Invincible sword repair system

Chapter 232 Special Aura

Chapter 232 Special aura (third change)
After hearing Su Fei's words, Xiao Mei was quite touched.

If you don't even want your life for a promise, will there really be such a person on the Saint Ding Continent?
In her eyes, she was suspicious of Su Fei at first.

But at this moment, her doubts turned to bewilderment.

She didn't know what kind of special existence Su Fei was.

It is said that all men in the world have thin sex, are there really exceptions?

Originally, she still had a lot to ask.

But suddenly, she didn't know what to say.

My mind was in a mess, so I didn't continue talking, just watched Su Fei's leaving back, and didn't even dare to blink, for fear of missing something.



When Su Fei left Minglou, he suddenly found that there was no moonlight outside Minglou.

what's the problem?

It's getting dark so fast?
Looking back, the huge Minglou had disappeared.

Not only that, when he went straight across Santiao Street, he didn't return to Qingyu Inn.

Only then did I realize that the reason why Kang Bo made so many detours before was indeed a hidden secret.

Fortunately, the little plane had already recorded the route just now, and it was the same way back. It took almost two hours to return to Qingyu Inn smoothly.



After returning to the inn, he lay on the bed, tossing and turning, unable to sleep.

He was thinking, could it be that the Minglou he visited tonight is the real Minglou?

If this is the case, the identities of Xiao Mei and Kang Bo...

Su Fei's mind became very confused.

He even suspected that Xiao Mei and Kang Bo might also be from Xianyu.

Not only that, Ye Hongyi, who may have been killed by Hanquan, also came from the Immortal Realm.

Of course, this is just Su Fei's conjecture.

At such a critical time, the little plane actually kept silent.

Come to think of it, even the little plane couldn't explain it.


Can't help but sigh secretly.

Anyway, I couldn't fall asleep, so I just continued to meditate to see what happened to the attributes in my body.

However, just entering the state of cultivation, I suddenly discovered that the previous interfering force still exists!

"Who is it?"

The moment Ye Hongyi appeared, Su Fei always thought that the person interfering with him was Ye Hongyi.

Especially at the moment when he learned that Ye Hongyi was Ksitigarbow Emperor, he was extremely convinced of this in his heart.


Looking at it now, it seemed that it had nothing to do with Ye Hongyi at all.


Since it has nothing to do with Ye Hongyi, who did it?

Since Ye Hongyi was already dead, the gang of young people from the Hongyi Club had already run away.

There is no one in the inn now.

How about, wait until tomorrow morning, and then ask the shopkeeper what happened!


In fact, Su Fei was not the only one who had difficulty falling asleep tonight.

After Su Fei left Minglou, Xiao Mei and Kang Bo also couldn't fall asleep.

They are still sitting in the octagonal pavilion, each contemplating many things.

After a long time, Kang Bo looked up at the bright moon in the sky and asked, "Mei Mei, do you believe what Su Fei said?"

Xiao Mei followed Kang Bo's gaze, shook her head and said, "I don't know. Xiaokang, do you believe it?"

With deep eyes, Kang Bo was silent for a long time.


Suddenly, he sighed heavily, "To be honest, I don't know either."

Xiao Mei was surprised by Kang Bo's answer, "Everyone says you are the smartest person in the world, even you can't understand Su Fei. It seems that he is really not a simple person."


Kang Bo said: "He is indeed not simple, otherwise, at only 14 years old, how could he become a thorn in the side of Tianjianzong and Sima Jing."


Xiao Mei nodded in approval, and at the same time said puzzledly: "It is easier to understand that the Heavenly Sword Sect cannot tolerate Su Fei. Why would Sima Jing do this? From Sima Jing's standpoint, to win over Su Fei, I agree. Wouldn't it be better than killing Su Fei?"

"This is also what I can't figure out."

Kang Bo's brows have never been so deeply frowned as today.

No matter from which angle he thinks about it, Sima Jing shouldn't force Su Fei like this.

You know, even if a dog is in a hurry, it will jump over the wall.

At present, according to what Su Fei said, he created the Ace Legion for his friends.

But one day, once his trump card army is formed, with Sima Jing's actions today, there is no guarantee that Su Fei will not try to usurp the throne one day.

Everyone in the Great Qin Empire knew that Sima Jing was a well-known political master. How could he make such a low-level mistake?
In addition, Ming Daoren, whom Sima Jing relied heavily on, was unexpectedly placed under house arrest by him.

All these signs showed that Sima Jing was no longer the smart Sima Jing he used to be.

Kang Bo still couldn't figure it out in his heart.

Therefore, he suddenly had a bold guess, maybe the current Sima Jing has already been replaced?

Sima Jing sitting on the throne is actually someone else?


He let out a long breath.

What was in his heart was not spoken out.



Xiao Mei is a smart woman, although she doesn't know what Kang Bo is thinking.

However, she didn't intend to ask too clearly.

Because, in her heart, she also has her own thoughts.

The world she saw was somewhat different from what Kang Bo saw.

She used to work for Tianjianzong, so she has a good understanding of Tianjianzong's style of work.

Therefore, she understood why Tianjianzong wanted to attack Su Fei.

But she couldn't figure out the reason why Sima Jing attacked Su Fei.

Even if you can't figure it out, you will have some thoughts in your heart.

She always felt that maybe Sima Jing was simply a drunkard who didn't care about drinking.

Perhaps, Sima Jing had a deeper reason.

After all, everyone knows that Sima Jing is not a simple character.



Kang Bo and Xiao Mei each had their own ideas, but they did not communicate with each other.

Each pondered for a long time.

Suddenly, Kang Bo stood up, and said in relief: "Don't worry about it, let everything go with the flow. By the way, Meimei, please pay more attention to Su Fei's movements these days, I want to know, What the hell is he trying to play?"

"it is good."

Xiao Mei said: "Even if you don't say it, I will do it."


Regarding this, Kang Bo said unexpectedly: "It seems that you are also very interested in him?"


Xiao Mei said: "Xiaokang, I don't know if you have noticed that Su Fei seems to have a special aura."


Kang Bo said: "The moment he mentioned Grandma Shen just now, I already noticed it."

"Xiao Kang, what do you think?" Xiao Mei asked curiously.

Kang Bo hesitated for a while, and said cautiously: "I suspect that he may be the Master Immortal Master we have been looking for."

Hearing this, Xiao Mei was pleasantly surprised, "So you think so too."

(End of this chapter)

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