei felt a chill down his spine.

But he still tried his best to maintain a calm posture, nodded and said: "I have indeed been here."

"Sure enough."

After hearing this, the faces of Kang Bo and Xiao Mei sank at the same time.

They stopped together and said in unison: "What are you doing here!"

Seeing how nervous they were, Su Fei could only tell the truth even though he didn't know.

Of course, he concealed one of the most crucial items.

——Lord of Immortal Realm.



Neither Kang Bo nor Xiao Mei knew that Su Fei was the Lord of Immortal Realm.

But after listening to Su Fei's narration, there seemed to be some doubts on his face.

It was Kang Bo who took the lead to ask again: "Young Master Su, according to what you said, it's really strange that Qian Mei regards you as a friend. As far as I know, she is the famous Mei Yan Luo from Jueming Li Palace. How can she treat you as a friend of the one who is destined to be killed in Li Palace?"

"This is..."

Su Fei couldn't tell the truth, so he turned around and said: "Senior Kang, we are not here to discuss this issue. Besides, this is a secret between Qianmei and me. I'm afraid we can't tell each other for the time being. As long as Kang Senior agrees to join our team, and when the time is right, he will definitely..."

"okay, I get it."

Kang Bo interrupted him, "Since that's the case, let's get down to business, let's sit down first."

"it is good."



There is an octagonal pavilion nearby.

The three of them walked in together and sat on the cold stone bench.

With a big wave of his hand, Kang Bo took out the tea set from the space ring, boiled water with the spiritual fire, and made a pot of good tea for everyone.

Afterwards, he said seriously: "Young Master Su, you said just now that you want to create an ace army?"


Just as he was talking, Su Fei smelled the strong tea fragrance, unconsciously picked up the teacup in front of him, and took a sip.

Just a small sip made him feel refreshed.

I have to say that this tea is very skillful.

Whether it is the water temperature or the amount of tea leaves, it is just right.

It seems that Kang Bo should be a master who is proficient in tea ceremony.

According to the understanding in Su Fei's knowledge base, generally speaking, there are no more than two kinds of people who are proficient in the tea ceremony.

One: It is the love of life, based on the tea ceremony, to understand the way of the world.

Two: sheer posturing.

Kang Bo's tea-making skills are so exquisite, if he is only a posturing person, then he can be regarded as the type with good intentions.

However, with Compaq's wisdom, it is obviously unlikely to be that kind of person.

Therefore, in Su Fei's view, Kang Bo should belong to the former.

He should be a person who knows how to enjoy life.

Of course, this was just a flash in Su Fei's mind.

Even Kang Bo couldn't detect Su Fei's thoughts, so he just said calmly: "It's not easy to create an ace army. In today's world, creating an army privately is tantamount to rebellion." , but I don’t know why Mr. Su would do this.”

Instead of asking about the details of the plan, he asked about Su Fei's motives.

It seems that Compaq should be a very principled person.

The best way to face this kind of person is to be honest, otherwise one day he will find out that he has been deceived, and he will not get any good results.

So, Su Fei said sincerely, "For friends."


A look of surprise flew across Kang Bo's face, "Young Master Su, do you really know what the word "friend" means on the Saint Ding Continent?"

Su Fei said: "I don't know."


Compaq was surprised by Su Fei's answer.

But what was even more surprising was that instead of continuing to question, he stood up and said with a calm smile, "Master Su, it's getting late today, please go back."

"Senior Kang, you..."

"I'm going to rest."

Compaq has not given him the chance to continue talking.

Su Fei wondered, but judging from Kang Bo's attitude, maybe he really has no chance?

Could it be that, on the Saint Ding Continent, no one really wants to believe in the existence of friendship?Even a wise man like Comber still has prejudice against friendship?



never mind!

Since people don't want to believe it, why force it.

Su Fei clasped his fists at him and saluted, "In that case, this junior will take his leave first."

"and many more!"

Before he could turn around, Xiao Mei stopped him suddenly.

"Sister Mei, is there anything else?" Su Fei asked.

"I have something to ask you."

"Sister Mei, please tell me."

"You mentioned Granny Shen before, where did you meet her?"

Oh yes!

Su Fei almost forgot about this.

Grandma Shen is his last hole card.

However, so far, he still doesn't know how to use this hole card.

After hesitating for a while, he said, "Sister Mei, since Senior Kang said he was tired, why don't we discuss this matter another day?"

"another day?"

Xiao Mei frowned slightly, "Look at what you mean, even if Han Quan came to Nanchuan, you don't plan to leave right away?"

"I said before that the Ace Legion was created for my friends. Since the matter has not been finished, naturally I won't just leave like this." Su Fei still said firmly.

"Is it?"

Curiosity flashed across Xiao Mei's eyes.

She was thinking about what kind of person Su Fei was.

On the Saint Ding Continent, is there really such a thing as friendship?

Just when she was deep in thought, Su Fei clasped her fists again and said: "Sister Mei, if there is nothing else, the junior will leave first, I will still stay in Qingyu Inn, if..."

"I see."

Hearing this, Xiao Mei came back to her senses, and said coldly: "That place is a place of right and wrong. Hanquan already knows where you live. If you go back now, isn't it the same as going back to die?"

Su Fei said: "If you really die because of this, there is nothing you can do about it."

"Oh? How do you say that?" Xiao Mei asked.

Su Fei said: "I once promised the shopkeeper of Qingyu Inn that I would help him go to Jueming Li Palace to save a person. Since I promised him in advance, naturally I wouldn't just leave like this."

(End of this chapter)

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