Invincible sword repair system

Chapter 282 Turning rain into blade

Chapter 282 Turning rain into blade
The Three Mysterious Changes of the Void are well-known in the Great Qin Empire.

The ancestors of the Heavenly Sword Sect created this move to prove their swordsmanship.

Moreover, Bai Chaoqun once used this trick to become a member of the Great Qin Hall of Fame.

Unexpectedly, just after breaking through the realm of great sword master, Su Fei would have the opportunity to witness such brilliant sword moves.

Not to mention the surprise of all the hall masters of the Heavenly Sword Sect, even the small plane was extremely shocked.

"It seems that Bai Meiying is planning to make a quick decision. Master, as long as you survive for 25 minutes, you will have a chance of surviving."

During this time, due to Bai Mo's distraction in performing the Three Mysterious Transformations of the Void, the power of the Black Snake's Trap was naturally greatly affected.

He clearly felt the tightness of the Black Snake's trap, which was no longer enough to trap himself.

As long as you use a little force, you can break free smoothly.

So, without hesitation, he released 100 million sword qi and sword pressure in his body.


There was a loud noise, and the void cracked.

Unexpectedly, it was so easy to shake the thousand-meter black snake to pieces.

At that moment, he once again summoned the ice phoenix, standing in the void.


The rain is getting heavier.

That was not ordinary rain, but mysterious rain.


With a flick of his long sword, he protected himself with sword energy, so Xuan Yu couldn't get close.

Of course, if it weren't for Su Fei himself being immune to all attributes, he would not be able to stop Xuanyu's might at all with only sword energy to protect himself.

You know, every drop of Xuanyu, as long as it is close to the whole body, has the power to cause hallucinations.

What's more, at the moment when he broke free from the trap of the black snake, a few drops of mysterious rain got on his body, it was even more serious.

"Is it really immune?"

A hundred meters away, Bai Meiying saw that Su Fei was not affected by Xuan Yu, and immediately affirmed Bai Chou's judgment.

"how is this possible!"

Bai Mo still had a look of disbelief, "That kid must have used some kind of demonic technique, he is just a poor boy from the countryside, how could he be favored by the King of Blue!"

"shut up!"

Bai Meiying said seriously: "A hero doesn't ask about his background, Bai Mo, your thinking is very dangerous!"

"Ha ha."

Bai Mo didn't think so.

But Baichou seemed to realize something, "Mother, what should we do now. Since it has been confirmed that he has obtained the King of Bru, that is to say, our mysterious attributes will not have any effect on him, I'm afraid..."

"so what."

Bai Mo interrupted him, "Baichou, when you're in battle, you can't spoil your prestige with other people's ambition. He offended the majesty of the Heavenly Sword Sect, so he must die today!"

"That was not what I meant."

Baichou argued: "I mean, given time, his strength will definitely stand at the peak of the five kingdoms of Shengding! Moreover, he has always been a citizen of our Great Qin Empire. It would be a pity to kill him today."

"Baichou, Baichou, you are so stupid, if you let him go today, what do you think will happen to the Heavenly Sword Sect!" Bai Mo looked angry.

"Shut me all up!"

Bai Meiying sternly shouted, "Su Fei, because you are a talent, I can give you one last chance. If you are willing to join the Heavenly Sword Sect, you will be saved from death today!"

There was a tyrannical inner strength in her voice.

Ordinary people would hurt their internal organs just by hearing the sound.

Su Fei's internal strength is many times higher than that of Bai Meiying.

He smiled calmly, "I'm really sorry, senior, since you want to fight, I'll accompany you. However, we have something to say first. This competition is an exchange of martial arts, don't take it too seriously."


Bai Meiying snorted coldly, "You killed the nine hall masters of my Heavenly Sword Sect, including a hall master of the inner courtyard. Do you think my Heavenly Sword Sect is so easy to bully? If you don't surrender today, There is no doubt that he must die!"

"Okay then, senior, since you've already made your decision, then... let's do it!"

Su Fei stood proudly, without any trace of fear on his face.

The coercion of the sword qi of the three great sword kings could not have much influence on him.

During this time, the only thing he was afraid of was the triple transformation of the Three Mysterious Transformations of the Void.

According to legend, the Three Mysterious Transformations of the Void have three different attack forms, and each form is enough to kill a person.

But as long as these three attacks are avoided, the follow-up will be much easier.

Because, although this move is strong, it consumes a huge amount of sword energy and spiritual energy. Not to mention a strong sword king, even a strong sword king, it is impossible to perform it many times.

"Su Fei, it seems that you are determined to fight against my Heavenly Sword Sect. If this happens, then you will not be allowed to stay!"

Bai Meiying's eyes were full of murderous intent, and she yelled, "Kill me!"


At that moment, all the mysterious rain that had fallen in the void hovered in the air.

On every drop of Xuanyu, there is the sword intent of the three great sword kings.

Su Fei could feel the sword intent, but what he was facing at the moment was tens of millions of Xuanyu.

Every drop of Xuanyu has a certain lethality.

He hovered in the air, as if surrounded by groups.


At that moment, Xiao Ji said: "Master, this is just an appetizer, just a bluff."


Su Fei's face was calm, "How to resolve this move?"

"After all, it is only at the level of the Sword King. Thousands of Xuanyu are so easy to control. You see, Xuanyu hovered in the air, but did not immediately attack you. This shows that it is very difficult for them to use this move. Reluctantly." The voice of the little plane suddenly became very cheerful.

It seems that she has judged that Su Fei will not be defeated in this battle.

"Then what should I do now?"

After talking for a long time, it's all nonsense.

"Use dragon energy to protect the body, pour sword energy into the holy spirit sword, and follow my instructions!" Little Airplane finally became serious.

"Okay, listen to you!"

Su Fei immediately followed suit.

Infuse all the dragon energy in the body into the eight extraordinary meridians to protect the whole body.

At that moment, the dragon aura appeared, forming an ice barrier with a diameter of ten meters around his body.

At the same time, pour all the sword energy into the holy spirit sword.

At that moment, the blade turned into ice blue again, with extremely terrifying ice thorns growing out.


The sword's edge chimed, and the killing intent rose.

Xuan Yu around was actually suppressed by his dragon energy and sword energy, turned into spiritual energy, and inhaled into his body.

Although he hasn't exhausted all his strength, the spiritual energy, dragon energy, and sword energy in his body are consumed enormously.

But his inhalation ability is also amazingly strong.

The sword energy and spiritual energy released by the three great sword kings were being inhaled continuously by him.

"Good boy!"

Bai Meiying soon discovered this, and shouted: "Children, we don't have enough time, come on!"


As they spoke, the long swords glowing with mysterious light in the hands of the three slowly swung downwards.

【Rain into Blade】

The three swords merged into one, thousands of raindrops in the void, under the control of the three great sword kings, instantly transformed into thousands of sword blades.


The swords were automatically assembled in the void, condensed into tens of thousands of great swords, and shot towards Su Fei in an orderly manner.

(End of this chapter)

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