Invincible sword repair system

Chapter 236 Black and White Concubine

Chapter 236 Black and White Concubine (Second Update)
Hearing what she said, Su Fei was not in a hurry to leave, and said suspiciously: "Miss Ji, you really don't remember who I am?"

"Mr. Su, you are really strange. I've never seen you before. Why do I remember you?"

What she said was very certain, it didn't seem like she was lying at all, and it didn't seem like she had lost her memory.

So, Su Fei was even more confused, "Miss Ji, your name is Ji Yueling, the place you live is called Yuelingyuan, and your appearance..."

"Master Su, what exactly do you want to say?"

When she interrupted Su Fei, her eyes suddenly became less friendly, even revealing a hint of anger.

It seemed that she was getting impatient.

If you continue to ask, it will be rude.

Su Fei hesitated for a while, "Okay then, since that's the case, I'll take my leave first."

With that said, he turned around.

Just about to take a step, he suddenly stopped, "By the way, Miss Ji, can you tell me how I can get out from here?"

"Just go through the dense forest ahead." She said casually.

"Thank you."

For some reason, every time I heard her voice, I always felt that she didn't want Su Fei to leave so soon.

And Su Fei was not in a hurry to leave, he stood at the door full of thoughts, not knowing what he was thinking.


Suddenly, the little plane reminded again: "Master, I tested it just now, she did not lie, and she is really not Ji Yueling from Jiuding Villa."

In fact, Su Fei has been waiting for the little plane to speak.

Finally waited.

However, what Xiaofei said made him even more confused.

So, he asked secretly: "What's going on, and who is she?"

Xiaofei said: "She is another Ji Yueling."



Xiaofei said: "To put it simply, there are two Ji Yuelings, one white and one black."

"The so-called white and black refer to the clothes they wear?"

Su Fei remembered very clearly that Ji Yueling from Jiuding Mountain Villa was dressed in white clothes like snow, and looked neat and tidy.There are two completely different temperaments from the Ji Yueling in black in front of him.

"Yes and no."

"What do you mean?"

The little plane said: "Ji Yueling of Jiuding Mountain Villa is commonly known as Bai Ji in the mouth of the Dragon Clan, and this one in front of me is Hei Ji."

"Is there any difference between the two?"

"Of course there is."

"tell me the story."

Xiaofei said: "Bai Ji rules the day, and Hei Ji rules the night."

"Day and night?" Su Fei asked, "Is there any deep meaning?"

The little plane said: "Of course there is. The so-called daytime represents hope, while the night represents despair."

"So...the Ji Yueling I see now is a symbol of despair?" Su Fei asked.

"You can say that." Xiaofei said.


After hearing this explanation, Su Fei finally understood a little bit.

No wonder the first time I saw Hei Ji, I felt inexplicably uncomfortable.

It turned out that she symbolized despair.



"Master Su, what's wrong with you, why don't you leave?" Hei Ji suddenly asked just when Su Fei suddenly realized.

Su Fei came back to his senses, "It's nothing, by the way, you said your name is Ji Yueling, when did you come here?"

"I don't know either. Anyway, I've lived here since the day I can remember."

" there anyone else here?" Su Fei asked.

She shook her head, "No, I'm the only one here."

Is she alone?

Su Fei frowned, "No wonder you look so lonely."

"No, I'm not alone," she denied.

"Is it?"

Su Fei said: "From your eyes, I can see your loneliness, I can't see it wrong."

"Are you so confident?" She looked at Su Fei suspiciously.

"It's not self-confidence, it's talent." Su Fei said.


She chuckled, "What kind of talent is this? You are really weird."

"Forget it, this is not an easy thing to explain."

With that said, Su Fei approached her and said seriously: "Now, I want to ask you a very serious question, I hope you can answer me truthfully."

Hearing this, she fixed her eyes on Su Fei and said expressionlessly: "So, you humans are all so rude. No wonder Ye Xue said that none of humans is good."

"Eh... Yexue? What do you mean?..."

"Never mind what it means, why do I have to answer your question, are you familiar with me?" Her tone became cold.


Su Fei was speechless.

If I remember correctly, Ji Yueling from Jiuding Villa once said that Ye Xue hated human beings, especially men.

And the black Ji Yueling in front of him is good friends with Ye Xue.

The so-called birds of a feather flock together, maybe she and Ye Xue are the same kind of person.

But she said she was the only one here.

In addition, when Su Fei saw her for the first time, what he saw in her eyes was the strangeness of human beings.

Perhaps, Su Fei is the first human being she has seen in her life.

Therefore, no matter how she evaluates human beings, even she herself is not sure.

So, Su Fei said with a smile: "Actually, you are right. Human beings are indeed not a good thing, but it can also be said that the world will become more exciting because of the existence of human beings."

"Hehe, wonderful?"

She smiled disdainfully, "The word wonderful is what you said yourself. In the eyes of other races, your wonderfulness is the greatest pain for other races."


Su Fei couldn't deny it, "It seems that it's hard for us to get together."

"We didn't get along in the first place. You and I are not of the same race. If it wasn't for Ye Xue's sake, I would kill you right now."

Her face-changing speed is very fast, and it can be said that it is a bit inexplicable.

Su Fei could tell that her cultivation was much higher than his own.

If she makes a move, she is naturally not her opponent.

But he could also see that her nature was kind.

So, he clasped his fists and said, "In that case, sorry to bother you, I will take my leave!"

"and many more!"

She called Su Fei suddenly, "I can't get out now."

"Can't get out?"

Su Fei looked skeptical, "Didn't you just say that you can go out through the dense forest outside?"

"It's getting late, going to the dense forest now is tantamount to dying."

"It's getting late?"

Su Fei looked up at the sky, "The sun is shining brightly, it's clearly daytime."

"If you don't believe me, you can go out and have a look." She pointed to the door.

Su Fei tried to go out, and sure enough, as soon as he stepped out of the gate, he found that it was already pitch black outside.

So, he immediately turned around and asked, "What's going on here?"

She walked to the stone bench next to her and sat down, and said with a sad face: "Compared with the time outside, the dense forest is several times faster, so you'd better wait until dawn before leaving."

(End of this chapter)

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