Invincible sword repair system

Chapter 284 The Rules of the Zhenyun Family

Chapter 284 The Rules of the Zhenyun Family
Within a radius of several kilometers, no matter whether it is the ground or the void, there is no gap that is absolutely safe.

The frequency of his empty ghost step is getting higher and higher.


The sound of breaking wind could not be heard in my ears.

In front of my eyes, it was already a blur.

But his eyes were always focused on the three great sword kings, and he didn't dare to be distracted for a moment.

"Shhhhh! ......"

Occasionally, under the reminder of the small plane, unscheduled raids were launched.

"Clang clang clang!..."

The result is the same every time.

Not only himself, but the three major sword kings were all unscathed.



This battle lasted for a long time.

Standing in the void of Tianjian City, the seven hall masters headed by Bai Lu all looked nervous.

"It turned out to be a stalemate, that kid is really extraordinary!"

"I heard that he is only 14 years old. To be able to fight against the three major sword kings to such an extent is indeed beyond our ability."

"If he had shot at us just now, I'm afraid we would all be dead."


"What a perverted boy!"

"Even the Three Profound Transformations of the Void can't help him, our wild goose formation is really..."

"Hey, since ancient times, a hero has been born into a boy. If this boy can leave alive today, I'm afraid that there will be troubles in the Heavenly Sword Sect from now on..."

Hearing everyone's discussion, Bai Lu frowned all the time.

She stretched her face, and her heart was extremely angry.

He secretly said in his heart: "No matter how strong this kid is, one day, I will definitely defeat him!"

Her eyes were firm, and she made up her mind.

But she also knew very well in her heart that if it wasn't for Su Fei's mercy just now, none of the thirteen sword masters in the wild goose formation she led could survive.

Thinking of this, at the same time recalling what Su Fei said just now: She looks pretty good, it's a pity to die.

Thinking about it now, this sentence inexplicably made her feel ashamed.

She is older than Su Fei, yet he treats her so lightly.

With such emotions, when he looked up at Su Fei again, there was also a murderous intent hidden in his firm eyes!


"So tired!"

10 minutes, it's really not easy to boil.

He has performed more than [-] empty ghost steps, and this is the first time Su Fei has performed so many consecutive times since he learned the empty ghost steps.

Even outside the Giant Spirit Gang a few months ago, it was never performed so many times at one time.

Although the supply of the Blue Pond was insufficient, the constant wind noises in my ears made me sleepy!
"Hold on, there are 3 minutes left!"

Fortunately, there was a small plane constantly reminding him in his ear, otherwise, if he was distracted a little, he would be doomed.






The last 3 minutes seemed like three years of suffering.

But he held on after all.

Suddenly, a group of monks driving purple lotus came up from the south.

"No, mother, it's from Zhenyun's family!"

Baichou's face darkened, and she immediately put away the long sword in her hand.

"These guys who are in the way, they came on time!"

Bai Meiying was also quite afraid of the Zhenyun family members, so she withdrew her sword.At the same time, he put one hand on Bai Mo's sword-holding wrist, "Put the sword away, we have done our best."


Bai Mo looked unwilling, "Mother, that kid killed our Heavenly Sword Sect Ninth Hall Master, so that's all?"


Bai Meiying also looked helpless and remained silent.

"Mother, don't forget that Su Ting's three souls are still in his hands..."

Bai Mo knew that it would be difficult to suppress Su Fei. Although he withdrew his sword, he could not be convinced.

"shut up!"

The people from Zhenyun's family are already approaching.

Seeing Bai Mo's unrestrained speech, Bai Meiying became angry instantly.


Bai Mo clenched his teeth and snorted coldly.



When the three great sword kings withdrew their swords, the pressure of the sword energy in the void dissipated instantly, leaving nothing behind.


"Is it finally over!"

Su Fei let out a long breath, finally stopped dodging, summoned the ice phoenix, and hovered in the air.

"Boy, don't be complacent, one day, I will let you die without a place to bury you!"

Bai Mo looked at Su Fei from a distance, holding a breath in his heart, it was really hard to swallow.

Baichou looked in his eyes, but he seemed much calmer.

He approached Bai Mo and patted him on the shoulder, "Brother, don't worry, even if he passes our test, there is still a deacon waiting for him. If he is stubborn, he will definitely not see the sun tomorrow morning." .”

"Deacon? Which deacon?"

Bai Mo actually didn't know about this matter at all, and he was full of doubts when he suddenly heard Bai Shou's words.

"Deacon of the Wind Palace, Bai Luofeng."

"Bai Luofeng?"

Bai Mo looked surprised, "I didn't expect... even him to get involved!"

"Don't say anything."

Bai Meiying glared at the two of them.




At that moment, the team from Zhenyun's family happened to rush in front of the three of them.

There are five of them in total.

Moreover, it happened to be the complete team.

Three-star great sword king Zhenyun Beidou.

The four-star medicine king Zhenyun Canaan.

The three-star battle emperor is really clouded by Pangu.

The three-star Minggong Emperor Zhenyun Tianhe.

The senior holy magician is really cloudless.

These five people are all monks above level 110.

More than ten years ago, they were also the talented youngsters who were famous in Daqin.

Now, they are all old and standing, and they rarely walk around the rivers and lakes.

But the Great Qin Empire, anyone with a little knowledge, would be no stranger to the five of them.

In the Beidou team, the five members are brothers.

In the course of the battle, there is a tacit understanding.

Zhenyun Beidou is the youngest, but he is the core of tactics and their captain.

This time, the first to speak was naturally the captain, Zhenyun Beidou.

He cupped his fists at Bai Meiying and saluted, "Master Meiying, what kind of wind brought you here today, if you have nothing to do, why don't you come back with your brothers and have a cup of tea?"

"No need!"

Today Bai Meiying made an exception to perform the Three Mysterious Transformations of the Void on a junior great swordsman, but she couldn't even perform the first move smoothly. She was so angry that she didn't have the mood to drink tea.

In fact, Zhenyun Beidou had already seen what happened here.

He has been waiting to see if Su Fei can survive under Bai Meiying's hands.

The result is naturally satisfactory.

Therefore, he also knew that Bai Meiying was in a bad mood, so he cupped his fists again and saluted, "In this case, Hall Master Meiying, you also know that this is the territory of our Zhenyun family. And the rules of our Zhenyun family must be the same for you." It's clear."

The Zhenyun family has always advocated peace, and no one is allowed to fight privately in the territory of the Zhenyun family.

Knowing this, Bai Meiying was so eager to kill Su Fei.

But in the end, even with the ultimate move, it still failed to hurt Su Fei at all.

Also helpless, looking at Su Fei in the distance, sighed deeply, "Forget it, that kid is lucky today. Children, let's go!"

Saying that, Bai Meiying clasped his fists to the five members of Zhenyun's Beidou team, and brought Bai Mo and Bai Shou back to Tianjian City on the ice mountain and snow platform.


At the same time, under the call of Bai Meiying, the Soul-devouring Beast also left together...

(End of this chapter)

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