Invincible sword repair system

Chapter 262 I Want to Marry You as My Wife

Chapter 262 I Want to Marry You as My Wife

As the saying goes, gentlemen love to be gentlemen.

Han Quan was already over 40 years old, and he suddenly fell in love with Ye Xue, which was beyond Su Fei's expectation.

But from a bigger picture point of view, that's fine too.

From now on, if Ye Xue restrains Han Quan, they will have an extremely reliable eyeliner in the Thirteen Leagues.


With Ye Xue's personality, would she be willing to put down her body to do such a thing?
Ordinary men, naturally they can't catch her eyes?
But Han Quan has a good image and looks cool.

Furthermore, Hanquan's strength is extraordinary, and in Nanchuan right now, Ye Xue and Neptune may be the only ones who can fight against him.

If he can really join the group, he will be a good partner.

But if he wanted to capture Ye Xue's heart, the odds of that chance were as low as the stinky ditch!



the next day.eight pm.

Ye Xue accepted Su Fei's invitation and appeared at Qingyu Inn.

She is Qinglong, Su Fei doesn't want her to show her face in public.

So, let Hanquan wait in the basement.

And Hanquan also brought the person Su Fei wanted as agreed.


What he brought was not Gu Chen, nor Mu Ruoshui, but Gu Chen's wife, Yue Qiu.

Yueqiu looked dull, sitting with Hanquan at the table of the Eight Immortals in the basement, it seemed that the three souls had not returned.

Until Su Fei brought Ye Xue into the basement, Han Quan was overjoyed and patted Yue Qiu on the shoulder.

At that moment, Yue Qiu's expression finally returned to normal.

"You!... Who are you!"

The three souls of Yueqiu returned, and their minds regained their sobriety.

Gu Chen couldn't be seen around him, so he was quite flustered.

She still remembers the situation when she was caught and sent to Soul Prison.

At the same time, he also vaguely remembered seeing Hanquan in the Soul Prison.

During this time, he instinctively stayed away from the cold spring, and at the same time looked at Su Fei and Ye Xue in a panic.

Although Su Fei is only 14 years old, he has an extraordinary temperament, which always makes people feel at ease the first time they see him.

And Ye Xue is still the same as before, although she is dressed in a simple and elegant way, she is so beautiful that people will not be disgusted with her even if she is a woman.

Of course, Yueqiu herself is also a beauty.

Right now, she doesn't wear ugly makeup on her face.

This was also the first time Su Fei saw her true face at such a close distance.

Although the light in the basement was rather dim, it still couldn't conceal her alluring appearance.

She rolled her beautiful eyes and quickly glanced at Su Fei and Ye Xue. She didn't really like them, but she didn't feel a strong sense of alienation either.

At the same time, she could also see the long-lost friendship in Su Fei's eyes.

Finally, she fixed her gaze on Su Fei, "Tell me, who are you guys!"

"We are here to save you."

Su Fei knew about Yueqiu's experience in Guyue Town.

It is indeed not easy for a person who has been treated with cold eyes to suddenly trust a stranger.

Therefore, even if Su Fei had good intentions, he didn't dare to speak casually.

"help me?"

During the years that Yueqiu lived in Guyue Town, she never trusted anyone.

Because, in her eyes, human beings have few good things at all.

But Su Fei is different.

In Su Fei's eyes, there is no greed, mania, selfishness, insidiousness, or cunning in the eyes of most people...

He is full of righteousness, and he is an extremely rare existence in the entire Saint Ding Continent.


She stared at Su Fei.

...for a while.

Finally, I tried to trust him and asked, "What about Gu Chen, where is he?"

"He...he is still in the Soul Prison, but don't worry, I will rescue him as soon as possible."

Su Fei clearly did something good, but he looked apologetic.

"Why!" she asked.


"Why did you do this! We have never met you before, why did you save us!"

"This... let's explain it later, okay?"

While speaking, Su Fei cast a deep sideways glance at Hanquan next to him.

Yueqiu was indeed as smart as the rumors said, and immediately understood.

And at this time, Han Quan finally spoke, "Master Su, I have brought you the man as agreed, now, please give me and Ye Xue some private space, thank you."

Su Fei looked at Ye Xue, "Remember what I said."

After speaking, he took Yueqiu and left the basement together.



Returning to the restaurant of Qingyu Inn again, Yueqiu looked lost.


She sighed softly, as if recalling many past events.

Although Su Fei didn't have a close relationship with her, he could feel the pain in Yueqiu's heart at this moment.

At a time like this, Yue Qiu doesn't need anyone to comfort her.All she needs is quiet solitude.

So, he asked softly, "Should I open you a guest room first?"

"Yeah." She nodded, "Then I'll thank you."

Today, Qingyu Inn is already Su Fei's own territory.

He has already prepared the room for Yueqiu.

Moreover, it is still next door to Su Fei.

— That is, the room she and Gu Chen lived in last time.

The moment she entered the room, she stopped and asked, "By the way, benefactor, I don't know your name yet?"

"My name is Su Fei."

"Su Fei?"

Yue Qiu frowned secretly, "Could it be that you are the friend Mu Ruoshui mentioned?"


Su Fei's heart tightened, "You mean, you saw Ruoshui in Soul Prison?"


Yueqiu said: "At that time, we were locked in the water prison together, and when she fell into a coma, she kept calling your name."


After hearing these words, Su Fei felt even more uncomfortable.

He has clearly been to the soul prison, but he is powerless to rescue Ruoshui from the soul prison.

At this moment, he suddenly realized that his past efforts were still not enough!
At the same time, he secretly worried that Mu Ruoshui must still be suffering from inhuman torture at this moment.

"By the way, Mr. Su, you haven't told me why you saved us and how you rescued me from the soul prison. Hanquan seems to you..."

"It's a long story, let's talk about it after Gu Chen is rescued."

At this moment, Su Fei was in a depressed mood.

He didn't want to say too much, he only hoped that Ye Xue could act according to plan.



at the same time.


Ye Xue and Han Quan sat face to face.

Between them, there is an Eight Immortals table.

Han Quan looked at Ye Xue with delight, his eyes were full of tenderness that he had never seen before.

But Ye Xue was very calm, she looked at Han Quan with no waves in her eyes.

"Tell me, what's the matter with you looking for me?" Ye Xue asked in a cold tone.


Han Quan looked hesitant and at a loss.

"What are you, a big man, you can't speak more simply!"

Ye Xue's attitude was very tough.

And there was no displeasure or anger in Han Quan's eyes, and he still said gently: "I just want to see you, Miss Ye, don't think too much about it."

"I didn't think much about it. You want to see me. What's the matter?"

Before coming here, Su Fei had already told her that Han Quan was very likely to like her.

Being liked has always been fearless.

Facing the cold spring, her aura can naturally cover it.

Hanquan clenched his trouser leg tightly with his right hand, and for a while, he finally mustered up his courage, "Okay, I'll just say it straight, I like you and want to marry you!"

(End of this chapter)

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