Invincible sword repair system

Chapter 247 It's That Simple

Chapter 247 It's That Simple (Second Update)
Before the words were finished, Hanquan had already appeared in front of the two of them.

"call out!"

At that moment, the blast swept past their faces.

His appearance made people unconsciously tense.

Of course!
There was no killing intent on him.

After a while, the violent tornado gradually subsided.

The two finally saw Hanquan's face clearly.

As Xie Yanluo of Jueming Li Palace, Qingzong was also extremely surprised by Hanquan's appearance. He knelt down on one knee, cupped his fists and asked, "Lord Leader, why are you here?"


Hanquan turned his back to Qingzong, and said with a cold face: "I heard that you killed Xuezhen?"


Qingzong's forehead was still sweating.

Hearing Han Quan mention this matter suddenly, his heart pounded, "Master, did your subordinates do something wrong?"

"No, you are quite right."

Hanquan didn't even look at Qingzong.

Then he walked in front of Su Fei, took out an extremely exquisite black brocade box from his arms, and handed it to Su Fei, "Master Su, this is Xuezhen's relic, you take it back and give it to the shopkeeper of Qingyu Inn, then Speaking of his daughter, I, Hanquan, will personally give him an explanation."


Su Fei took the brocade box, sneered and said, "Hanquan, are you clearly trying to stand up for Qingzong?"


Han Quan said: "If Mr. Su insists on killing Qingzong, I can do it for you."


This made it difficult for Su Fei to understand, "Qingzong is your subordinate, will you kill him for me?"

"Hehe, in my eyes, he is nothing more than a dog, but you, Mr. Su, are different. There are too many fascinating things about you. As you said before, I am really looking forward to seeing your growth." .”

What Han Quan said didn't seem like he was lying.


Would it be inappropriate for him to say such words in front of Qingzong, as the leader of an alliance?



Of course, this is an internal matter of their Ice Front Alliance, and has nothing to do with Su Fei.

Now that Han Quan has given himself a new level, Su Fei is not a person who is ignorant of current affairs, so there is no need to deliberately contradict him.

After a moment of hesitation, he asked, "Hanquan, although I don't know what your real purpose is, but... I still have a heartfelt request."


"I hope you can hand over the management of this mine to me."

"here you are?"

Han Quan glanced around, the Beicheng Mine stretched for tens of miles, it was not a small place.

If this place is handed over to Su Fei, wouldn't Su Fei's rights be equivalent to the earl's?
In the history of Qin State, there has never been a precedent for directly promoting a commoner to an earl.

What's more, Su Fei is only 14 years old.

So, after thinking for a while, he said with a smile: "Young Master Su, I'm afraid I can't make a decision on this matter, and I have to consult the king before making a decision."

"Ask your majesty, don't you want me to die?"

"No no no!"

Han Quan waved his hands again and again, "Just yesterday afternoon, His Majesty has revoked the order to kill you."

"What? Withdrawn? Why?"

Su Fei was surprised by this.

"The king said that it is better to reuse you than to kill you. After all, you are a peerless genius that the Great Qin Empire has never seen in thousands of years."

"Is it?"

How true are Han Quan's words?

Su Fei couldn't judge.

But what he said just now is in line with Sima Jing's personality.

You know, Sima Jing is a rare political master in the history of the Great Qin Empire.

Su Fei is indeed a rare genius, killing him would be a great loss to the empire.

But he still couldn't figure out why Sima Jing suddenly changed his mind?



Just when he was puzzled, Han Quan reached out and patted his shoulder, and said with a smile: "Young Master Su, don't think too much, if you insist on getting the management right of this mine, I will definitely Doing my best to fight for you. But..."

"But what?"

"From now on, you owe me a favor."

"Hehe, I never like to owe others love. Hanquan, what conditions do you have, just say it!"


Han Quan looked satisfied, raised his finger to the sky, and said in a low voice: "One day, when you rush into the Nine Heavens and become the Lord of the Nine Heavens, you must not forget my contribution!"

"Hehe, Lord of Nine Heavens?"

Su Fei had never thought about something so far away.

However, Han Quan looked affirmative, "Master Su, as long as you agree to me, we will talk about the future."


Hearing this, Su Fei looked astonished, "Is it that simple?"

"That's right, it's that simple!"

(End of this chapter)

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