Invincible sword repair system

Chapter 246 The Leader is Here

Chapter 246 The Leader is Here
Rather than saying that Qingzong didn't have time to react, it's better to say that he never thought of hiding.

Moreover, instead of hiding, he still kept absolute calm in his eyes, without the slightest fear of death.

"Why don't you hide!"

This surprised Su Fei.

Because, Su Fei already knew that Qingzong was a dignified six-star swordsman.

No matter how fast his sword was just now, even if Qingzong couldn't dodge it, it's impossible that he didn't even have a chance to react.

What's more, the sword just now was nothing special at all, not enough to threaten the life of a six-star great sword master.

Therefore, even though he had an absolute chance to cut off Qingzong's head right now, he didn't do that, but intentionally withheld the momentum of his sword.

For this, Qingzong seems to have expected it.

So, he smiled calmly, "I don't hide because I know that you won't kill me at all."

Su Fei snorted coldly, "You and I are strangers, and we don't know much about each other, so you're so sure that I won't kill you by mistake? Besides, betting your life on the hands of a stranger, Don't you think it's an adventure?"

"Adventure, of course it is."

Qingzong smiled confidently, "However, you may not know that I, Qingzong, am a natural gambler, and I have never lost a bet before."

"A gambler?"

"That's right, a truly outstanding gambler never jokes about his own life. The so-called winning in every gamble is because we are sure of winning, otherwise, we wouldn't gamble."

Qing Zong's remarks are very interesting.

Su Fei became curious, "So, you have a very reliable hole card?"

Qingzong smiled, and reached out to take Su Fei's sword away.

This small action contains extremely terrifying power.

Because, Su Fei's sword was infused with 60 sword energy and sword pressure.

Qingzong took it away with bare hands, which shows that this little ability is not enough to have any influence on Qingzong.

An ordinary great sword master only has 50 sword qi and sword pressure.

Even the mighty nine-star sword master Yan Luo, the iron face, couldn't beat Su Fei in terms of sword energy.

However, judging from Qingzong's performance just now, his combat power value is probably higher than Su Fei.

Taking away Su Fei's sword, Qingzong could see the surprise in Su Fei's eyes.

So, the smile on his face deepened, "Mr. Su, you don't want to see my hole cards."

"Ha ha."

Su Fei withdrew his sword and clenched his fists tightly, "What if I insist on watching?"


Qingzong only said one word.

At the same time, a rare killing intent suddenly flashed in his eyes.

For some reason, seeing the murderous intent in his eyes, Su Fei unconsciously felt a chill down his spine.

There was a strong intuition in my heart that in terms of force alone, I was not an opponent of Qingzong at all.


Just at this time, the sound of a small plane came from my ear.

"Master, be careful, someone is approaching."


"Cold Spring."

"Is it cold spring?"

Hold the grass!

Sure enough, it still attracted Han Quan!

Su Fei looked solemn, if Han Quan made a move on him, he would be killed instantly!


He suddenly remembered a very important thing.

As a result, the frowns that were tightly locked were stretched out, looking extraordinarily relaxed.

"Hoo hoo!..."

Not long after, the mountain wind became more violent.

A blue light flashed in the sky.

At that moment, the dead branches and broken leaves on the ground were drawn into the sky, forming a green tornado.

The tornado rose from the ground, successfully isolating Su Fei and Qingzong.


The strange thing is that Su Fei's body seems to be protected by some kind of tyrannical aura, and he can't feel the coercion in the air at all.

On the other hand, looking at Qingzong, his clothes fluttered and his face gradually became ugly.

what's the problem?

Could it be that Hanquan came for Qingzong at all?

"No, it's the lord who is here!"

Feeling that aura, Qingzong finally came to his senses, glared at Su Fei fiercely, and said in a deep voice: "You don't hurry up, you will die when the lord leader arrives!"

"Hehe, what does the coming of Hanquan have to do with me?"

Su Fei looked at Qingzong with a relaxed face, still waiting for a good show in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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