Chapter 252

Only later did I realize that the thunder did not come from the sky, but from within the Nanyu Xinggong.

The Nanyu Star Palace is unique to Su Fei.

Therefore, only Su Fei could hear the thunder.

It is worth mentioning that the Nanyu Xinggong has just been opened, and everything inside is still in a state of chaos.

That thunder will not have a direct impact on Su Fei, but will wake up the creatures that have been sleeping for a long time.

What kind of creatures will be awakened, even a small plane cannot know.

She just asked Su Fei to rush to Aoshi Villa as soon as possible.



A few minutes later, Su Fei brought Qian Zhuang to the gate of Ao Shi Villa.


As expected, Xiaoying opened the door for them.

"Master Su, come in quickly."

This time, Xiaoying already knew that Su Fei was in trouble, so she stopped being so verbose as before, and directly led Su Fei into the Scarlet Cloud Palace.

Inside the Scarlet Cloud Hall.

Neptune, Mu Ruoshui, Grandma Shen, Ye Xue, and Jin Yi appeared so neatly for the first time.

Moreover, each of them has a serious face.

"Xiaoying, step back first!"


Xiaoying bowed to Yexue, then turned and left.

"Master Su, Boss Qian, please come in and talk."

Looking at Ye Xue's attitude, it seems that she already knows the identity of Qian Zhuang?
The two walked in.

Qian Zhuang asked: "Xiaoxue, I haven't seen you for many years. You are still so young, but there is one thing I don't understand."

"If there's anything Boss Qian doesn't understand, just say it."

It seems that Ye Xue and Qian Zhuang really knew each other a long time ago.

"Why do you want to help Su Fei? What do you like about him?"

"how about you?"

Ye Xue asked back, "Didn't you also walk with him?"


Qian Zhuang nodded thoughtfully, "Okay, I understand. If that's the case, we will be allies from now on."

"No! We are not allies."

"No? What is that?"

"It doesn't matter what it is, you should go down and rest now, we and Mr. Su still have some things to deal with."

"Oh, okay."

Qian Zhuang saw that Ye Xue was so abnormal today, it must be because of something happened to Su Fei.

So, he stopped talking and followed Ye Xue's arrangement.



Afterwards, Jin Yi took Qian Zhuang to the wing to rest.

As a result, only Neptune, Grandma Shen, Mu Ruoshui, Ye Xue, and Su Fei were left in Chiyun Hall.

Grandma Shen looked at Su Fei carefully, "As expected, you have really broken through the barrier of the great sword master."

Regarding this, Mu Ruoshui looked puzzled, "Usually, once someone breaks through the level 90 cultivation base barrier, they must be born with abnormal phenomena, but tonight is so peaceful, how can this be explained?"

Grandma Shen said: "Mr. Su is not an ordinary person, and everything cannot be explained by ordinary theories. I did a divination for him just now, and found that his zodiac sign is Nanyu.

"Recently, the Nanyu Xinggong was surrounded by three evil stars.

"—Tianpeng star, Tianrui star, Tianzhu star.

"Tomorrow happens to be the Tianzhu coming to the palace again, if as expected, Mr. Su, your great enemy is coming!"

"My archenemy?"

Su Fei asked: "Who is my arch enemy?"

Grandma Shen shook her head, "The secret must not be leaked. After noon tomorrow, you can freely wander the streets of Nanchuan. You will know everything by then."


Since Granny Shen didn't want to say anything, Su Fei couldn't ask more.



The next day, noon.

Su Fei really wandered around the streets of Nanchuan alone.

Although Nanchuan fell due to the war a few months ago, after several months of repairs, it has roughly restored its former prosperity.

Coupled with the better weather, the streets and alleys are full of traffic, and there are dense pedestrians everywhere.

Wandering back and forth bored, I suddenly found a gambling house in front of me.

The guests in the gambling house came and went in a hurry, some were downcast, and some were ecstatic.

"Oh! These people are so boring!"

Su Fei shook his head, and was about to skip the casino, when he suddenly heard a burst of crazy laughter from the casino.

"Ha ha ha ha!……"

The man laughed wildly, and even said wildly: "You fools, if you want to bet with me, you don't take a pee and look in the mirror to see what kind of virtue you have!"

this sound...

Hearing this, Su Fei frowned slightly, and unconsciously glanced sideways at the person inside through the door of the gambling house.

It doesn't matter if you look at it, it's startling when you see it!
It was a figure that was extremely familiar to Su Fei.

——Su Yan!
Unexpectedly, he also came to Nanchuan?
Could it be that he is the great enemy that Granny Shen mentioned?
According to Su Fei's original plan, now is not the time to take action against the Su family.

Su Yan is the most valued talent of the Su family. If he is killed now, who will be more valuable to witness his brilliance in the future?

Do not!
Now is not the time to fight him.

Thinking of this, he decided to turn a blind eye.

"Hey, isn't this the abandoned son of our Su family?"

Of course!
Before taking two steps, he was actually stopped by two cousins ​​of the Su family.

One of them is tall and big, and the other looks like a dwarf.

Although their talents are not that great in terms of the entire Great Qin Empire.

However, when they were in the Su family, they were considered the favored sons of heaven.

Most of their peers would lower their heads and talk when they saw them.

However, with Su Fei's stubborn temperament, he never took them seriously.

Therefore, they often suffer from them.

Of course, because of Su Teng's position in the Presbyterian Church, the two of them never personally punched Su Fei.

However, they often use some small means to frame Su Fei, making Su Teng often severely punish Su Fei with a whip.

It can be said that part of the bitter days experienced in the Su family came from the framing of these two people in front of them!

It has to be said that a long time ago, Su Fei hated the two of them to the bone.

However, after looking at it just now, it was found that the cultivation base of the two of them was less than 30th level.

Today's Su Fei, if he wants to kill them, it can be said that it is as easy as crushing an ant.

But he has never been a bully, seeing them so weak, he just laughed it off and ignored them.

"Hey, stop!"

Of course!
They refused to let go, and stepped forward to block Su Fei's way, "You are getting more and more impolite, we are cousins ​​after all, you didn't even say hello when you saw us, I see you It's owed, isn't it!"

As he said that, the tall Su Li was gearing up, intending to attack Su Fei.

The short Su Jia also showed a sullen look on his face, and shouted sharply: "You better stand still, let us two brothers give you a good beating, otherwise, we will report your whereabouts to the sky!" Jianzong, when the time comes, I guarantee that you will not be able to eat and walk around!"

(End of this chapter)

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