Invincible sword repair system

Chapter 261 I fell in love with Yexue

Chapter 261 I fell in love with Yexue (second update)

soul prison.

Su Fei tried his best to collect all the leader's tokens from Thirteen Yama's body, just to open the door of Soul Prison and rescue Gu Chen.

But now, he was conferred the title of earl by the king.

In other words, from today onwards, he is also a member of the imperial court.

As the leader of the Ice Front Alliance, Han Quan never treats his own people outside.

He brought Su Fei to the gate of Soul Prison, waved his hand, and didn't see him using any waist card or anything like that. The rocky hillock that looked ordinary at first suddenly changed into another look !
A prison city.

dark city.

The city wall has only three sides.

If you look down from the sky, it is a standard triangle.

Unfortunately, no one can see it.

Because, the void was set up with a dark barrier, so that the entire prison city was dark, as if it was in hell.

In the meantime, Su Fei and Han Quan stood in the triangle core square of the prison city.

There were bonfires burning everywhere in the square, and some passers-by had pale faces and seemed to have lost half their lives.

"Who are they?"

Su Fei did not expect that there were not only pedestrians but also vendors in this square.

The commodities sold by the vendors are also varied and have everything that one expects to find.There are even shops selling magical weapons.

Isn't this a prison city?
But what he saw here was really unimaginable.

Han Quan could see Su Fei's surprise, but he just patted Su Fei's shoulder lightly, "Can't tell, they are all prisoners here."

"Hehe, I can tell."

Although they can move freely here, they are trapped here and cannot leave at all. What else can they be if they are not prisoners.

What Su Fei wanted to know was not their identities as prisoners, but their identities before they were captured.

Recalling what he had seen in Kongshen Island before, through Tianming's hands, he was eager to know where the water prison where Mu Ruoshui was imprisoned was located.

But looking around, I can't see where the water prison is at all.

"Mr. Su, don't think too much about it. When it's time for you to meet, you will naturally meet."

Hanquan smiled deeply.

He seemed to see through Su Fei's mind at a glance, and pointed to the three black walls around the square, "See, these three walls symbolize the soul of life, the soul of the earth, and the soul of heaven. All the people trapped here, The three souls have been sealed. Everyone you see here is the same. If they dare to leave this place without authorization, they will lose all their memories of the past, and even their thoughts as human beings will be lost."

"Why?" Su Fei asked.

"Because a person cannot be without a soul. If one loses one's soul, wouldn't one become a walking dead?"


Hearing this, Su Fei was extremely shocked.

The design of this soul prison is really extraordinary!

If Hanquan hadn't brought him here today, he still doesn't know that even if he got the key to the gate of the soul prison, if he couldn't unlock the three soul seals for them, he wouldn't be able to take them away from this place either.

"Mr. Su, how is it? What do you think when you see this?"

Han Quan was smiling, with his hands behind his back, as if he was very proud of everything here.

Su Fei couldn't laugh.

According to what he said, Gu Chen, Yue Qiu, Mu Ruoshui, their three souls have all been sealed.

What he wants to know most now is how to undo the seal of the three souls.

"Master Su, what are you thinking?"

Seeing that Su Fei didn't speak, Han Quan's face suddenly became gloomy.

Su Fei came back to his senses, "It's nothing, I was just thinking, since that's the case, wouldn't the prisoner who escaped from here become a walking dead?"


Speaking of that person, Han Quan's face was heavy, "The three souls of that person cannot be trapped by the Soul Prison."

"What do you mean?" Su Fei asked.

"This one……"

Han Quan hesitated for a while, and suddenly burst out laughing, "Look, it's meaningless for me to tell you these things, Mr. Su, you want to save someone, don't you?"

"Yes, I wonder if senior is willing to..."

"No, I don't want to. If you want me to release him directly, that's impossible! Unless..."

"Unless what?"

"Oh, nothing."

Han Quan patted Su Fei on the shoulder, "Young Master Su, look, why do we keep talking about the topic so seriously? Now you have just been conferred the title of earl by the king himself, I can sell you face, as long as you do it for me One thing, I can let a person go."

"Just one?"

"No, no, every time you make one, put one, what do you think?"


Su Fei didn't know what Han Quan wanted him to do for him.

Therefore, he did not dare to agree rashly.

"Mr. Su, you can listen to it first. If you think it's inappropriate, it's not too late to refuse. Say yes."

Han Quan had a shrewd look on his face, and he didn't know what was going on in his heart.

"Okay, you say."

For the sake of what he said, Su Fei could only listen attentively.

"The first thing is to ask you to help me find someone."

"Looking for someone? Who?"

"Ye Xue."

"What do you mean?"

"I want to see her in private."


Su Fei knew that Yexue was Qinglong.

The state of Hanquan in front of him is unknown, but he was able to instantly kill Ye Hongyi who is the Ksitigarbow Emperor without making a sound, and his cultivation is definitely at the level of Sword Emperor or above.

If he was looking for Ye Xue to snatch Qinglong yuan, then...wouldn't he be a villain who betrayed his friends!
In that way, saving one and harming another would not be worth the candle.

So, hesitantly said: "I'm sorry, I can't agree to this matter."


Han Quan looked at Su Fei unexpectedly, "I just want to see her, is there any problem?"

"Is there any problem? Don't you know it yourself?"

Su Fei looked intently into Han Quan's eyes.

But unexpectedly found that there was a different kind of emotion in his eyes.

This feeling is like a young man who has just begun to fall in love.

Could it be... "You fell in love with Yexue?"

" did you see it!"

Hearing this, Han Quan was stunned.

He thought he was hiding it well.

Unexpectedly, it was still seen through by Su Fei.

"If you say that, you admit it. If it's because of this, I can help you with this. However, you have to promise me one thing."

Hanquan has Hanquan's idea.

Su Fei also has plans for Su Fei.

Neither of them can fully read the other's mind.

Although Su Fei could see that Han Quan had that kind of intention towards Ye Xue.

But Hanquan is a member of the Thirteen Leagues after all, and when he does things, he always puts the Thirteen Leagues first.

Therefore, he has to set some conditions.

Han Quan saw that he was not a talkative master, so he said coldly: "What's the matter?"

"First, you must have only one person to meet Ye Xue. Second, when you meet her, bring out the person I want."

"Okay, it's a deal! Tomorrow night, you bring Ye Xue to Jueming Li Palace!"

"No! You can't be in Jueming Ligong."

"Then where did you say it was?"

"Qingyu Inn."

If it was Jueming Ligong, Su Fei couldn't guarantee that he and Ye Xue would be able to escape unscathed.

But if it is in Qingyu Inn, it will be completely different. No matter what tricks Hanquan wants to play, there is always a way to deal with him.

(End of this chapter)

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