Invincible sword repair system

Chapter 248 Sooner or later you will suffer

Chapter 248 Sooner or later you will suffer (third update)
"That's what I said, but... before I came here, I had already decided to kill Qingzong to pay for Xuezhen's life, so at this time, I still hope that you will not interfere with the duel between me and Qingzong!"

It was the first time that Su Fei made up his mind to kill someone since his soul pierced the Saint Ding Continent.

Therefore, for Qingzong, he will not let it go no matter what!

No matter what Hanquan said or did, he could not shake his original intention.

Hearing Su Fei's words, Han Quan turned his head and glared at Qing Zong.

During this time, Qingzong still knelt obediently on the spot, his originally calm face was covered with beads of sweat, and fear finally appeared in his eyes.

Not only that, he even kowtowed to Hanquan in a panic, and begged loudly: "My lord, please spare my life. From now on, my subordinates are willing to be your cows and horses, and I will do anything!"

Seeing Qingzong like this, as the leader of the Ice Front Alliance, Hanquan looked disappointed, "Qingzong, do you know your mistake?"

"Yes, this subordinate knows it's wrong!"

Qingzong kowtowed again, and fresh blood dripped from his forehead besides sweat.

"Ha ha!"

Han Quan sneered, "Then tell me, where did you go wrong?"

Qingzong was flustered, his thoughts were running at high speed, and he kowtowed again: "Subordinate... this subordinate should not kill Xuezhen, let alone embarrass Mr. Su, this subordinate knows his mistake, please be punished by the lord!"


Hanquan snorted coldly, "Now that things have happened, you don't even know where you are wrong. Tell me, what right do you have to survive!"

"Subordinate... this subordinate is ignorant, please enlighten me, Lord Leader!"

Qingzong has been confused by Hanquan.

In front of Han Quan, he was like a completely thoughtless fool.

Perhaps, he was overwhelmed by Hanquan's aura!

Hanquan stared at Qingzong with disgust, and said coldly: "Qingzong, you have joined the Ice Front League for quite a while, you should understand that there is no absolute standard for right and wrong."

"Yes! The subordinates know!"

In the Ice Front League, the leader said you were wrong, and even if you were right, you were wrong.The leader said you were right, and you were right when you were wrong.

Now, he offended Su Fei, even if he was right to kill Xuezhen, it was wrong!

When he calmed down, he finally figured out the reason.

Hanquan also knew that Qingzong was not a fool, but sometimes he was easily confused.

During this time, Su Fei decided to kill him, and for the sake of a more distant future, he could only abandon Qingzong!
So, his face sank and he said: "Since you already understand, you should know that you asked for all of this."

"My subordinate understands!"

Qingzong frowned and gritted his teeth secretly.

He has already realized that today is a certain death, and he is waiting for Hanquan's fate.

Han Quan didn't make him wait too long, and said indifferently: "It's good that you understand, you can kill yourself, so as not to dirty Mr. Su's hands!"


As a dignified six-star swordsman, Qingzong didn't even have the courage to resist in front of Hanquan.

After receiving Hanquan's order, he has completely lost hope in the world.

He summoned the long sword in his hand, only to hear a "shua".

The sword light flashed coldly, and the decapitated body was already in a different place!




Seeing this scene, Su Fei also had to admire it.

You know, suicide itself requires great courage for human beings.

Qingzong can do so decisively, and he can only say 666!
"How about it, Mr. Su is satisfied with this?"

Regarding Qingzong's death, Hanquan showed no concern on his face.

While Su Fei admired Qingzong, he also admired Hanquan's cold blood even more.

"It's not up to me to be satisfied or not. People cannot be resurrected after death. I only hope that Qingzong's death can make the shopkeeper feel better!"

"Hehe, you are a person who values ​​love and righteousness."

Hanquan smiled deeply, "However, in a place like Shengding Continent, the most false thing is friendship. As a man, only power and money are the most real existence. I hope Mr. Su will not take friendship too seriously. Otherwise, sooner or later you will suffer!"

"thanks for reminding!"

Su Fei looked down at the black brocade box in his hand, and asked, "Hanquan, can you tell me what's inside?"

Han Quan said: "I told you, this is Xuezhen's relic, you take it back and hand it to the shopkeeper, he will know."

(End of this chapter)

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