Invincible sword repair system

Chapter 266 Killing Su Ting

Chapter 266 Killing Su Ting
The answer given by Yue Luo is yes.

She said that Agadala was originally one of the many dogs in the fairyland.

After confirming this, Su Fei had many things he couldn't figure out at first.

However, Yue Luo quickly gave an explanation.

"Agadala could not have popped up for no reason," she said.

"so what?"

"It appeared only for one person."


"Lord of the Immortal Realm."

"Is that me?"

To be honest, until now, Su Fei still feels that it is unbelievable for him to be called the Lord of the Immortal Realm.

Of course!
Yue Luo was extremely affirmative of this, "Master Su, do you know that Agadala lost three souls before because he made a deal with a great god."


Speaking of which, Qian Mei mentioned this matter to Su Fei before, "Which great god?"

"The master of Sky God Island."

"You mean... Sky God?"

Su Fei was stunned.


Yue Luo counted, "Although I can't see the future for too long, but for the past, the answer I calculated is more accurate than grandma."

The grandma she was talking about was Granny Shen.

Su Fei was thoughtful, and always felt that something was not quite right.

Because Qian Mei clearly said before that to find Agadala, the premise is to find out who the person with whom the deal is.


Now Agadala took the initiative to find the door...

Did Qian Mei say something wrong, or was it because of something else?
Su Fei felt confused, "Then...why did Agadala make a deal with Kongshen before?"

Yue Luo looked up at the far east, and sighed softly: "Agadala was named a peace guardian dog by the previous lord of the Immortal Realm. What he did was completely for the safety of the Immortal Realm for a hundred years."

"So now, why does it..."

"It's because the [-]-year deadline has come, and the Immortal Realm will no longer be protected by the Sky God. In the future, it will depend on you, Mr. Su."

Yue Luo retracted her gaze and looked at Su Fei expectantly.

"Look at me?"

It's not that Su Fei has no confidence in himself.

I just feel that this burden seems a bit too heavy.

An invisible pressure made him feel breathless.



"Wang Wang!"

"Wang Wang Wang!"


Suddenly, Agadala roared in the direction of Jueming Ligong.

Su Fei and Yue Luo came back to their senses at the same time.

"call out!"

Suddenly, there was a sound of breaking wind.

That voice came from the direction of Jueming Ligong.

Blue light came in a flash.

"It's Hanquan!"

Su Fei recognized it immediately.

At this time, what is Hanquan doing here!Could it be? ...

He felt a little nervous unconsciously.

"Don't worry, he has no malicious intentions."

Moonfall can see things in the next 3 minutes.

She can speak with such certainty, she must have seen everything that will happen next.

"That's good."

Su Fei finally breathed a sigh of relief.



In the blink of an eye, Hanquan landed next to Agadala's body, squatted down, and stroked its little furry head.

At that moment, Han Quan's eyes were extremely gentle.

Moreover, there was a friendly smile on the corner of his mouth.

Su Fei couldn't understand, "Hanquan, what are you doing here?"


Han Quan got up and released a person from the space ring.

The person's clothes were thin, and her face was much haggard compared to before, but her expression was still proud.


While Su Fei was grateful to Han Quan for keeping his promise, he also felt distressed for what happened to Ruo Shui.

They even blamed themselves faintly, if it wasn't for themselves, how could they have shot Ruoshui.

"Su Fei, why are you back!"

When Mu Ruoshui saw Su Fei, there was no excitement in her eyes, and even a bit of complaint!
"I'm sorry, I can't just stand by and watch you being arrested and sent to the prison of souls without doing anything!"

Su Fei has always been a very affectionate person.

Tianming used the sky-peeping mirror to let him know that Mu Ruoshui was caught in the Soul Prison, and he could not stay on Kongshen Island for a moment.

Even if he can break through the sword emperor realm within three years, if he gives up Mu Ruoshui because of this, it is absolutely impossible for him to do it!

"That's all! Perhaps, this is the principle that fate cannot be violated!"

Mu Ruoshui sighed deeply, tears suddenly welled up in her eyes.

I don't know how complicated her mood is now.

Su Fei saved her, shouldn't she be happy?

Moreover, Su Fei gave up the three-year chance to break through to the Sword Emperor Realm for her, shouldn't she be moved by it?

Of course!
From her eyes, there was no joy at all, nor was there any emotion, but only endless disappointment.

So, what is the fate in her mouth?
What is fate cannot be violated?

Is her real purpose of sending Su Fei to Kongshen Island really just to let him concentrate on cultivation?

I always feel that there are many unknown secrets hidden in her heart.

But at this moment, it is not the time to care about those things.

Seeing her haggard face, what she needs most is a good sleep.

Su Fei immediately walked over and held her arm, "Let's go, I'll take you to rest."


Mu Ruoshui broke free from his hand, "Since you're so disobedient, there's no need for me to stay here any longer."

As she said that, she waved her jade hand lightly, summoned a purple-winged phoenix, and flew towards Qinjian Mountain...



Seeing her going back, Su Fei felt extremely entangled in his heart, but there was a bit of relief in his eyes.

Today's Nanchuan is a land of right and wrong.

The sooner Mu Ruoshui leaves, the safer she will be.



Seeing Su Fei's appearance, Han Quan couldn't help but smiled, "Master Su, now is not the time for children to love each other, don't forget, you have to do one thing for me so that I can let Gu Chen go."

Of course Su Fei would never forget, "Tell me, what is the third thing?"

"I want you to help me kill someone."


Su Fei chuckled, "Your strength is many times stronger than mine. If you can't even kill someone, what can I do?"

"No, this person has to be killed by you to be interesting."


Although Su Fei didn't agree immediately, he was curious, "Tell me, who do you want me to kill?"

"Su Ting."

"The head of the Su family?..."


"But... why did you kill Su Ting?"

This made Su Fei puzzled.

With Su Ting's personality, he wouldn't offend a boss like Han Quan.

"Su Ting is not guilty, it's the crime of pregnant Bi!"

"The crime of being pregnant?"

Su Fei couldn't figure it out even more, "For a short-sighted villain like him, what kind of peerless treasure can he hide privately?"


Of course!
Han Quan was affirmative, "You kill him and bring me his three souls, then I will let Gu Chen go."

"Three souls?"

Could it be... "Is there anything special about Su Ting's three souls?"

"Master Su, this is not what you should ask."

Saying that, Hanquan took out a black brocade box from the space ring and threw it into Su Fei's hand, "This is a vessel for three souls, which can seal Su Ting's three souls in it. You take this with you, after killing Su Ting , Come back to me as soon as possible!"


Su Fei hesitated for a while, "Su Ting is now the head of the Heavenly Sword Sect. If I go to trouble him now, wouldn't it be openly against the Heavenly Sword Sect!"

"So, as the leader of the Ice Front League, I can't go against the Heavenly Sword Sect. Since you want to save Gu Chen, this is your only chance. As for whether to do it or not, it all depends on how you go about it It's decided."

(End of this chapter)

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