Chapter 250

So far, Su Fei has recruited quite a few talents in Nanchuan.

The master craftsman Jin Yi can build a mechanism city that makes the enemy never come back.

Swordsman Juejiu, with his understanding of the Nanchuan area, his own efforts, and his eager pursuit of power, although he is not too strong now, Su Fei has high hopes for him, and always feels that in the future, he must Useful.

Grandma Shen, astrologer, knows the past and knows the present, and predicts the future.With her, you can successfully avoid making mistakes in any decision-making in the future.

Shaoyin, the archer of the Tianwu Clan, is the first in team battles. With her strength, she will be of great use in the future!

Qian Mei, the illusion master of the monster tribe, her charm is unparalleled in the world. If she is in the face of a strong enemy, she can put herself in an ideal situation where she can attack and retreat.

Ming Chaoying, the Patriarch of Minglou, although the current Minglou has declined, but in the real Minglou, it seems that there are many strange people who live in seclusion.Presumably, her existence will also be a great trump card in Su Fei's hand to surprise him.

Plus the newly joined banks.

Qian Zhuang possesses a huge amount of wealth that is incomparable to an enemy's country. His existence will definitely make this team more stable!
In addition, there are some people who have not yet joined, but have already appeared in Su Fei's plan.

Kang Bo, and Xiao Mei...

But Qian Mei made it clear that it was impossible for Kang Bo and Xiao Mei to join.

Therefore, Su Fei no longer had any expectations for this.

He only wanted to rescue Gu Chen and Yue Qiu as soon as possible.

You know, in this plan, Gu Chen and Yue Qiu are extremely crucial existences.




Thinking of this, Su Fei unconsciously let out a long breath.

So far, everything that should be prepared has been almost prepared.

As the saying goes, everything is ready, only the east wind is owed.


When will this east wind come?


day, night!

Su Fei and Qian Zhuang returned to Qingyu Inn together.

For now, this is already their base.

Qianmei is back.

She brought Su Fei a magic pill.

However, Su Fei was not in a hurry to accept it.

Because, he hasn't got the attribute stone to fill the attribute slot yet.

But what I never expected was that in the space ring of Qianzhuang, there are countless treasures, and the number of attribute stones is countless, even more.

Qian Zhuang took out attribute stones and asked Su Fei to choose them at will.

Among them, wind, fire, thunder, electricity, ice, water, mystery, poison... almost cover more than [-]% of the attributes of this continent.

But the only thing missing is the overlord-level dark attribute unique to the King of Blue.

But being able to see so many attribute stones at once, Su Fei was inevitably shocked.

"Can I have it all?" he asked.

Hearing this, Qian Zhuang's face instantly collapsed, "Mr. Su, as the saying goes, the result of being too greedy, I'm afraid it won't be very good."

As he said that, he picked up a water-attributed stone and handed it to Su Fei, "Swordsman is a profession with a water-attributed focus. In my old opinion, you should choose the water-attributed one."


Su Fei said: "Old Qian, you don't know yet, I'm actually a full-attribute professional."

"What, all attributes?"

Qian Zhuang looked at Su Fei in surprise, "In history, there are only a handful of full-attribute professionals, you..."

"it is true."

Su Fei briefly stated his experience with Qianzhuang.

After hearing this, Qian Zhuang felt shocked on his face, put his hands behind his back, and said thoughtfully: "No wonder Sima Jing suddenly changed his mind not to kill you. It turns out that Mr. Su really deserves his reputation, and he is a peerless genius that has never been seen in all ages."


At this time, what Su Fei wanted was not compliments, but hoped that Qian Zhuang would be generous and give him enough attribute stones.

Qian Zhuang has planned to join Su Fei's camp, that is, Su Fei's subordinates.

As long as Su Fei speaks, he will naturally not be stingy.

After a while of hesitation, he finally agreed.

"Mr. Su, although attribute stones are good, but in matters like cultivation, it is important to proceed step by step, and you must not act too hastily."

"I know, thank you, old money!"

Su Fei got a table of attribute stones, and immediately went back to the room to meditate and practice.

Entering the system's internal vision realm, with the help of the small plane, it took the lead to inlay an ice-attribute stone that glowed with blue light.

The mosaic process only took 3 minutes!

After the mosaic is completed, open the personal information interface again.

——Ice attribute: 33 points.

There are attributes!
Although not many, this little bit alone is enough to break through the barrier of the Great Sword Master!

The next step is to take a magic pill.

Opening the jade bottle Qian Mei gave him, the magic pill in it exudes a faint medicinal fragrance.

A dark aura lingered on the surface of the pill.

Su Fei had never seen such a pill before, so he asked curiously, "What is the aura on the surface?"


The little plane said: "That's the bull's head grievance from hell!"

"The grievance of the bull's head?"

Su Fei asked, "What do you mean?"

Xiaofei said: "It's a long story. To put it simply, the pharmacist needs to absorb the grievance of the bull's head in the hell realm during the process of refining the first-turn magic pill, otherwise, the pill cannot be made."


It sounds profound.

However, it doesn't matter!
Knowing that the dark aura on it was harmless to the human body, he swallowed it without hesitation!
"Ah, it hurts!"

The pill was swallowed into the stomach.

Immediately, a high-temperature breath flowed in all directions in the body, as if it was about to burst out!

"What's going on, can't I take the Yizhuan Shendan now?"

Su Fei gritted his teeth in pain, and his whole body started to smoke.


The little plane said: "Master, please be calm, this is the necessary process to break through the barrier of the great swordsman, the flaming energy in your body will run through your eight meridians, although this process is painful, it can make you His tendons have become even stronger!"

"Ah! It hurts!"

The intense burning sensation and the feeling that the meridians of the whole body are about to be burned are more unbearable than jumping into the tumbling oil pan!

But after hearing Xiaofei's explanation, Su Fei could only endure the pain.

He frowned tightly, and his eyes seemed to have started to fire.

The flames from his nose scorched his lips black.

And his originally clenched fist, because the flesh and blood was full of flames, the palm of his hand had begun to swell.

Therefore, the tighter he clenched his fist, the more intense the pain.


There was a muffled hum in his throat!

Suddenly, the little plane urgently reminded: "Master, don't compete with that blazing aura, it is a bull's-headed grievance from hell, the more you contend with it, the more pain your body will suffer. "

"Then what should I do!"

Su Fei gritted his teeth and gave a sharp shout.

The little plane said: "Try to feel it, obey it, accommodate him, and then try to conquer it! This process must not be rushed, and must be kept absolutely calm. Only when it feels safe can it truly submit to you!"


Su Fei tried to let go of his tightly clenched hands.

At the same time, doubts arose in my heart, "Could it be, is it a living thing?"

"That's right." Little Airplane said: "It's like me, it's a living creature like an elf. So, you can rest assured that I will help you convince it."

(End of this chapter)

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