Invincible sword repair system

Chapter 281 The Void 3 Mysterious Transformation

Chapter 281 Three Mysterious Transformations of the Void

"call out!"

Su Fei still has time.

He used the empty ghost step, trying to escape from the trap of the black snake.


It's a pity that the shrinking speed of the black snake accelerated several times after Bai Mo left this layout.

Even though Su Fei was very fast, he still couldn't escape from the narrow gap.

In an instant, there was darkness in front of my eyes.

His whole body was tightly bound by the black snake, and he couldn't use half of his strength, as if he had lost his last chance.




At the same time, Bai Mofei turned back behind Bai Meiying, and said proudly: "Mother, it seems that we can go back to meet business."


Bai Meiying remained silent, staring at the rapidly shrinking black snake from afar without blinking her eyes.

Seen from a hundred meters away, the black snake is more than a kilometer long and shrinks in a net shape.

Baichou on the side is also witnessing all this.

Suddenly, he said with a worried face: "Brother, in my opinion, I'm afraid he won't die."

"Tch, what do you know!"

With a confident smile on his face, Bai Mo said, "Although I haven't practiced the black snake trap to the extreme, it is more than enough to deal with a mere junior great swordsman."

"Why are you so confident." Baichou didn't take it seriously.

"Can't you see that the reason why he couldn't escape from it just now must have been affected by my mysterious attribute. At this moment, I'm afraid the pain is unbearable!"

After finishing speaking, Bai Mo burst out laughing.

"I don't see it."

Baichou put her arms around her chest and analyzed secretly, "Brother, there seems to be a big problem with the layout of your Black Snake's trap, don't you see it at all, although it shrinks very fast, it violates the It goes against the contraction law of the snake itself."

"You know shit!"

Hearing this, Bai Mo became anxious all of a sudden.

Instead, Baichou's expression became calmer, "If I really don't understand, why are you so anxious, I must have hit the point, that's why you are so angry."


"shut up!"

Before Bai Mo could explode, Bai Meiying stopped her, "Bai Shou is right, Bai Mo, there is indeed a big problem with your layout."


Hearing this, Bai Mo was speechless.He inadvertently cast a sideways glance at Bai Shou beside him, but found that Bai Shou's face was serious, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Bai Meiying looked at Baichou, "Tell me, besides the problem with the layout of your brother, the Black Snake, you have found some other problems."

"This one……"

Baichou rested her chin on one hand, lost in thought for a while.

At this time, Bai Mo snorted coldly, "Baichou, don't pretend to understand. If you say something wrong and make mother unhappy, see if I teach you a lesson when I go back!"

"To shut up!"

Bai Meiying said coldly: "Your brother's observation ability has been better than yours since he was a child. Apart from his poor health, you have to learn from him in many aspects, understand!"


Bai Mo snorted coldly, "Mother, you are biased. In Saint Ding Continent, it is clear that the strong are respected. No matter how smart he is, he barely rose to the three-star sword king, and he really started to fight. Even the Nine-Star Sword Master can't beat him. With him like this, there is nothing worth learning."


Regarding Bai Mo's words, Bai Meiying also shook her head helplessly, "In this world, everyone is different, and everyone has advantages and disadvantages. You should see the advantages of others more than the disadvantages, your brother He is in poor health, but he has a smart mind. Although you are in good health, but your mind is simple. If you two brothers join hands..."


Bai Mo said coldly: "I'm not the same kind of person as he is, so I don't want to join hands with him."


Bai Meiying sighed again, "Forget it, it's not the time to talk about this. Baichou, tell me, what else do you see?"

Bai Shou frowned slightly, and poked her cheek with the index finger of her right hand.

Every time he made such an action, it must be because he discovered some important secret.

Bai Meiying naturally knew her son quite well.

Therefore, I look forward to Baichou's answer even more.

But this time, Baichou didn't speak for a long time.

"Hey, you are talking. If you don't see it, just say that you can't see it!" Bai Mo urged impatiently.

"It's not that I didn't see it, but I couldn't believe it."

There was a hint of fear in Baichou's eyes.

"What do you mean by that?" Bai Meiying had never seen him like this before, her eyes became more curious.

"He seems to be immune to my brother's mysterious attributes. The reason why he didn't escape just now may be an illusion deliberately created!"

Baichou's words can be said to be very bold.

Bai Meiying's originally calm face also showed a look of sadness, "Could it be that he found the King of Blue?"

Baichou nodded and said, "It should be like this."

"Cut, that's impossible!"

Bai Modao: "I can clearly feel that in the trap of the black snake, the signs of life are already very weak. I believe that within 3 minutes, Su Fei will undoubtedly die!"


Bai Meiying looked serious, "We can't wait that long, children, let's fight together, we must not let him leave here alive!"

"Is it necessary?" Bai Mo expressed reluctance.

"Of course there is!"

Bai Meiying has never been serious before, "If what Baichou said is true, then his body is very likely to be immune to all attribute attacks. If that is the case, once he leaves alive, in the future when he becomes stronger, I, the Heavenly Sword Sect, am afraid..."

"okay, I get it!"

Although Bai Mo didn't believe it, seeing Bai Meiying's attitude, he also knew that the situation was serious and he should not be careless.

"Clang clang clang!"

Thus, the three of them, mother and son, already held their sabers in their hands.

Moreover, the three of them are all mysterious attributes.


When the three of them swung their swords at the same time.

"Hoo hoo!..."

In the void, there was a strong wind.


The hair of the three was blown straight.

In the distance, the contest between the Soul-devouring Beast and the Little Thunder Beast was also suspended due to the coercion of the sword energy released by the three sword kings at the same time.


At a certain moment, when the pressure of sword energy in the void reaches a certain intensity.

The barrier in the void has actually cracked.


At that moment, the sky seemed to be falling down.


Heavy rain poured down from the cracks in the sky...

At that moment, in the sky above the Heavenly Sword City thousands of meters away, Bai Lu went back and forth. Seeing the situation here from a distance, her face darkened instantly, "That... was actually done by the three of them together!" The Three Profound Transformations of the Void?"

"I didn't expect that they would display such a tyrannical killing move against a junior great swordsman. It seems that the kid will die without regret."

A black-clothed swordsman who followed seemed to be full of confidence in this move.

(End of this chapter)

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