Invincible sword repair system

Chapter 251 Nanyu Star Palace

Chapter 251 Nanyu Star Palace (Second Change)

With the help of the small plane, my heart gradually calmed down.

I don't know why, as the little plane said, as long as you relax your mind and calmly feel the flames flowing around your body, the pain in your body will gradually decrease.

feel it!
obey it!
Accommodate it!
Su Fei kept telling himself not to be impetuous.

Let it do anything in the body, even occasionally feel the piercing pain.

But as long as the heart remains calm, completely obey it, accommodate it, until finally, the pain finally disappears completely.




Three hours later, the night deepened.

A bright white moonlight slanted into Su Fei's room from the window sill.

Suddenly, the voice of the little plane came from the ear, "Master, it has become very docile, you can try to merge."

"Well! Let's start then."

Su Fei knew that in order to break through the barrier of cultivation, he had to fully integrate the One-Turn Divine Pill.

To put it simply, it is to conquer it, integrate it into one's own flesh and blood, and make it a part of one's body!

But this process, with Su Fei's innate talent, cannot be completed at all.

Therefore, it is still necessary to rely on the help of small aircraft.



The little plane got the order, and in the system's internal viewing realm, the fusion interface of the magic pill immediately popped up.

"The system is trying to integrate a magic pill, please wait a moment!..."


"Fusion 10%, please wait a moment!..."

"Fusion 20%, please wait a moment!..."

"Fusion 50%, please wait a moment!..."

"Fusion 100%!..."

"Congratulations, the one-turn magic pill has successfully merged!"

Seeing this familiar interface, Su Fei said unexpectedly: "What's going on, why has Mao's operation suddenly become so primitive?"

The little plane said: "It's nothing, the master doesn't have to worry about it, it's a system error."


After the fusion was successful, the burning sensation in Su Fei's body finally completely disappeared.

Although the burning sensation disappeared, there was a very gentle breath in his body.

This breath, lingering on the eight extraordinary meridians, seems to have formed a protection for its own tendons.

Su Fei asked: "What's going on, can you explain it?"

Xiao Ji said: "Look at your left hand."

look up.


The palm of the left hand became very hollow, and there seemed to be a mysterious space hidden inside.

The right hand poked in, but didn't penetrate the palm of his own, but seemed to touch another world.

It was cold inside, like a lake.

The body has just cooled down, and this feeling is very comfortable.


What the hell is this?
Su Fei had never seen such a thing before, so he couldn't help being surprised.


The little plane explained: "Master, don't panic, this is your star palace."

"Is this the Star Palace!"

Su Fei had heard from the little plane a long time ago that every cultivator has his own star palace.

However, the existence of the star palace can only be seen if one breaks through the realm of level 90 cultivation.

Su Fei's star soul is Nan Yu.

So in other words, the star palace in the palm of the left hand is the Nanyu star palace?

The little plane said: "Different zodiac signs have different abilities. Some zodiac signs can bring blessings to cultivators. This kind of zodiac signs are called lucky stars. Other zodiac signs can bring disasters to practitioners." , this kind of star palace is called a disaster star."

"Then what kind of star palace does my star belong to?" Su Fei asked.

The little plane said: "Unfortunately, your horoscope belongs to the latter, which is a disaster."


Su Fei frowned secretly, "Then that means, in the future, my body..."

"That's right, from today onwards, you will experience constant disasters!"


No! ...

It sounds... really fucking fucked up!

"Master, you have to be mentally prepared."

I go!

Prepare a yarn!

Now in Su Fei's heart, [-] words of MMP are not enough!

But thinking about it carefully, he hasn't experienced any good things in the past few years since his soul passed through Saint Ding Continent.

So, he said as calmly as possible: "Little Airplane, you should tell me first, what does the existence of this disaster star mean to me?"


Xiao Ji said: "Do you know why your innate talent is only 0.1, and your innate aptitude is only 1.5?"

"Could it be related to my star palace?"


"But... I still don't quite understand, can you explain?"

"To put it simply, the Southern Fish Star Palace is the main disaster. It has a great influence on the host. The host who owns the Southern Fish Star Palace is doomed to have many disasters in this life. Moreover, it also has a great impact on the host's body. It will Makes the host weak and sick."

I go! ... "So, it's all about me?"

"Can't say that either."

The little plane said: "Without its existence, you will not be able to break through the barrier of the Great Sword Master, and you will not be able to break through the Sword King, the Great Sword King...even the Great Sword God...It is impossible to break through! "

But... "According to what you said, if I broke through the barrier of the great sword master, can I still break through the barrier of the sword king alive!"

"Don't worry, there will be a way to resolve it." The little plane comforted.

"What way, say!"

"Well... I don't know for the time being, let's wait a while and see how much this disaster star will affect you."

I go! ... "Isn't it the same as if you didn't say it?"


The little plane is also very helpless, "Master, don't think too much, since the disaster is coming, the best way to deal with it is to improve your strength as soon as possible, only if you have enough strength, can you be sure to disperse all disasters! "

"It's not a matter of grasping or not, it's just..."

"Just what?"


Su Fei originally had a lot to say.

However, he suddenly didn't want to say anything.

Because, his heart suddenly became very uneasy.

This uneasy feeling is inexplicable.

He didn't know why he felt this way all of a sudden.

If it is the fear of disaster, it is obviously impossible.

Today's Su Fei is not even afraid of death, it is impossible to be afraid of mere disasters.


It is at this time.

There was a thunder in my ear.


The little plane reminded: "No, trouble has come!"


"Don't ask, it's not suitable to stay here for a long time, we have to leave here quickly!"

"where to?"

"Go to Proud World Villa first."

Although I don't know exactly what happened.

But since the little plane said so, Su Fei didn't have time to think about it.

He rushed downstairs in a hurry, came to Qian Zhuang's room, and asked, "Old Qian, where's Qian Mei?"

"She refused and left the palace, Mr. Su, what happened?"

Qian Zhuang was already asleep, seeing Su Fei approaching, he immediately put on his clothes.

"Didn't you hear the thunder just now? We have to leave here quickly, pack up and come with me immediately." Su Fei looked anxious.


Qian Zhuang was stunned and went to the window to have a look.

The moon was high in the sky, and the weather was beautiful.

So, he said with a smile: "How can there be thunder in such a good weather, Mr. Su, you must have heard wrong."

(End of this chapter)

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