Chapter 249 Bank (Fourth)

Su Fei didn't know what was in the brocade box.

But seeing Hanquan's sincerity, he didn't ask any more questions, and planned to return to Qingyu Inn.

However, before he had time to leave, Han Quan stopped him.

Han Quan said: Regarding the management rights of this mine, let Su Fei come here again in three days, and then he will give Su Fei a satisfactory answer.

Su Fei didn't think too much, and could only wait for the good news!
After returning to the Qingyu Inn, it was unexpectedly discovered that the Qingyu Inn was closed, and there was not even a single guest.

Seeing Su Fei, a beggar nearby immediately came over and said shyly, "Master, do you want to know where the shopkeeper has gone? If you want to know, give me the money. As long as you give me the money, I will tell you right away." you."

Su Fei glanced at the beggar.

Seeing that he is young, there is a vigorous inner strength in his body, but his clothes are ragged and he is in a mess.

It can be seen that before he became a beggar, he was also a practitioner.

However, his cultivation base is still shallow, less than level 30.

Although Su Fei is a nice person, he is by no means the kind of nice guy.

This young man obviously has hands and feet, yet he has to beg for a living. It's really ridiculous!
Looking at him like this, I don't feel pitiful, I just feel that he is willing to degenerate and does not deserve sympathy.

Even if a person like him starved to death in front of Su Fei, it would not be enough to move Su Fei.

So, he ignored the beggar, stretched his figure, and fell into the backyard of the inn.

Then, jump out of the window and return to Room No. [-] in Tianzi.

He has lived here for more than half a year.

Everything is so familiar.

Going back to the bed to meditate, entered the system's inner vision realm, and asked the little plane about the shopkeeper's whereabouts.

Not long after, I learned that the shopkeeper was disheartened because of Xuezhen's death, and no longer planned to continue operating the store.

Knowing that the shopkeeper intended to leave Nanchuan, Su Fei used the ghost step to chase after him.

Soon, he caught up with the shopkeeper at a crossroad in the west city.

He handed the black brocade box Hanquan gave him to the shopkeeper, and explained that it was Xuezhen's relic.

At the same time, he also told the treasurer about Qingzong's death.

When the shopkeeper heard this, he opened the brocade box and looked at it, his face suddenly became serious, "Mr. Su, I want to ask you one more thing."

"What's the matter, you said."

"I've heard that you want to create your own trump card army. I wonder if this old man has the qualifications to join?"


Su Fei looked at the shopkeeper, "You don't seem to be a cultivator, do you?"

"Although I am not a cultivator, I am a businessman. In a team, how can there be no businessman." The shopkeeper said.


Su Fei thought about it, the economy, no matter which world it is in, is a very crucial existence.

It is a good thing that the shopkeeper is willing to join.

"But...why do you suddenly have such an idea?" Su Fei was curious.

The shopkeeper handed the black brocade box to Su Fei, "You can see for yourself."

Su Fei took it and took a closer look, only to find that there was nothing in the brocade box.

So, he was even more puzzled and said, "Shopkeeper, what does this mean?"

The shopkeeper said: "This is the secret between the old man and Xuezhen. Once I see this brocade box, it means that it's time for me to come out of the world again."

"Returning to the arena?"

Su Fei looked at the shopkeeper suspiciously, "What do you mean by that? Could it be that you were once famous in the Great Qin Empire?"

"Have you heard of Qianzhuang?" the shopkeeper asked.

"Qian Zhuang? Of course I have heard of it."

"I am Qian Zhuang."

"Huh? You mean... your name is Qianzhuang?"


The shopkeeper said: "Most people call me Qianzhuang precisely because my name is Qianzhuang."

"Your name is Qianzhuang, that is to say, are you rich?"

Speaking of which, Su Fei is really short of money now.

To build one's own base, it would cost hundreds of millions of gold soul coins!
Although the shopkeeper was unhappy because of Xuezhen's death, when he mentioned the money, he said proudly: "I'm not exaggerating. My wealth is incomparably rich!"


Hearing this, Su Fei was shocked.

If it is true as the shopkeeper said, then with his joining, many things will become much easier in the future!

Especially the link of recruiting talents will become extremely easy!

(End of this chapter)

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