Chapter 256

What is this place?
After Mu Ruoshui put him down, he summoned the Purple Winged Phoenix again, and quickly flew away from here.Nothing was further explained to him.


The little plane said: "Here, I feel an extremely tyrannical and sinister atmosphere, it seems... not like the world!"

"Not in the human world?"

Su Fei was startled, "Could it be... I died again?"

"No... I don't know either."

At every critical moment, the answer of the little plane always makes people so speechless!


The next day, evening.

Su Fei's body was finally able to move.

Opened his eyes, looked around, and found that this place was actually an island suspended in the void.

And the sky above was actually a frozen sea.

Looking from the bottom up, the sea area is colorful, with countless strange and strange underwater creatures, moreover, more than half of them are unknown to Su Fei.

At a certain moment, looking down at the bottom of the island, the waterfall flew straight down, and I didn't know where it fell.

Below, there are thick clouds, and occasionally a few unknown seabirds can be seen flying by.



This is clearly not hell!

Su Fei had lived in hell for a few days, and he knew very well how terrifying the environment in hell was.

So he tried pinching his own arm.

Take a deep breath, feel the spiritual energy in the air, as well as the dragon energy and sword energy in your body...

Everything is so real.

After several confirmations, he knew that he was not dead.

Therefore, Mu Jian was released from the space ring immediately.

When Mu Jian saw the surrounding environment, she was also taken aback.

"Where is this?" Mu Jian asked.

"I don't know, the little plane said, this place may not be human."

Mu Jian already knew Su Fei's secret seven years ago.

Therefore, in front of Mu Jian, Su Fei didn't need to hide the existence of the small plane.

"Not human?"

Mu Jian closed her eyes, rested her chin with one hand, her expression was frozen.

Su Fei knew that she must have entered the internal vision of the system to check the information.

So, don't bother anymore.



3 minute later.

Mu Jian opened her eyes and said solemnly, "I see, this is Kongshen Island."

"Sky God Island?"

When he heard the name, the little plane reacted immediately, "Could this be the lair of Kongshen!"

Su Fei heard the words and asked secretly: "Do you know Kongshen?"

"Of course I know, Kongshen is the true god that Mu Ruoshui met in Qinjian Mountain before."


Su Fei was startled, "Then the reason she sent me here is..."

"I don't know, thing is certain."


"someone is coming!"


This little plane is getting more and more naughty!

Someone really is coming.

The man was dressed in Taoist robes, and he was a boy under ten years old.

The little plane said that he is a Taoist boy of Kongshen Island, and at the same time, he is also an apprentice of Kongshen.

Dao Tong walked up to Su Fei and Mu Jian and asked, "Which one of you is Su Fei?"

Su Fei said, "I am."

Mu Jian said: "He is."

"Then who are you?" Dao Tong looked at Mu Jian.

"I'm Mu Jian."

"What's your relationship with him?"


Mu Jian looked at Su Fei hesitantly.

"We are friends." Su Fei said.


Daotong looked at the two suspiciously, "The teacher said that the people of the Five Kingdoms of Shengding are all ruthless and ungrateful, and there is no such thing as a friend. You just are friends?"

"That's right, we are indeed friends." Su Fei looked affirmative.

"Really?" Dao Tong looked at Mu Jian again.

Mu Jian also expressed affirmation, "We are indeed friends, and they are of a very good kind."

"Is it?"

Daotong expressed disbelief, "Since you are friends, is there any way to prove it?"


Mu Jian asked, "Does this still need proof?"

"of course."

Daotong put his hands behind his back, looking like a little adult, and said solemnly: "The teacher said, the five kingdoms of Shengding have never lacked hypocrisy. The word friendship is too heavy. It is not you ordinary people like the five kingdoms of Shengding Affordable."

"Is it?"

After hearing these words, Mu Jian put her arms around her chest, looking very angry, "Xiao Dao, since you know so much, how can you prove the authenticity of friendship?"

"Have you heard of the wheel of life and death?" Daotong asked.

"The wheel of life and death?"

Hearing this, Mu Jian was silent for a while, resting her chin with one hand, her expression was frozen, presumably, she went into the system to check the information again.


Su Fei's system is undoubtedly the most advanced.

The little plane quickly found relevant information about the wheel of life and death.

The so-called wheel of life and death means that two people enter the wheel of life and death at the same time, and in the end, only one person can come out of it alive.

So, he said with a smile: "Little Taoist priest, don't go so far, look at you, you seem to know that I'm coming?"


Xiaodao nodded, "The eight-year deadline has come. The teacher said that in the next few days, you will definitely appear on Kongshen Island. Therefore, every evening, I will come to Jueming Waterfall to check."

"Is it?"

Su Fei chuckled, "Since your teacher is so powerful and wants to prove whether there is a friendship between Mu Jian and me, why do you need such pediatrics as the wheel of life and death? Why not let him judge by himself?"

"Ha ha."

Hearing this, Xiaodao's complexion sank, he pointed at Su Fei, and said loudly, "Are you sure?"

Seeing Xiaodao's abnormal behavior, Su Fei froze for a moment.


The little plane reminded: "Master, now is not the time to meet the Sky God."


Why didn't you say it earlier!
"You didn't ask me either."


Forget it.

Now that the little plane had said it, he could only smile awkwardly, and said loudly, "Not sure."

"Hmph, count you acquainted!"

Xiaodao's face returned to calm, "I don't care if you are friends or not, anyway, I have to remind you that since you have come to Kongshen Island, you must abide by the rules of Kongshen Island. From today on, you two, go to the Vientiane Building first to work. As for other matters, we will talk about them later.”

"Where is Vientiane Building?" Su Fei asked.

"Don't ask so many questions, come with me!"

Xiaodao didn't seem to like other people talking too much, his face darkened, he turned around, and walked towards a small path in the northwest direction.

"Hey, let's go."

Su Fei patted Mu Jian's arm lightly.


Mu Jian then withdrew from the system's internal vision.

They followed the trail.

Not far away, the sky became darker.

Suddenly, there was no way ahead.


The trail didn't stop, as if he didn't see the cliff in front of him, he still walked forward with his head held high.

Seeing this, Su Fei shouted: "Be careful!"

"Be careful, this is Mirror Bridge."

Not only did Xiaodao not stop, but there was a bit of sarcasm in his tone.

"Mirror Bridge?"

Mu Jian was surprised, "So there really is a mirror bridge in this world!"

Walking up the path to the mirror bridge, it was as if standing on the void, and said proudly: "This is Kongshen Island, and the mirror bridge is just an ordinary thing, there is nothing to make a fuss about."

(End of this chapter)

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