Chapter 258

Tianming was so angry that he trembled all over, "It's really rotten wood that can't be carved!"

"Stop talking nonsense, let us go quickly, and you'd better get rid of the poison on Mu Jian immediately, otherwise..."


Before Su Fei finished speaking, Tianming had obediently thrown a red jade bottle into Mu Jian's hand, "This is the antidote, take it internally, and it will be detoxified within 10 minutes."

"The antidote? When did I get poisoned?"

In fact, Mu Jian didn't feel any discomfort in her body.

"Don't ask about this, just try to feel the aura in the dantian to see if there is any abnormality."


Mu Jian was secretly lucky, sure enough!
The aura in the dantian couldn't be raised at all.

Moreover, as soon as he was about to get lucky, he immediately felt weakness in his limbs, dizziness, and his face turned pale, as if he was about to die.

Was it really poisoned?

She didn't realize it herself.

He glanced at the jade bottle in his hand, hesitated for a moment, and finally took the pill in the bottle.


Pills into the abdomen.

In just an instant, the aura in the body gradually returned to normal, and his complexion also improved.

Su Fei saw it and felt relieved secretly.

"Destiny, without further ado, tell me, how can we get out of here."


Tianming looked up at the Vientiane Building, and sighed deeply, "Su Fei, have you really made up your mind? If you stay in the Vientiane Building, let alone break through to the Sword Emperor Realm within three years, with your talent, within a hundred years, Surely he can become the Great Sword God above all things, is it true that he is really willing to give up all of this for the mere Mu Ruoshui?"

"If Ruoshui dies, so what if I become the Great Sword God, I have made up my mind, please let us go immediately!"


Gan Lansen on the side shook his head, took out a small golden gift box from the space ring, and handed it to Su Fei, "You take this, no matter where you go in the future, or give up anything, you can't lose this Got it, do you understand!"

"What is this?..."

"This is your horoscope, Kansamala."

"Nan Sanmara?"

Such a strange turned out to be his own horoscope?
"Don't ask so many questions, since you insist on leaving, I have to remind you that before you meet Agadala, you can't let anyone see your horoscope, let alone use your horoscope as a weapon to kill the enemy. understand."

It can be seen that Gan Lansen seems to be very concerned about Su Fei's safety.

"Understood, thank you!"

Su Fei put away his natal chart.

At the same time, he looked at Kalansen suspiciously.

Suddenly, she found that the aura between her eyebrows seemed to have a sense of deja vu.

Therefore, I can't help but doubt her identity, "Did we meet somewhere?"

Kalansen turned his back, "Since you are determined to leave, we have nothing to say. Destiny, you take him away."

"it is good!"



Afterwards, Tianming took the two of them back to Jueming Waterfall the same way.

"Su Fei, are you sure you want to go?"


"Do you know that once you leave, I'm afraid you won't be able to come back here in a short time."

"How do you say that?"

Although Su Fei didn't think about coming back, but hearing what Tianming said, he couldn't help being curious.

Tianming shook his head, "This is the secret of Kongshen Island, since you are leaving, I have nothing to say."

After finishing his speech, he took out a jade bottle from the space ring again and handed it to Su Fei, "Take the elixir inside, and you can leave smoothly."

"What is this?" Su Fei asked.

"Don't ask so many questions, just accept it."

Tianming pointed to the thick cloud layer below Jueming Waterfall, "Look, there is a secret passage in the cloud layer. After taking the pill, you can use the flying mount to pass through the secret passage, and you will be able to return to the entrance smoothly."

Su Fei lowered his head and glanced at the thick clouds.

If you look carefully, there is indeed a secret path under the waterfall.

"Thank you for letting me know!"

Right now, Mu Ruoshui is still suffering.

Without further ado, since Tianming didn't want to explain more, he didn't ask any more.

Taking the elixir in the jade bottle at the same time as Mu Jian, summoning the phoenix in the ice region, they passed through the waterfall at top speed and entered the cloud-white secret path.

The secret road is rugged and circuitous, and there is no fork in the way.

But the breath inside was extremely depressing.

It was at this time that the elixir he had just taken took effect.

The mysterious energy contained in the elixir can just be immune to the coercion in that breath.



The ice phoenix was very fast, and within three hours, it passed through the clouds and returned to the thousand-meter void in Nanchuan.

It's getting late here.

But the snow in Nanchuan has not completely melted, and the ground is silvery white, and everything can be roughly seen in the mist.

"Su Fei, can you see where the third elder is locked up?"

On the way back to Aoshi Villa, Mu Jian's expression was extremely nervous.

"I don't know. It's really hard to tell just based on a water prison. I'd better go back and ask Granny Shen first."

Like Mu Jian, Su Fei is also very concerned about Mu Ruoshui's safety.

Not only that, both of them could sense that a big battle was waiting for them!



The moonlight, I don't know when it started, became brighter.

Su Fei and Mu Jian finally returned to the gate of Aoshi Villa.


Xiaoying did not open the door for them.

With the previous experience, Su Fei didn't dare to rush in.

The only thing to do now is to wait!


About half an hour later, without waiting for Xiaoying, Hei Ji's voice came from Su Fei's ear.

"Don't wait, they have all left the Proud World Villa."

Hearing Hei Ji's voice, Su Fei was startled and asked secretly, "Where did they go?"

"Soul Prison."

"Could it be... Ruoshui was imprisoned in Soul Prison?"


Hei Ji said in a low voice: "If my prediction is correct, Aoshi Villa will be defeated in this battle!"

"How is it possible? Today's Neptune has taken the five-turn magic pill. Although he has not yet broken through the realm of the Great Sword Emperor, his strength can be said to be matched by few people in the entire Nanchuan. In addition, Ye Xue is there , They shot at the same time, how could they return in a big defeat!"

Su Fei felt unbelievable.

"The scary thing about Soul Prison is that even the Great Sword Emperor dare not approach easily, not to mention that Neptune is only at the peak of the Sword Emperor. And Ye Xue is a green dragon, so she cannot display her full strength openly. Therefore, the possibility of failure Sex is great!"

"Is it!"

Su Fei frowned secretly, "Then what can we do now?"

"Act according to your original plan, don't mess yourself up. I know, you may not understand what I'm telling you now. All in all, to save Mu Ruoshui, you have to think long-term."


Su Fei frowned, he hesitated to speak.

Hei Ji asked, "What else do you want to say?"

"It's nothing, I was just thinking, if Aoshi Villa really loses, there's no reason why Granny Shen can't figure it out, why are they still going!"

"If they don't go, Mu Ruoshui will die."


Su Fei thought for a while, and suddenly realized.

Perhaps, because of the intervention of so many masters, even the Thirteen Leagues had to carefully consider whether to kill Mu Ruoshui at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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