Invincible sword repair system

Chapter 259 Sky God's Plan

Chapter 259 Sky God's Plan (Second Change)
After hearing Hei Ji's words, Su Fei did not continue to wait outside the Aoshi Villa.

Take Mu Jian together and return to Qingyu Inn.

Qianzhuang has already returned here.

However, Qian Zhuang hid in the room alone, not even daring to light a candle.

Su Fei and Mu Jian broke in suddenly, and Qian Zhuang was so frightened that he didn't even dare to breathe out. He didn't heave a sigh of relief until they confirmed their identities.

He looked nervous, remembering that he had heard that Mu Ruoshui had been taken into the Soul Prison, he thought Su Fei had also been taken into it.

Back here alone, still thinking about how to rescue Su Fei.

Unexpectedly, Su Fei came back by himself.



Meanwhile, Sky God Island.

Destiny sent Su Fei and Mu Jian away, and returned to the square outside the Vientiane Building.

Together with Kalansen, he sat on the stone steps outside the square, looking up at the frozen sea in the sky.

"Galansen, there is something that I have never understood. Why didn't you tell Su Fei the truth?"

Gan Lansen said: "Living with secrets is a very tiring thing in itself, why don't I want to tell all the truth sooner. But... now is not the time. If Su Fei knows everything too early, I'm afraid he's going to do something unacceptable."

"Hehe, I don't understand, what are you afraid of?"

Tianming doesn't seem to understand Kalansen's thoughts.

"Forget it, you are just a sword, and I don't understand if I tell you. Let me tell you why you let Su Fei know about Mu Ruoshui being imprisoned in the water prison. You should know that with his personality, once Let him see those, and he won't stay in the Vientiane Building again."

Obviously, Kalansen couldn't understand Tianming's approach.

"That's what the teacher meant."

Tianming explained: "The teacher said that Su Fei cannot be allowed to reconcile with the imperial court. Once they reconcile, all the plans in the past will come to naught!"

"Then why did you poison Mu Jian?" Gan Lansen asked again.

Tianming chuckled, "Didn't you think you would be tricked too? In fact, I didn't poison her at all. What I gave her was Leapfrog Pill."

"Leapfrog Dan?"

Gan Lansen looked at Tianming in surprise, "What is the purpose of giving her the Leapfrog Pill?..."

Tianming stood up and counted with his fingers, "I've done the calculations, they will go through a big battle, with Mu Jian's current strength, I'm afraid it will be very difficult to survive that battle, the only way for her to break through 80% in a short time If you have a super cultivation base, you have a chance to save your life."

Hearing this, Gan Lansen seemed to finally understand a little bit, and he stood up and let out a long breath, "It seems that Kongshen has already planned everything, so what is the plan of the Thirteen Leagues?"

"The Thirteenth Alliance... This is more troublesome to talk about."

For this, Destiny doesn't seem to want to explain too much.

Of course!
But Gan Lansen said patiently: "I'm not afraid of trouble, just tell me and listen."

Tianming thought for a while, "Well, since you want to know so much, it's okay to tell you.

"We all knew before that Su Fei needed a large amount of attribute stones to break through the realm of the Great Sword Master.

"So, the teacher asked me to send someone to send a lot of attribute stones to Qian Zhuang, lend him his hand, and hand them over to Su Fei.

"At the same time, I sent someone to tell Sima Jing that Su Fei can't be killed.

"At first, Sima Jing didn't quite believe such remarks.

"At that time, we all wondered, when did Sima Jing, the once-in-a-lifetime master of politics in the Great Qin Empire, become so stupid?
"After some investigation, it turned out that Sima Jing at that time was the Sima Zhao after disguise.

"The real Sima Jing was actually killed by Sima Zhao long ago.

"Maybe you're wondering too.

"At first, I didn't believe it either.

"But it turns out that the person who planned the massacre of Zhao Wang's Mansion was none other than Xiong Xingyu, who had a close relationship with Su Fei.

"Xiong Xingyu knew a long time ago that it was not Sima Zhao who killed the Xiong clan, but Sima Jing..."

Hearing this, Gan Lansen couldn't help asking: "In this case, with Sima Zhao's personality, why did he suddenly change his mind?"

"No, Sima Zhao has not changed his mind."

"Oh? That's strange. Why did Hanquan say that the court has revoked the order to kill Su Fei? Could he be lying?"

"No, Han Quan didn't lie. It's because Sima Zhao was killed by the people I sent."

"Then who is sitting on the Qin King's throne now?"

"It's Watson."

"Wu Sheng? Isn't he from Kongshen Island? You actually asked him to be King Qin?"

"Yeah, it's just a matter of helplessness. If you don't do this, all the painstaking efforts of the teacher will be ruined."


After listening to this, Kalansen seemed to understand a little more about Sky God's plan.

But there are still many doubts in her heart.

So, he continued to ask: "Then from now on, will Du Sheng be the King of Qin forever?"

"of course not."

Tian Ming smiled mysteriously, "Du Sheng will complete the tasks he should complete in Qin State, and then hand over the kingship of Qin to the right person. After all the plans are completed, he can retire and return to Kongshen Island."

"Then according to Kongshen's plan, who should take the throne of King Qin?"

"Do you still remember who Su Fei was trying to save after he went to Nanchuan?"

"You mean... Gu Chen?"

"That's right, it's Gu Chen."

"But...he is the son of Shura, if he is allowed to take the throne of King Qin, I'm afraid..."

"The teacher said, the future will be discussed in the future. What we have to do now is to facilitate the smooth progress of the preliminary work of this overall plan! This first step is not to allow Su Fei to reconcile with the court, but also to allow him to reconcile with the court." The court will start the war as soon as possible!"

"This... I'm afraid it's not easy." Gan Lansen said: "With Su Fei's cautious personality, before he has the absolute strength to crush the court, I'm afraid..."

"Don't worry, he will definitely do that!"

Destiny smiled confidently, "Actually, you are all blinded by illusions. Su Fei knows very well that he won't die so easily. The reason why he seldom takes action is because he still lacks an introduction in his heart."

"Introduction?" Kalansen asked, "What kind of introduction?"

"This introduction is Gu Chen."

"Hehe, I'm sorry I didn't understand what you meant, how did Gu Chen become his introduction, what kind of introduction is Gu Chen to him?"

"An introduction that can make him furious."

"Oh, I don't believe it."

Gan Lansen has been watching Su Fei in the dark, she knows Su Fei's temper very well.

With Su Fei's temperament, it is absolutely impossible to get angry for anything.

"Believe it or not, if you don't believe it, we'll just wait and see!"

Destiny still firmly believes in his own opinion.

"Well, let's just pretend that everything you said is true. I want to know, what is the real plan of Kongshen?"

As the younger sister of the Sky God, Gan Lansen suddenly discovered that she knew more about the Sky God than the Destiny!
"The teacher said that secrets should not be leaked, Gan Lansen, you should first do the tasks assigned to you by the teacher, and as for the others...don't ask me any more."

As he said that, Tianming smiled strangely on his face, put his hands behind his back, and then walked away from the Vientiane Building...

(End of this chapter)

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