Invincible sword repair system

Chapter 280 The Black Snake's Distress

Chapter 280 The Black Snake's Distress

"Bai Lu, step back!"

Finally, Bai Meiying, who had been watching the battle, couldn't bear it anymore.

With a flash of her figure, she summoned an iceberg and snow platform, standing on top of the void.

The ice mountain and snow platform is a flying mount that monks above level 100 can control.

On the surface, it looks like a huge ice cube.



Immediately afterwards, Bai Mo and Bai Chou also flew into the void, also standing on the ice mountain and snow platform.Separately, the guards were around Bai Meiying.

Strangely, when the three great sword kings stood in the void, at that moment, the pressure of the sword energy in the air became much calmer.

"Aunt Meiying, I don't need you to do anything, I can handle it myself!"

Bai Lu's complexion was pale, and the spiritual energy in her body was almost exhausted, as if she was at the end of her strength.

But she seemed very unwilling to lose to a 14-year-old boy.

"You are not his opponent, be obedient and take everyone back first."

When Bai Meiying spoke, her expression and tone seemed very easy-going, but the content did not save Bai Lu any face.


Bai Lu knew very well in her heart that Bai Meiying was telling the truth.With her current cultivation, she is indeed no match for Su Fei.

So, hesitantly said: "Well, since that's the case, I'll leave this place to my aunt!"

After finishing speaking, he took the other six surviving sword masters and quickly evacuated from the battle zone.


Seeing them driving the ice phoenix, they flew away in the direction of Tianjian City.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise in the sky.

Within a radius of several kilometers, black clouds loomed over the surroundings.

The whole world instantly became pitch black.


A black lightning struck coldly.

In the darkness, Su Fei thought to himself, "It's dangerous!"
The black lightning bolt just now struck towards his sky cap.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly enough, if he was hit, his life might be lost.

"Okay, don't use this kind of pediatric moves again."

Suddenly, Bai Meiying's voice came from the darkness.

"Mother, how can you say that? Although this move is not enough to kill him, it can be regarded as a warning, isn't it!" The latter was Bai Mo's voice.

"Be obedient, put your things away for me!"

In Bai Meiying's tone, she seemed unhappy.


Bai Mo was helpless.

In the blink of an eye, he didn't know what Bai Mo did again.

The sky cleared instantly.

From a distance, a strange smile could be seen on Bai Mo's face.

On the other hand, Baichou seemed to be out of spirits.

Bai Meiying stood between the two, and said casually: "Remember, you only have 25 minutes. If you exceed the time limit, you will be punished severely when you go back!"


Bai Mo summoned the long sword in his hand, "Mother, this Su Fei is really interesting, 25 minutes is a bit too long, why don't you leave it to me alone."

"Brother, we don't have much time left. The people from Zhenyun's family will come soon, so let's go together."

Baichou's sword was already in his hand at some point.It's just that his sword doesn't seem so firm.

"Baichou, do you think I can't even defeat a mere junior great swordsman?"

The smile on Bai Mo's face subsided, and he inadvertently cast a sideways glance at Bai Shou.

"Brother, you know, I didn't mean that, but you also know that this is the territory of the Zhenyun family. It is said that the relationship between Su Fei and the Zhenyun family is very delicate. If..."

"To shut up!"

A smile appeared on the corner of Bai Mo's mouth again, "It seems that you are not sure about defeating him. If that's the case, I'll let you see how you killed this little rookie in seconds!"

"Brother, how can you say that!"

Baichou frowned secretly.


It's too late to say.

Bai Mo had been waiting for a long time, and when he moved, he rushed towards Su Fei 20 meters away with a murderous look on his face.


He had a long sword in front of his head, and a dazzling mysterious light glowed on the blade.

"Mysterious attributes!"

Su Fei saw it, but looked very calm.

The sword king's speed is very fast, and the sword energy and pressure he released is a full one million points!
Fortunately, Su Fei's sword qi and sword pressure also reached the same height.

Therefore, this kind of coercion from sword energy cannot affect him in any way.

In addition, the mysterious attribute can be immune.

The only thing worthy of attention was Bai Mo's speed of attack.

The iceberg and snow platform under his feet is two steps higher than Su Fei's Ice Phoenix.

In terms of speed, it is naturally dominant.

Therefore, Su Fei didn't dare to take it lightly.

"call out!"

Simply abandon the ice phoenix, use the empty ghost step, and quickly dodge in the void.


After performing more than 30 empty ghost steps in a row, his body flickered in the void like a streamer.

And Bai Mo's speed cannot be underestimated.

Whenever Su Fei steps on the aura in the void to dodge, Bai Mo's sword can always follow him in the next instant.

Therefore, Su Fei did not dare to relax in the slightest.

While dodging, he asked secretly: "Little Airplane, do you know what Bai Mo's star soul is?"


"Black Snake?...Then what about his star soul skills?"

Xiao Ji said: "His star soul should be able to see it soon."



Just when Su Fei completed 79 dodges.

Bai Mo's clear and crisp sound of the sword sounded again.

At the same time, there was a very strange voice.


It's a snake!

Moreover, it is a very big snake!

The 79 landing points he dodged in the void just now left behind Bai Mo's slash.

And each of his slashes is a precise layout.

During this time, a large snake with an inestimable length in the void was connected in series by these 79 landing points.

And Su Fei himself is also among these 79 landing points.

It seemed that he had been trapped by this giant black snake.

【Black Snake's Dilemma】

This is Bai Mo's star soul skill!

After the precise layout, there is a cruel and bloody killing move.

It was not easy for Su Fei to successfully dodge 79 times under the sword of the Three Star Sword King with his speed.

It's a pity that no matter how he tried to hide, he couldn't escape the layout of Bai Mo's black snake trap.

In the meantime, Bai Mo was also standing in it, only ten meters away from Su Fei.

But he looked very proud, pointed at Su Fei with the long sword glowing in his hand, and said loudly: "How about it, boy, do you accept it or not!"

"So what if you accept it, so what if you don't agree."

The black snake was shrinking inward at a speed visible to the naked eye.

If measures are not taken as soon as possible, Su Fei will be entangled to death by this giant snake within ten seconds!


At this moment, the little plane eagerly shouted: "Catch him quickly, don't let him escape!"

Su Fei understood.

Bai Mo was also in the plan, as long as he was left behind, there would be a chance of survival.

"call out!"

So, with a flash of his figure, he appeared behind Bai Mo.


He quickly drew out his sword, intending to kill him!


It's a pity that Bai Mo is also a very cunning guy.

He seemed to have expected Su Fei's move a long time ago, and risked to block it in anticipation. At the same time, with the strength of Su Fei's swinging sword, he flew out of the layout of the black snake's trap...

(End of this chapter)

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