Invincible sword repair system

Chapter 237 The Most Important Hole Card

Chapter 237 The Most Important Hole Card

Helpless, Su Fei could only go back to the courtyard first.

"Please sit down."

She took out the tea set from the space ring and made a pot of good tea for Su Fei.

Immediately, the entire Yuelingyuan was filled with a strong tea fragrance.

The aroma of this tea is very familiar, almost exactly the same as the tea I drank in Jiuding Villa before.

Su Fei took a sip of tea and asked, "Miss Ji, may I ask... when will it be dawn in the dense forest?"

"An hour later."

That's two hours to wait.

Su Fei asked: "You mean, in the dense forest, a day and a night can be completed in four hours?"

"more or less."

She smiled slightly.

Su Fei was surprised by her smile.

I don't know what she is laughing at.


She looks really good when she smiles.

But in the blink of an eye, the smile on her face suddenly subsided, returning to the gloom before, and said weakly: "By the way, Mr. Su, I would like to ask, how did you know Ye Xue?"


Su Fei asked back: "Didn't she tell you?"

"I did say something."

"What did she say?" Su Fei asked.

"She said, you are a very special person, different from most men in the world, but you are also a very dangerous person at the same time."

"Dangerous? How to say?"

"She said that the entire dragon clan is willing to believe that you can bring us the best future. Therefore, your existence is very dangerous."

"I see, what are you worried about?"

Su Fei looked at her puzzled.

Because, when she talked about it, her eyes darkened.

It seems that even though the entire Dragon Clan is looking forward to Su Fei's growth, she doesn't have much confidence in Su Fei.

"I'm not worried about anything, I just feel that we shouldn't put all our hopes on a human being."


In fact, her worries were not unreasonable.

Su Fei finally understood her thoughts, so he didn't say anything more.



Later, Su Fei also told her how he met Ye Xue.

But after she heard this, she still had a suspicious look on her face and said, "Master Su, there is something I want to..."

"Please speak."

Su Fei thought that after talking to her so much, they had a preliminary understanding of each other.

In his heart, he already regarded the black Ji Yueling in front of him as a friend he could make friends with.

However, she didn't look so friendly, and said in a cold tone: "I think you have another purpose in deliberately approaching Ye Xue."

It seemed that she didn't believe everything Su Fei said at all.


Su Fei sighed, "Since you don't believe me, why do you ask me so much?"

She smiled again, "I just want to see how you deceived Ye Xue."

"Ha ha."

Su Fei also laughed, but it was very weak.

At the same time, he stood up slowly, cupped his fists and said, "In that case, I will take my leave first."

"What do you mean?..." she asked.

"It's nothing, I just don't think it's necessary to stay here."

With that said, Su Fei walked into the dark forest outside the Moon Spirit Courtyard by himself.



You can't see your fingers in the dense forest.

Su Fei hurried on in the dark, and couldn't even find his way.

He had a hunch that he might get lost in the depths of the jungle.

But he still walked in without hesitation.


Suddenly, the sound of a small plane came from my ear.

"Master, be careful, there is a cliff ahead, go to the left."

"it is good."

Fortunately, there is a small plane to help, otherwise, I don't know how much time will be wasted.


After 30 seconds, the small plane reminded again: "Turn right, go straight for 200 meters, and then turn left."

"it is good!"



With the help of the small plane, it took only five or ten minutes to walk out of the dark forest.

However, when he saw the light, a mansion appeared in front of him,
On the plaque of the vermilion lacquer gate was written the words "Yuelingyuan".

After making such a big detour, he returned to the original place?


The door opened.

Sure enough, the woman standing at the door was dressed in black! ...

"Master Su, didn't you leave, why are you back?" She looked at Su Fei with a mocking face.

"Sorry, I just went the wrong way."

With that said, Su Fei turned around and walked into the dense forest again.

"Wait, stop!"

This time, she stopped Su Fei loudly.

Su Fei stopped and asked, "Miss Ji, what else do you want to say?"

"Come in first, and I'll tell you how to get out."

"What do you mean?"

Su Fei turned around, doubting in her heart, could it be that she lied to me before?
"Come in first," she said again.

"it is good."

Su Fei hesitated for a while, but finally walked into the Moon Spirit Academy.



As soon as he walked in, he was almost dumbfounded.

"Ye Xue?"

There was another person in the yard.

She was dressed in a simple and elegant Tsing Yi, with her back facing the gate.

But only from the back, Su Fei has already recognized her identity.

"it's me."

Ye Xue turned around and said with a smile on her face, "I heard what you said just now. You two are really naive. What time is it now, and you still have time to talk about it."

"What do you mean?" Su Fei asked with a look of astonishment.

"Haven't you already seen Hanquan?" Ye Xue said.

"Yeah, what's the problem?"

"It's a big problem."

Ye Xue said: "What do you think Han Quan came to Nanchuan for?"

"For what?" Su Fei asked.

Ye Xue said, "He's here to find Hei Ji."

Hei Ji?

Is it the black Ji Yueling?

"What did he ask Hei Ji for?" Su Fei looked puzzled.

Ye Xue said: "If Hei Ji is found by him, our Dragon Clan will be finished."

"What do you mean?" Su Fei asked.

Ye Xue said: "Actually, Hei Ji is a prisoner dragon, she was imprisoned by Sister Yueling..."

"Wait, please keep it simple." Su Fei interrupted her.

Ye Xue said: "To put it simply, if Hei Ji is captured by Han Quan, the Dragon Clan will fall into endless darkness."

"Is it that serious?"

Although Su Fei seemed to understand this, but judging from Ye Xue's expression, this matter must not be ignored.Otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous.

Of course!
It was at this moment that Hei Ji said with a dejected expression: "Since the enemy came to the door, we will definitely not be able to escape."

Hearing this, Ye Xue went up to comfort her and said, "Heiji, don't worry, with us here, even if you die, we will definitely protect you."


Hei Ji said: "I don't want any of you to die for me. If he comes, you hand me over. I don't want to burden you."

Hearing this, Ye Xue said solemnly, "Hei Ji, please understand that once you are caught, all of us will die, and the entire Dragon Clan will never recover! So, no matter what, you must remember Hold on, you are our most important hole card, even if everyone dies for this, you must live!"

(End of this chapter)

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