Invincible sword repair system

Chapter 238 Can't just sit idly by

Chapter 238 Can't just sit idly by (second more)

"Ye Xue, of course I understand what you mean, but... with our current strength, we simply cannot fight against them."

Kurohime looked negative.

Ye Xue patted her on the shoulder and said softly: "Don't worry, as long as you stay here with peace of mind, we will take care of everything else."


Hei Ji worriedly said: "Ye Xue, are you really sure you can win against Han Quan?"

"Honestly, no, but..."

"But what?"

"Grandma Shen said that at the end of the night is dawn, as long as we persevere, the future can be expected."

"Persist, hehe..."

Heiji smiled again.

This time, there was a bit of pain in her smile, and tears glistened in her eyes.

"What's wrong with you, Hei Ji?" Ye Xue asked with concern.

"It's nothing."

Hei Ji raised her eyes to look at the clear sky, tears slipped from the corners of her eyes unconsciously.


At a certain moment, she sighed heavily, "Forget it, I know that my emotions will affect yours, so I'd better not say anything, and let you handle everything in the future."

Hearing this, Ye Xue suppressed her emotions, pursed her lips, and said, "Hei Ji, don't worry, one day, we will let you see the real light."

"That's right, Ye Xue, I didn't expect that even you think that what I need is real light?"

"What do you mean, don't you..."

"I'm used to life here. Even if I have the opportunity to leave, I hope to stay here forever."

Saying that, Hei Ji smiled relievedly.

However, while she was smiling, the tears did not stop falling.

It was the first time Su Fei saw such a strange woman.

He suddenly felt a little sad, and at the same time had a special feeling.

He felt that Hei Ji might have had enough of being stuck here.

In fact, in Hei Ji's heart, she should have been yearning to leave this place one day.

However, her heart is so negative.

Therefore, she did not dare to have too many extravagant hopes for all good things.

Therefore, she would rather be locked up here and be a person forgotten by the world.

Of course, this is just Su Fei's own idea.

What Hei Ji really thinks in her heart, only Hei Ji knows.


Ye Xue also sighed, "Hei Ji, no matter what decision you make, I will definitely support you with all my strength."

"Including me leaving here to find Hanquan?" Heiji asked.

"of course not!"

Ye Xue said: "Other than that, you can do whatever you want, but you must not leave this place until our Dragon Clan is truly revived, do you understand?"

"I understand. It's just a joke with you. It makes you nervous."

Hei Ji sighed softly, wiped away her tears, then turned around and entered the room with a lonely face.

Seeing Hei Ji like this, both Ye Xue and Su Fei were in a bad mood.

At a certain moment, Ye Xue turned to look at Su Fei and asked, "Master Su, do you intend to stay here, or go back with me?"


Su Fei glanced at Hei Ji's room for the last time, and sighed secretly: "Let's go back first."

"it is good."

Ye Xue didn't say much anymore, and lightly waved her right hand, the world before her eyes changed drastically.



Proud world villa.

They are back.

Here, they stood in the Scarlet Cloud Palace.

Apart from Su Fei and Ye Xue, there was also Mu Jian in the hall.

"You guys talk, I won't bother you."

Ye Xue glanced at Mu Jian, then turned and left Scarlet Cloud Palace.

In this way, only Su Fei and Mu Jian were left in the hall.

Not seen for many days, Mu Jian is still the same, not much has changed.

The only difference is that when she looked at Su Fei, her eyes were somewhat confused.

Su Fei asked: "Mu Jian, why did you come to Nanchuan suddenly, and what happened?"

Mu Jian walked in front of Su Fei, stood still, and asked, "Why did you leave without saying goodbye?"


"I want you to tell the truth."

"I have nothing to say." Su Fei said.

"it is good."

Mu Jian's face darkened, "In that case, let's get down to business."

"All ears."

"I came to Nanchuan because something happened to the Mu family."

"What happened?"

Su Fei frowned secretly.

She had expected that something would happen to the Mu family sooner or later, but she didn't expect it to happen so quickly.

Mu Jian said: "Everyone has been arrested, Baiyun said, as long as we hand you over, we can save you from death, otherwise..."

"I see."

Unexpectedly, the Heavenly Sword Sect could not find Su Fei's whereabouts, and threatened Su Fei with the entire Mu family.

Seeing that Su Fei's attitude was not quite right, Mu Jian frowned and asked, "I want to know your decision."

"I can go back with you, but not now." Su Fei said firmly.

"Then when do you plan to go back?" Mu Jian asked.

Su Fei said hesitantly: "Mu Jian, I want to know what's on your mind, what do you think I can do when I go back now?"

Mu Jian shook her head, "I don't know what you can do for the Mu family, I only know that if you don't go back, everyone will die."

"Do not."

Su Fei said: "As long as I don't go back, everyone will be fine. Once I go back, everyone will have a hard time."

"how do you know."

"Because they want me." Su Fei said.

"But... I can't bet on everyone's life, I still hope you will go back with me now." Mu Jian said.

"Mu Jian, this is not like you." Su Fei looked at Mu Jian suspiciously.

You know, Mu Jian was so wise and calm in the past.

The purpose of Tianjianzong is already obvious.

If Su Fei's expectations are correct, as long as he doesn't show up, the Heavenly Sword Sect will never dare to touch a single hair of Mu's family.

But if he suddenly appeared, Tianjianzong would no longer have any scruples.

At that time, the Mu family will be in an extremely dangerous situation.

But Mu Jian seems to have thought about Su Fei's idea a long time ago.

She said with a painful expression: "I'm sorry, Su Fei, maybe I did something wrong from the beginning. When everyone said you shouldn't stay in the Mu family, I shouldn't have kept you. Since you have suffered from the Mu family Da En, now that the Mu family is in trouble, can you really just sit back and ignore it?"


Su Fei is also very conflicted now.

The Mu family is in trouble, of course he can't just sit idly by.


If you go back now, all your previous efforts in Nanchuan will be in vain.

Moreover, he is also very likely to be continuously hunted down by Jueming Ligong.

At that time, his situation will definitely get worse.

Therefore, in a short time, he didn't know how to make a choice.



"Knock knock knock!"

Suddenly, someone outside the hall knocked on the door.

Looking sideways, it turned out to be Mu Ruoshui.

She had known that Mu Ruoshui was in Aoshi Villa, but she hadn't been able to meet her.

When I saw her today, I suddenly found that Mu Ruoshui was much more haggard than before.

Su Fei didn't know exactly what happened to her.

He just said respectfully: "Third Elder, I haven't seen you for a long time. You must have heard about the Mu family."

Mu Ruoshui walked in and said solemnly, "Su Fei, no matter what, I hope you can go back."

"Even you say that?" Su Fei had a hard time understanding.

Have they all lost their minds?
(End of this chapter)

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