Chapter 254 True God
"Knock knock knock!"

Not long after, someone suddenly knocked on the door.


Su Fei immediately let go of Mu Jian's body.

"It's me, Mu Ruoshui."

"Three elders?"

Hearing this, Mu Jian got up immediately, and whispered in Su Fei's ear: "Hide me in your space ring first, and don't let the third elder find out that I came here."

"Huh? Why?"

Su Fei was stunned.

"Just do as I say, and I'll explain to you later."

"Uh... well then."

Facing Mu Jian's request, Su Fei couldn't refuse.

But he couldn't figure it out, even though Mu Ruo had a frosty appearance in normal times and seemed difficult to get along with, but she was cold on the outside and hot on the inside, but she was actually very kind-hearted and worthy of friendship.

This point, Mu Jian should have been very clear, why should she avoid her?

"Su Fei, is it inconvenient?"

Just as Su Fei hid Mu Jian into the space ring.

At this time, Mu Ruoshui saw that he hadn't opened the door for a long time, so she planned to leave.

"No, no, it's convenient, of course it's convenient."

After confirming that Mu Jian was hidden, she immediately opened the door for Mu Ruoshui.


The door opened.

Mu Ruoshui stood at the door with a twisted look on her face, as if there was something unspeakable hidden.

Su Fei had never seen her like this.

"Third Elder, what's the matter with you? Is your injury still not healed, where is it uncomfortable?"

He has always had a special concern for Mu Ruoshui.

It was also because of this concern that she paid more attention to Mu Ruoshui.

With more attention, some small movements on her body are also presented in front of her eyes at a glance.

At this moment, she clasped her fingers tightly, looking at Su Fei with a different emotion in her eyes.

After tweaking for a while, he finally returned to his usual aloof attitude, "Su Fei, don't overthink it. I'm here just to ask how your cultivation is doing recently."

"Oh, that's it. It's okay. I won't think too much about it. Third Elder, please come in and talk."

Su Fei made an invitation gesture.

Mu Ruoshui waved his hands indifferently, "I won't go in, you answer my question first."

"This one……"

Su Fei didn't know what to say, "My cultivation has always been stable, there is no problem."

"Really okay?"

Mu Ruoshui was always thinking that last night, Su Fei broke through the Great Sword Master's barrier.


The sky in Nanchuan is really too peaceful.

Thinking of the time when she broke through the realm of the holy pharmacist, Qinjian Mountain was shrouded in dark clouds and heavy rain poured down that day.

The dense thunderstorms in the sky killed tens of thousands of creatures in the Qinjian Mountain area.Including herself, she almost lost her life!

But Su Fei broke through the realm of the Great Sword Master, everything was so peaceful and peaceful.To her, this was really unbelievable.

Of course!
Judging from Su Fei's expression, there is indeed nothing wrong with him.

So, after thinking about it for a moment, he said, "If that's the case, then tell me, have you encountered any trouble recently?"


Su Fei looked puzzled, "What does the third elder mean by this, why did you ask this all of a sudden?"

"Why, do you think I'm troublesome?"

Mu Ruoshui's complexion suddenly sank, instead of explaining, she was a bit displeased.

"No, no, that's not what I meant."

"That's what you mean clearly." Mu Ruoshui snorted coldly, "Multiple affirmations mean no, do you think I'm really that stupid?"


It's really hard to fool a really smart person.

So, hesitantly said: "Third Elder, tell me, what exactly did you find?"

"Hehe, you are really slippery. Now I am asking you, why did you ask me instead. Tell me, what happened last night!"

This time, there was even a hint of anger in Mu Ruoshui's eyes.

Su Fei didn't understand why she suddenly became like this.

But he knows that if a person suddenly changes his attitude towards you, it must be because of some discovery.

Either find your good, or find your bad.

What is even more frightening is that you have been misunderstood.

Judging from Mu Ruoshui's current state, he probably belongs to the latter.

Generally speaking, at such times, the best way is to let her calm down as soon as possible.

Only when she calms down can she treat everything about you fairly.

Based on Su Fei's understanding of Mu Ruoshui, she has a very stubborn personality. Once she decides on something, it is really difficult for ordinary people to change her opinion.

But he could also see that the reason why Mu Ruoshui was so anxious to find him was that there must be something hidden behind it.

I just don't know what the secret is.

It was also because Su Fei didn't know anything, so he didn't dare to speak casually.

You should know that at such a time, even if you just say a wrong sentence, it is possible that this misunderstanding will never be resolved.

So, he fell into a long period of contemplation.

He thought, how to understand her misunderstanding of him, and what is the origin of it?

Is it really as she said, because of what happened last night?
Do not!
Things can never be so simple.



After thinking for a long time, I finally couldn't get the answer...

Without an answer, he remained silent.

Mu Ruoshui finally got impatient with waiting, and said with a cold face, "Why, you're speechless, right? If that's the case, I'll make it up for you!"

Hearing this, Su Fei finally found a breakthrough.

At this time, if she is willing to speak out by herself, that would be great.

So, with his arms around his chest, he calmly said: "Okay, Third Elder, if you have anything to say, just say it, and I will listen with all my ears."

Mu Ruoshui's face was serious, and it could even be said that there was a bit of pain, "What happened last night, in my opinion, there is only one possibility."

"What is possible?"

" are not human at all!"

"Not human? Then what am I?"

Hearing this, Su Fei almost laughed out loud.

"You are a true god who surpasses humans, demons, demons, immortals, gods... all races."

"What? True God?"

This time, Su Fei couldn't hold back any longer, and said with a scornful smile, "If I'm a real god, can I still be in such a field? Third Elder, don't make fun of me. It's still pretty clear."

"No, you don't know at all."

Mu Ruoshui has never been so serious like today, "Every word I say next, you must remember in my heart!"

"Uh... well, tell me."

"You are a true god, so the heavens dare not punish you, and the earth dare not complain. The only thing that can guide you is your natal chart. So next, your first task is to find your own natal chart. Everything else will no longer matter. !..."

Every word she said, every word, seemed very heavy, and it didn't look like she was joking at all.

But what she said is not too exaggerated.

How can someone like me be a real god?If I am a real god, then I am a real god!
(End of this chapter)

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