Chapter 233
Xiao Mei and Kang Bo doubt Su Fei's identity.

——Lord of Immortal Realm.

Are they friendly or hostile to this identity?



While the two of them doubted Su Fei, Su Fei also had doubts about the two of them.

——Come from Immortal Realm.

Whether they are really from Immortal Realm, I'm afraid they won't know until they meet Qian Mei.



The next day.


Su Fei went downstairs early in the morning.

The shopkeeper lowered his head and looked at the ledger.

The most urgent thing is that Su Fei wants to ask who are the current guests in the inn.

But before he could speak, he suddenly found a person sitting in the restaurant on the first floor.

A middle-aged man with a stern appearance, visually estimated to be about 40 years old.

It can be seen from his attire that he should be a member of the imperial court.

It's just that he doesn't carry any official badge on his body, so he can't tell his position at a glance.

But from the special aura emanating from his eyebrows, one can roughly guess that he is not a simple person.

His cultivation is probably far above Su Fei.

"Could it be another Yan Luo from Jueming Li Palace?"

While Su Fei was suspicious,


Suddenly, the little plane reminded: "Master, I understand, he is the one who disturbed you."


Su Fei was startled, "Who is he?"


Before the little plane finished speaking, the shopkeeper suddenly came over and reminded in a low voice: "Mr. Su, he is someone you can't afford to offend. You must not provoke him, otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous."

"Oh? Who the hell is he?"

The more the shopkeeper said so, the more enthusiasm Su Fei had to explore.

"Leader of Bingfeng, Hanquan."

"What, he is Hanquan?"

Su Fei frowned.

Han Quan only used one move to kill Ye Hongyi, who was the Ksitigarbow Bow Emperor, and his cultivation must be at least level 120 or above.

With Su Fei's current strength, let alone fight against him, he doesn't even have a chance to get close.

For a moment, he didn't know what to do.




After thinking about it, Hanquan should have known that he was in Qingyu Inn.

Then, he didn't shoot himself, there must be another reason.

Thinking of this, he strode over, stood in front of Hanquan, and bowed his fists, "I'm Su Fei, may I sit with senior?"

Han Quan quickly glanced at Su Fei's face when he heard the words.

After that, he continued to drink, and said lightly: "I know who you are, and now you also know my identity, aren't you afraid that I will kill you?"

"Afraid, of course I'm afraid."

Su Fei sat down and tried his best to maintain a calm posture, "However, I can see that you have no murderous intent at all."

"Is it."

Han Quan said: "When I kill people, I always just think about it, and I never say it intentionally."

"Killing is not intentional, it's just a thought. If there is no intention, naturally you won't feel the murderous intent."

Su Fei suddenly understood one thing, "No wonder you killed Ye Hongyi before, and even experts like Kang Bo and Xiao Mei didn't notice it."

"But after all, they have already guessed that the murderer is me, which shows that my methods are still not smart enough."

Speaking of this matter, although Han Quan continued to drink, a trace of loneliness suddenly appeared in his eyes.



He actually felt lonely because of this kind of thing?
At that moment, Su Fei suddenly realized that the cold spring in front of him was really a terrifying existence.

His horror cannot be described in words.

Or a kind of intuition, or a kind of aura.

In other words, he is the kind of terrifying existence that can make people involuntarily associate with fear.

So, Su Fei fell silent.

But this silence did not last long.

Han Quan suddenly poured him a glass of wine, and said loudly, "Come, drink with me!"


"What is this, if you don't drink, you will look down on me!"

Hanquan seemed to be in a bad mood.

I don't know what happened to him.

After hesitating for a moment, Su Fei finally took the wine glass and drank it up.

Afterwards, he tentatively said, "Senior, I don't know why senior suddenly came to Nanchuan?"

"Of course it's to kill you." Han Quan said lukewarmly.

Su Fei then asked: "If you really came to kill me, you should have had a chance long ago. Why haven't you made a move yet?"

"Then let me ask you, since you know I'm here to kill you, why don't you run away?" Han Quan asked back.

"Because I know, I can't escape." Su Fei said.

Han Quan smiled complacently, "That's it, since you can't escape, why should I be so anxious?"

"This... seems to be such a truth."

From this point of view, Su Fei's fate has already been firmly controlled by Han Quan?
"Forget it, I've had enough wine, excuse me!"

Saying that, Han Quan dropped the wine jar in his hand, stood up, and staggered upstairs.

Su Fei stood up and called him to stop, "Senior, please stay."

"Don't bother me, or I'll kill you right now!"

Hanquan didn't look back, but continued to walk upstairs.

His voice was not serious, even a bit joking.

However, when most people heard his words, they would immediately shut up.

Of course!
Su Fei didn't mean to shut up.

He stretched his figure and blocked Han Quan's way, "Wait, there is something I want to ask clearly."

"Boy, are you looking for death!"

Han Quan's face turned cold, and there was a strong murderous intent in his eyes.

However, seeing the killing intent in his eyes, Su Fei didn't feel scared, but said more calmly: "I want to know why you stop me from cultivating."

"You don't seem to be very afraid of me, kid, can't you see the killing intent in my eyes!" Han Quan clenched his fists tightly and said in a cold tone.

Su Fei looked Han Quan up and down, and said: "If you want to kill me, you don't need to be intentional at all. Since you have already intended, and you clenched your fists tightly, but did not release your spiritual power, it can be seen that you are forbearing."


Han Quan didn't expect that Su Fei could maintain such a calm mind when facing someone like him.

At that moment, he also looked at Su Fei with admiration.

The tightly clenched fists relaxed slightly, and the killing intent in the eyes subsided in an instant. He stood up straight and said calmly, "You are smart, but at your level, you are not worthy of asking me questions. Please let me know." Open, or I might really kill you."

"No, you won't kill me." Su Fei looked confident.


On the contrary, Han Quan looked curious, "How do you know?"

Su Fei said: "If you really want to kill me, why do you have to say the words to kill me several times?"

This trick!
Isn't it exactly what Hanquan just used!
"Ha ha!"

Han Quan smiled. He squinted at Su Fei, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and said, "Boy, I admire you very much. If those boys from Jueming Li Palace were half as smart as you, I wouldn't have to come here myself!"

(End of this chapter)

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