Invincible sword repair system

Chapter 260 Someone Escaped From Prison

Chapter 260 Someone Escaped From Prison
"Is this really the only way to go in this world!"

- Destiny is far away.

Gan Lansen looked up at the frozen sea in the void, feeling a burst of emotion in his heart.

At the same time, there are endless suspicions.

"Sky God's overall plan, what exactly is it?"

"Does he want to change the overall pattern of the world?"

"Remember he once said that the law is determined by the winner!"

"Back then, he lost."

"After so many years, could it be that he still can't let go?"

"This time, what he is going to open, could it be the one that has been dusty for a long time..."

Thinking of this, a wave suddenly appeared in Gan Lansen's beautiful eyes as calm as water.

Recalling what Tianming said just now, what he said was only half of what he said.

In other words, all of that was most likely intended to be told to Kalansen.


What is the meaning of destiny doing this?
In a short period of time, Kalansen was also unable to comprehend the truth.

But she vaguely felt that in the future Shengding Continent, the Five Kingdoms will be in chaos, and everyone will never have a peaceful day again!
And Su Fei and his friends will also experience the greatest ordeal in their lives!




The next day, early in the morning.

Qingyu Inn.

There was a crisp sound of birds chirping in the backyard.

Su Fei stayed up all night.

He knew that this trip to the Soul Prison in Aoshi Villa was a complete defeat.

Mu Ruoshui was not successfully rescued.

They couldn't even enter the gate of Soul Prison.

Because they don't have the key to open the door of the soul prison.

In order to open the gate of the soul prison, apart from collecting the leader tokens in the hands of the Jueming Li Palace Thirteen Yamas, only the leader of the Thirteen Leagues can do it independently.

This time, although there were no casualties, since then, a hostile trend has formed between Aoshi Villa and Jueming Ligong.

In the future, Aoshi Villa will also become a thorn in Jueming Ligong's side.

As the owner of the villa, Ye Xue will also attract more attention from the court.

With more attention, the chances of identity exposure will naturally increase accordingly.



Thinking of these, I feel a little heavy.

Of course, he didn't think Ye Xue would be in danger because of this.

With Ye Xue's shrewdness, she must have evacuated Nanchuan soon.

Today is the day agreed with Hanquan.

Han Quan will give him an answer today.

——The management right of Beicheng Mine.

He could roughly guess that Hanquan would be able to meet all his requirements.

But he was not happy at all.

Because, he knows very well that now, Yan Luo, who is desperate to leave the palace, can't open the door of the soul prison at all.

Mu Ruoshui was imprisoned in Soul Prison, and Hanquan must have something to do with it.

And Su Yan can freely enter and exit the Soul Prison, that is to say, there is also a certain connection between Hanquan and Su Yan.

Before that, he already knew that Su Yan was his disaster!
Han Quan had a special contact with Su Yan, which made him have to be on guard.


Beicheng Mine has an excellent geographical location.

It is imperative to determine there as a base!

So, he packed up his mood and kept as calm as possible.




When he arrived at Beicheng Mine alone, Han Quan was already waiting there.

The other courtyard behind the mine is the place where the family committed suicide last time.

Han Quan stood in the courtyard, with deep eyes, looking towards the direction of the pine forest in the east city.

"call out!"

Su Fei stretched out his body and landed behind Han Quan.

"Master Su, you don't seem to be in a hurry about this, why did you come here until now?"

Han Quan withdrew his gaze and quickly glanced at Su Fei's face.

Judging from Han Quan's expression, he seemed a little nervous.


What is he nervous about?

Su Fei stared at Hanquan, neither humble nor overbearing, "It's not that I'm not in a hurry, but it's because I'm entangled in trivial matters and I don't have the skills to do it all. Senior, that matter..."

"Your Majesty has given permission and made an exception to confer you an earl. Do you know that this is the first earl to be enshrined by your majesty's order since he ascended the throne!"

Saying that, Hanquan took out an earl badge from the space ring.

It is printed with a golden dragon pattern and engraved with the word "Earl" in a big way.

Su Fei is only 14 years old, but he has already won this honor, which is really rare!


Generally speaking, ennobling a commoner as an earl is a major event, not to mention announcing it to the world, at least there must be an edict or something like that!
Moreover, no matter what, an announcement must be posted to let the people of Nanchuan know about it!
But in fact, all of this was saved.

Hanquan gave him the earl badge, which was done purely in private.

Aside, not even a witness.

So sloppy, really...

never mind!

It's not a big deal anyway!
Su Fei took the waist card and cupped his fists at Hanquan, "Senior, I heard that the earl conferred by the king himself should also have his own fief, so my fief is..."

"It's this mine, why, aren't you satisfied?"

When Han Quan talked to Su Fei, he seemed careless and preoccupied.

Knowing that more than 30 large and small mines around here are his fiefdoms, Su Fei no longer has any extravagant hopes.

So, he turned around and asked, "Senior, from the very beginning, I saw that you were preoccupied. What happened?"


Hanquan sighed heavily.

Turning to look at the pine forest in Dongcheng again, he said solemnly: "Last night, someone escaped from prison."

"Prison escape? You mean, escaped from the soul prison?"


Jueming Ligong was ordered to guard the Soul Prison, and now someone escaped from the Soul Prison, let alone Jueming Ligong was to blame, even he, the leader of the Ice Front League, would be implicated.

No wonder he was full of thoughts from the beginning.

But... "Who on earth has such a great ability to escape from Soul Prison?"

"Do you want to know?"

"If you will."

"Hehe, Mr. Su, you seem to be very interested in Soul Prison?"

"What do you say?"

"Well, I'll take you into Soul Prison right now, do you dare to come?"


Unexpectedly, Han Quan would say such words.


You don't need to think about it to know that Han Quan, as the leader of the Bingfeng League, is also the immediate boss of Jueming Ligong.

He had known for a long time that Su Fei had snatched a few alliance leader tokens from Jueming Ligong Thirteen Yama.

And the purpose of Su Fei doing this is to save Gu Chen.

Now that he proposes to bring Su Fei into Soul Prison, is he planning Su Fei, or is it as simple as taking him to see it?
"Why, don't you dare? Are you afraid that I will put you in the soul prison like a prisoner?"

Seeing Su Fei's hesitant expression, Han Quan's eyes flickered with ridicule.

Su Fei chuckled, "Why don't you dare, if you want to attack me, I don't have the ability to fight back, so why use such a method. Since you want to take me there, let's go now!"

(End of this chapter)

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