Invincible sword repair system

Chapter 257 The Real Planner

Chapter 257 The real mastermind (second more)
It was only later that I learned that this Kongshen Island was a small world created by Kongshen.

Practicing in a small world can achieve twice the result with half the effort.

If he could live here for three to five years, he would surely be able to break through to the Sword Emperor Realm, and even have a chance to break through to the Sword Sovereign Realm!

With Su Fei's current situation, it is really difficult to stay here calmly.

Walking through the magical mirror bridge, and then passing through two secluded dense forests, you will soon see the Vientiane Tower.

The Vientiane Building is divided into nine floors, standing in the very center of the square, surrounded by incomparably empty spaces, which makes the Vientiane Building quite abrupt.

Dao Tong took them to the downstairs of Vientiane, but he didn't go in directly.

They waited outside the door, as if waiting for something.



Not long after, a young woman in a black robe came out of the building, "Destiny, are these two new workers?"

It turns out that the name of this little Taoist boy is Tianming?


Hearing this name, the little plane immediately reminded: "Master, I understand, he is not only the apprentice of the Sky God, but also the weapon of the Sky God."

what the hell!

Sky God's weapon?
At first, Su Fei was surprised.

However, it soon became clear that Destiny was the soul of Kongshen's weapon.

The weapon soul phantom, that is to say, the weapon of the sky god must be above the sixth rank!
——However, this is not surprising.

After all, he is a true god!



Closer to home.

Here, the black-robed woman was discussing with Tianming about Su Fei and Mu Jian's work arrangements in the Vientiane Building.

Five minutes later, their discussion finally came to a conclusion.

Tianming turned to look at Su Fei, "This Taoist nun's name is Gan Lansen, and she is also the owner of Wanxiang Building. From now on, everything you do here must follow her arrangement, understand!"

"Destiny, I'm so sorry, I don't want to stay here, you still tell me how to get out of here."

Su Fei was still thinking about the matter over there in Nanchuan, if he stayed here to work, he might miss a big deal.

Although she could vaguely feel that Mu Ruoshui sent him here, everything was for his safety.

However, how could a plan that had been carefully planned for such a long time be abandoned halfway.

Seeing his reluctance, Tianming turned cold and said coldly: "That's really embarrassing, you don't have a choice."

"If I have to leave!"

Su Fei knew very well that even if Destiny was just the weapon soul of Kongshen, his strength should not be underestimated, and he was no match for Destiny at all.

But if he stays here, those people who betrayed Jueming Ligong for him will probably end badly.

You must know that the imperial court has never taken action against everyone, precisely because of the face of Su Fei's extraordinary talent.

Plus the previous agreement with Hanquan.

If Su Fei hadn't appeared in Beicheng Mine by then, Hanquan would have found something.

If Su Fei disappears from now on, then Nanchuan's peace may end here!
Destiny doesn't know what Su Fei is thinking in his heart, nor what he has experienced in Saint Ding Continent.

He just laughed mockingly, "It's impossible for you to leave here."

"Really, if the water is also a level 90 cultivator, if she can go out, why can't I!"

"Hey, because of her!"

Tianming pointed at Mu Jian behind Su Fei.


Su Fei thought to himself, if he could walk, even if Mu Jian couldn't, he could hide her in his space ring.

Of course!
Tianming seemed to see through his mind, and said coldly: "If she leaves, she will die soon!"

"What do you mean!" Su Fei's face turned cold.

"Can't you see that she has been poisoned, and only my teacher can cure her of this poison."

At the same time as he said this, a hint of sinister flew in Tianming's eyes.

At that moment, Su Fei immediately understood.

The person who poisons is the destiny!
"Then tell me, what will it take to let us go!" Su Fei clenched his fists tightly, suppressing his anger.

"Don't worry, just listen to me first."

Destiny looked at Su Fei's left hand, "You just opened the Nanyu Star Palace, and Nanyu is a disaster star, Ruoshui sent you here just to save your life, if you just let you go, Isn't Ruoshui's hard work wasted in vain?"

"I know she's doing it for my own good, but I don't need her to do it!"

"That's really embarrassing, it's not up to you to decide."

As he said that, Tianming counted his fingers and said with a smile: "Look, because Ruoshui helped you resolve this disaster, the disaster has already entangled Ruoshui now. She has suffered so much for you, and you are completely indifferent? ?”


This is not the ending Su Fei wants to see, "What the hell is going on!"

Tianming shook his right hand out of thin air and grabbed a skypeeping mirror.

Through the sky mirror, it can be seen that Mu Ruoshui has returned to Nanchuan.


She did not return to the Aoshi Villa smoothly, but was imprisoned in a dark water prison.

There is a cold air in the water prison, even through the sky mirror, you can feel the cold.

Mu Ruoshui's coat was taken off, and she was only wearing a white singlet. Most of her body was soaked in the cold pool. Her body was already frozen stiff. Moreover, her body was covered with bloodstains. She seemed to have suffered a serious injury, and she was already fainted. past.

Seeing this scene, both Su Fei and Mu Jian's expressions were ugly.

But at this moment, there was a "clang" sound from the sky peeping mirror.

The gate of the dungeon was opened.

A young man walked into the water dungeon.

That person had an annoying face, it turned out to be... Su Yan!
Seeing Su Yan's face clearly, Su Fei frowned even deeper, "What's going on here!"

"do not know."

Tianming said something coldly.

At the same time, he closed the sky mirror and said indifferently: "Su Fei, you have also seen that Ruoshui was caught because of you, if you let her down, then you are worthy of her!"

"Is there something wrong with your brain!"

Su Fei said bitterly: "She was captured, if I don't go to save her, then what kind of man am I!"

"Don't get excited, I let you stay in Wanxiang Building, this is to help you, you must not be ignorant of flattery, otherwise, believe it or not, I will kill you right now!"

"Okay, if you have the guts, kill me now!"

Su Fei has long seen that all of this was not planned by Mu Ruoshui, the one who really planned all of this is actually the owner of Kongshen Island!

Therefore, Tianming, as the soul of the Kongshen, dare not take his own life at all!

After seeing through these, he can be confident.


Seeing that Su Fei's attitude was still so tough, Destiny quickly succumbed, "Su Fei, you are a smart person, can't you see that this place is not only rich in aura, but also extremely pure, and you can practice here within three days. You will be able to break through the realm of Sword Emperor in [-], don't you think you are not at all moved by this!"

Su Fei snorted coldly, "So what if the heart is moved, do you want me to watch Ruoshui die! I warn you, if you don't let me go, I promise you will regret it!"

(End of this chapter)

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