Invincible sword repair system

Chapter 253 The Long-lost Warmth

Chapter 253 The Long-lost Warmth (Second Update)
"Hehe, are you looking for death, then I will fulfill you!"

Su Fei glared at them coldly, with murderous thoughts in his heart.


As a majestic swordsman, facing two young men who are less than 30 levels, if you want to kill together, you will see blood.

In just a split second, the sword light flashed coldly, and Su Li and Su Jia were decapitated before they had time to react!




Suddenly, the streets outside the gambling house fell into panic.

Everyone looked at Su Fei with terrified eyes.

Su Fei was not surprised by this.

Calmly withdrew the Holy Spirit Sword, and then used the Hidden Ghost Step. Before Su Yan turned his head to see him, he flew and landed outside the gate of Aoshi Villa.



This time, Xiaoying opened the door for him one step ahead.

"Master Su, you are one step behind what Grandma Shen expected, what happened?" Xiaoying asked.

"A step too late?"

Su Fei thought about it, could it be that he killed Su Li and Su Jia casually just now, so it was too late?
"Master Su, what are you thinking?"

Seeing that Su Fei was preoccupied, Xiaoying asked curiously.

"It's nothing, can you take me to see Grandma Shen?"

"Of course, Grandma Shen is waiting for you to come back in the Scarlet Cloud Palace."

"Well, let's go now."



Two 10 minutes later.

Red Cloud Palace.

Granny Shen was indeed in the hall.

Xiaoying led Su Fei into the main hall, then turned around and retreated.

Granny Shen approached Su Fei, and said with concern: "Mr. Su, what happened just now?"

"Just now?……"

Su Fei wasn't quite sure what Granny Shen was referring to, so he asked back, "Grandma Shen, what are you referring to?"

"Did you kill someone?"

Speaking of this, Grandma Shen's face was not very good-looking.

At that moment, Su Fei saw the fear in Granny Shen's eyes, and felt inexplicably uneasy, "Grandma Shen, did I do something wrong?"

"No, it's not your fault."

Grandma Shen stared intently at Su Fei's eyes.

...After a long time, with deep brows furrowed, he sighed deeply: "Alas! ... Today the Tianzhu is coming to the palace, perhaps, this is your fate! ..."

Her tone was full of helplessness.


Hearing these two words, Su Fei was inexplicably resistant.

You know, in the world he used to live in, everyone believed in science.

——The so-called science is something that can be seen, touched, and felt.

And metaphysics is obviously too ethereal, and there are many things that science cannot explain.

The word fate inevitably reveals a bit of mystery.

Su Fei in the past was indeed reluctant to believe in such mysterious things.

However, after living in Shengding Continent for a long time, I gradually began to believe that some things were really predestined in the dark.

For example, the star soul he awakened at level 65, and the star palace opened at level 90.

——These are all predestined!
However, what did Granny Shen refer to by fate?

Su Fei thought for a while, and asked: "Could it be that Grandma Shen is saying that I killed Su Li and Su Jia today because I was controlled by the Tianzhu star?"

"It can't be said completely, but it must have had an impact."

"how do I say this?"

"Tianzhu star is the main killer, your horoscope is affected by Tianzhu star, once your heart is strongly stimulated, it is easy to have murderous thoughts. As a cultivator, and a cultivator who has broken through level 90 , killing thoughts together, the consequences will be disastrous."


No wonder!
Su Fei himself felt strange, from the very beginning, he had no intention of killing Su Luo and Su Jia.

Even when they were in the Su family, they never thought of killing them.

Now that he has left the Su family, he has no reason to be as knowledgeable as those two stupid villains.

Thinking of this, he looked down at the palm of his left hand.

At this moment, the star palace was dark, and something seemed to happen inside.

Grandma Shen saw that his expression was different, so she asked, "Mr. Su, did you feel anything unusual?"

"No, no."

Su Fei is not sure if everything in the Star Palace is normal.

Grandma Shen was also looking at Su Fei's left hand.

——After a while, her face became more serious, "Master Su, I see you are very tired, why don't you go down and have a rest first, we will talk another day."

"another day?"

"Well, I have other things to deal with. You are not the only guest here."

"Oh...well, if you have something to do, Mrs. Shen, go and do it first. I'm fine."


Saying that, Grandma Shen left Scarlet Cloud Palace with a face of indifference.

Looking at her going back, Su Fei was still wondering, her attitude changed too quickly.

Is it true that there are other guests?
I always feel that she left in such a hurry because she discovered something.


For an expert like her, it is indeed difficult for ordinary people to understand.

"never mind!"

If you can't see through it, don't worry about it, let's go back and rest first.



It's still the same room as last time.

——that is, the backyard of Scarlet Cloud Hall.

As soon as he walked into the room, he found that there was another person in the room.

"Mu Jian? Why are you here?"

"Su Fei, let me ask you, when will that thing be done?"

Mu Jian was full of worries, and after only seeing her for a day, she looked even more haggard than before.

"Soon, don't worry."

Su Fei knew what she was worried about.

In fact, Su Fei didn't want to complete the plan earlier, rush back to Qinjian Mountain as soon as possible, and solve the trouble for the Mu family.

But people are in the rivers and lakes, and they can't help themselves.

He himself got into all sorts of troubles he couldn't get out of.

Tianzhu approaching the palace, how to avoid disaster?

What did Granny Shen discover?In the future, is there a greater disaster waiting for him?

Everything made him inexplicably uneasy.

In order to take the overall situation into consideration, the Mu family can only be wronged temporarily.

Mu Jian looked into Su Fei's eyes.

She could see the sincerity and his embarrassment in Su Fei's eyes.


So, she sighed heavily, and sat down with a tired face, "I also know that I shouldn't force you like this, but... I really have no other way, if the Mu family really..."

After all she had said, she could no longer continue, tears glistened in her eyes, which made her extremely sad.

Su Fei has always regarded her as his best friend. Seeing her like this, he couldn't help himself for a while, so he hugged her into his arms regardless of the difference between men and women, and comforted her softly: "Don't be afraid, the development of the matter is still going to happen." It's not so unbearable, Sima Jing has already revoked the order to kill me, no matter how presumptuous the people of Tianjianzong are, they will have concerns."


Mu Jian had obviously thought about this point a long time ago.

But when she thought that her people were being oppressed by the Heavenly Sword Sect, she unconsciously felt chills all over her body.

Fortunately, Su Fei hugged her considerately. In this way, she finally felt a long-lost warmth in this cold world...

(End of this chapter)

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