Invincible sword repair system

Chapter 263 Those Who Don't Know Are Not Guilty

Chapter 263 Those Who Don't Know Are Not Guilty (Second Change)

Hearing this, Yexue remained silent.

In her life, she had heard such words many times.

But she was never moved.

Even if Han Quangui is the leader of the Ice Front Alliance, she still cannot be tempted.

If Su Fei hadn't reminded her to put the overall situation first, she would really like to slap her right now!
Of course!
After weighing the pros and cons, she finally smiled, "You like me today and want to marry me, but if you like another girl tomorrow, are you going to marry someone else?"

"I... I'm not that kind of person."

Han Quan looked sincere.

"Ha ha."

Ye Xue chuckled lightly, stood up and said, "I don't care what kind of person you are, but if you want to marry me, it depends on whether you have the ability."

"What do you mean?"

Hanquan is looking forward to Ye Xue's offer.

And Ye Xue did not disappoint his expectations.

"If you want to marry me, first of all, you have to meet three conditions."

"Which three?"

"One: You must at least be a monk above level 150, and it must be under the premise that you have not taken Qinglongyuan. Two: You can't help the evildoers and kill good people for the benefit of the court. Three: My man must use affection One, the most affectionate, the most intelligent, the bravest, the most respected. Tell me, can you do it?"

Yexue's conditions were extremely harsh.

Let's talk about the first condition, you can't take Qinglong Yuan, and it's hard to reach level 150!

You must know that without taking Qinglongyuan, when breaking through the 140th level, it is very likely to pay the price of life!

When Han Quan heard the words, he said without hesitation: "Okay, I will definitely meet these three conditions. I just hope that you don't break your promise!"

"Don't worry, I, Yexue, have always said the same thing!"

Before she finished speaking, she had already turned around and left the basement.

The reason why she dared to say that was because she believed that no one in this world would dare to break through the 140th level without taking Qinglong Yuan, let alone break through the 150th level!


Although Ye Xue left, she made a condition.

For this, Hanquan was already satisfied.

After Ye Xue left, he took the initiative to come to Su Fei's room and handed Su Fei a black brocade box.

"what is this?"

"Remember what I said before, every time you do something for me, I can let someone go."


"Give this to Kang Bo, and let her come to Jueming Li Palace to find me."

"Comper? What do you want him for?"

"It's nothing, you just have to do it."

"It's that simple? Why don't you give it to him yourself?"

"You also know that I killed Ye Hongyi, and even if I went to find him, he wouldn't see me."

"……OK then."

Although I don't know what kind of medicine is sold in Hanquan's gourd, but as long as you give this thing to Kang Bo, you can save a person, so it's not a big deal.

So, he accepted the task.



After Hanquan left Qingyu Inn, he rushed to Minglou immediately.

Today, Qian Mei, Ming Chaoying, Xiao Mei, and Kang Bo were not absent.

Before Su Fei came to Minglou, they seemed to be discussing something in private.

Until Su Fei suddenly appeared, everyone fell silent.

"Master Immortal Master, why did you come here suddenly?..."

Qian Mei was the first to greet her.

Su Fei took out the brocade box, "Hey, just for this."

The moment they saw the brocade box, the faces of the four of them immediately sank.

"This is!……"

The one who is most excited is Compaq.

"Hanquan asked me to hand it over to you." Su Fei said honestly.

"It really is Hanquan, where is he now!" Kang Bo snatched the brocade box and said loudly.

"He said, let you go to Jueming Li Palace yourself."

"Desperate to leave the palace?"

Kang Bo frowned and hesitated for a long time, as if he was afraid.

Xiao Mei walked up to Kang Bo and said softly: "In my opinion, it's better not to go!"

"No! I must go!"

Kang Bo tightly held the brocade box in his hand, his expression gradually became firm.

Ming Chaoying stopped Kang Bo, "No, I don't allow you to go, if you go, then what will I do!"

"Don't worry, I'll be fine. I'll be back tomorrow morning when things settle down."

With that said, Kang Bo walked away from Minglou.

Ming Chaoying watched his back until he disappeared.

Then, he turned to stare at Su Fei, and said bitterly: "It's all you, if it wasn't for you, how could he be!..."

After she finished speaking, she suddenly choked up, with tears in her eyes, and she didn't say any more.

Su Fei looked at Qian Mei with a dazed expression, "What's going on, what did I do wrong?"

Qian Mei sighed softly, "It's not your fault, Lord Immortal Master, you don't have to worry about it."

"What do you mean, please speak clearly."

Su Fei never liked to be serious.

But this matter does not seem to be simple, "Could it be that Kang Bo will be in danger if he goes here?"

"That's not it."

Qian Mei said: "The brocade box contains the three souls of Agadala."

"What, Agadala?"

Hearing this name, Su Fei was stunned.

I still remember that when I was in Kongshen Island before, Kalansen clearly said that before seeing Agadala, I must never let people see my natal chart, let alone use my natal chart as a weapon to kill the enemy.

So, he asked curiously, "Qianmei, who is that Agadala you're talking about?"

"I heard that he just escaped from Soul Prison, the four of us gathered here today are trying to find a way to redeem Agadala." Qian Mei said.

"I see!"

At this moment, Su Fei's heart was very confused, but he was eager to know the truth, "Then do you know where he fled to?"

"do not know."

Qian Mei shook her head, "It is said that the reason why Agadala lost his three souls back then was because he made a deal with someone. As long as we figure out that matter, we can find Agadala's whereabouts."


Su Fei was very confused, "How could there be three souls of Agadala in Hanquan's hands?"

"This is where we've been puzzled."

Qian Mei couldn't give an answer.

And Ming Chaoying suddenly said bitterly: "Mr. Su, I don't care if you are the master of our fairyland or not. In short, if something happens to Kang Bo, I will only ask you!"


As the saying goes, those who do not know are innocent.

Su Fei's starting point was not malicious.

Things have become like this, and he still doesn't know what will happen to Kang Bo when he leaves the palace.

But Qian Mei also made it clear that Kang Bo will not encounter any danger when he goes there.


Seeing Ming Chaoying's attitude, I'm afraid Qian Mei is not telling the truth.

So, at that moment, he could only be silent.

"What are you!"

Ming Chaoying was still very excited. He pointed in the direction of the gate and shouted loudly: "I don't want to see you now, get out!"


Hearing this, Qian Mei took Ming Chaoying's hand, and said solemnly: "Don't be rude to the Immortal Master! Don't say that Kang Bo is fine now, even if something happens to him, you, as an Immortal..."

"shut up!"

Ming Chaoying shook off Qian Mei's hand, and said angrily: "I don't care so much, if something happens to Kang Bo, none of you will feel better!"

(End of this chapter)

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