Invincible sword repair system

Chapter 265 Agadala's Body

Chapter 265 Agadala's Body

"So you gave him my room?"

"I... Mr. Su, listen to my explanation."

"You better give me a reasonable explanation!"

Both Granny Shen and Xiaoying died, so he was already in a bad mood.

Now, Qian Zhuang actually decided without authorization and gave up his room to Su Yan.

At this moment, he was really angry!
"Young master Su, you know that my cultivation base is not high, if I don't obey, what will I do if he hits me?"

Qian Zhuang looked aggrieved.

"You!... You really want to piss me off. You can say such things. If you are afraid of anyone, you can't be afraid of him. He is nothing!"

"Master Su, what's the matter with you today, isn't it just a room, big deal, I'll just give you my room."

"Is this a matter of one room!"

Su Fei snorted coldly, closed the record book forcefully, and strode towards Tianzi No. [-] room.

Qian Zhuang stepped forward to stop him, "Wait, Mr. Su, you are not like this usually, what happened?"

"Why do you care so much, today, I have to teach him a lesson!"


Qian Zhuang pulled him aside, and said in a low voice: "Shaoyin came here just now, and she said that she asked you to go to Beicheng Mine as soon as possible."


Of course Su Fei knew that Shaoyin, Jue Jiu, and Jin Yi had all gathered in Beicheng Mine and were building their base.

Today, Shaoyin came suddenly, there must be something extremely important.

So, he forcibly restrained the anger in his heart, "Tell me, what else did she tell you?"

"I didn't say anything, I just asked you to go there as soon as possible. If you go late, I'm afraid something big will happen."

When Qian Zhuang talked about this, cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Su Fei felt that he looked a little strange, but he didn't think much about it.

Beicheng Mine is their base, if something really happened there, it would be really a big deal.

So, he didn't say anything more, and immediately set off for Beicheng Mine.



Coincidentally, just as he gained a firm foothold outside the gate of Beicheng Mine, he encountered a panicked Shaoyin.

Shaoyin was still dressed as a witch as before, which looked particularly dazzling.

"Master Immortal Master, you have come, if you don't come again, something big will happen."

"What happened?"

Looking at the tranquility here, I really can't see what big things can happen.

However, there is clearly an unusual aura here.

Because it shouldn't be this quiet here.

First of all, here itself is a mine.

Moreover, the base that Su Fei wants is being built, so it should be very noisy.

But in fact, all the workers in the mine ran away.

And the craftsmen who built the base area also disappeared.

In the meantime, even if Su Fei came, the panic on Shaoyin's face did not diminish in the slightest, "It's Agadala, he is clamoring to see you, Lord Immortal Master, look, what should we do? ..."

Hearing this, Su Fei was startled, "You mean Agadala? Where is he?"

"In the other courtyard, no one dares to approach now, anyone who approaches will be killed."


If it is really Agadala, maybe it is a good thing.

Su Fei looked up at the courtyard behind the mine.

Hold your breath and concentrate, feel with the sword heart.

Sure enough, one could feel an extremely tyrannical aura in that place.


The sound of a small plane came from the ear.

"Master, be careful, it's really Agadala!"

"It really is him!"

As the saying goes, there is nowhere to look when you break through the iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get it.

Su Fei was still wondering whether Shaoyin made a mistake.

But she also felt that Shaoyin was once the Thirteen Yamas, so she should have met Agadala long ago, so she wouldn't make a mistake.

Of course!
I always feel in my heart, how could things be so coincidental.

I want to find Agadala, but he is also looking for me?
But with the double confirmation from Shaoyin and Xiaofei, there is no basis for doubts!
It’s just that it’s still unbelievable that he would come to the door by himself.



Just when Su Fei was in a complicated mood.

At the same time, the sound of moonfall came from the space ring.

"Master Su, it's Agadala. Go quickly and give him the soul card that Granny Shen gave you. From now on, he will be your most loyal subordinate."

"Did you feel it too?"

With the double confirmation from Xiaojifei and Shaoyin, Su Fei is already sure.

Even Yueluo said that now, so she must be right.

"I didn't sense it, but calculated it. Time waits for no one, hurry! If the time is exceeded, he will be completely demonized. At that time, even if we hold the soul card, we will not be able to save him!"

"okay, I get it!"

Hearing this, Su Fei explained some things to Shaoyin and ordered her not to allow anyone to approach the other courtyard.

Afterwards, he unfolded his figure and fell into the other courtyard.


There is a weirdo in the other courtyard.

Do not!
It should be said that he is a dying soulless person.

He fell to the ground in a state of collapse, wearing stinky clothes, blazing flames were burning in his blind eyes, and his muddy face was covered with blood.

——On the whole, it can almost be described as a devil.

Of course, Su Fei already knew that he was in a half-demon state now.

Once he is fully demonized, he will completely lose consciousness.

However, in his current half-demon state, it was scary enough.

You know, he is three meters tall, even taller than Gao Xuan who is two meters one in Thirteen Yamas!

Gao Xuan was very thin. Although he was [-] meters tall, he only weighed a pitiful [-] kilograms.

But the Agadala in front of him is not only three meters tall, but also has tendons all over his body, and his weight may exceed five hundred catties!

With such a terrifying appearance, it is indeed easy for ordinary people to be frightened when they see it.

It's no wonder that Shaoyin couldn't control the situation, so he was so eager to find Su Fei to take charge of the overall situation.


His voice was low, and he let out a sound of beasts.

This voice! ...

"Hey, you are Agadala? Can you speak human language?"


He doesn't seem to speak human language.

Su Fei had no idea what he was expressing.

But at this moment, the sound of the moon falling came from beside my ears.

"Master Su, let me out first."



After releasing Yue Luo, Yue Luo went straight to Agadala's side, stroked Agadala's dirty face with one hand, and whispered something in his ear.

From a distance, Su Fei seemed to hear a long series of incantations.

However, the content is completely incomprehensible.

Afterwards, Agadala nodded again and again.

Immediately afterwards, Yue Luo returned to Su Fei, "Go, you go and return the soul card to him."


Su Fei was completely dazed.

However, he has absolute trust in Yue Luo.

That is to take out the soul card, walk up to Agadala, and put the soul card in his hand with his own hands.

At that moment, the soul card melted quickly, turning into a stream of black air, which was absorbed into Agadala's palm.

Afterwards, the raging flames burning in Agadala's eyes quickly extinguished at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After the flames in his eyes were completely extinguished, his body gradually shrank.

Seeing this miraculous scene, Su Fei was almost dumbfounded.

On the other hand, Yue Luo sat cross-legged, still chanting incantations.

Those spells turned into golden runes, completely enveloping Agadala's body.

Not long after, three gleams of light flew from the direction of Jueming Li Palace.

"call out!"

There was a gust of wind in my ears.

Three gleams of light quickly entered Agadala's eyebrows.

At that moment, Agadala's tall body turned into a little white dog in an instant.

This breed was something Su Fei had never seen before.

It is petite and weighs no more than thirty pounds.Kind of like a fox, but still recognizable as a canine.

Su Fei looked at all this in surprise, "Could it be... this is the real body of Agadala?"

(End of this chapter)

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