Invincible sword repair system

Chapter 285 The Inescapable Eye of the Storm

Chapter 285 The Inescapable Eye of the Storm (Second)


The Tianjianzong group is really difficult to deal with.

It's just doing it when you come up, it's more difficult to deal with than the people who are Jueming Ligong.

Fortunately, their people finally left.

Seeing their backs going away, Su Fei finally breathed a sigh of relief.


Suddenly, the sound of a small plane came from my ear.

"Be careful of those five people. They have been watching around for a long time, but they haven't come here. I'm afraid they have ulterior motives."

In fact, Su Fei and Zhen Yun's family do not have any special friendship.

The only thing that was connected was that Mucheng once gave him a badge from Zhenyun's family.

That waist badge, in Zhen Yun's family, seemed to symbolize some kind of special status.

It was also because of that waist card that Su Fei was able to face the five people calmly without fear, without turning around and leaving immediately.

While taking the little thunder beast back into the space ring, he secretly asked the little plane: "Those five people seem to be stronger than Bai Meiying. If they don't ask me to attack me indiscriminately, how should I deal with it?..."

Su Fei thought to himself that no matter how many cards he has, it is impossible to fight against five monks who have reached level 110 or above at the same time.

What's more, they are still a team.

The professions of the five complement each other, and if they fight, they may not even have a chance to escape.

"Don't worry, there is no murderous intent on them. I just suspect that they are most likely coming for Su Ting's three souls."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Jifei added another sentence: "Of course, this is just my guess. Isn't there an astromancer hidden in your space ring, you might as well ask her to test it for you."

"Forget it, they're already here."

Before the words fell, the five people stepped on the purple lotus and came to Su Fei.

It was still Zhenyun Beidou standing at the front, he clasped his fists at Su Fei and saluted, "Master Su, we have been waiting here for a long time."

"How long are you waiting?"

Su Fei looked up and down the five people in front of him.

Zhenyun Beidou, the three-star sword king, is level 113.

He is 30 years old, looks fairly young, and has a good temperament.

Zhenyun Canaan, the four-star medicine king, is level 114.

He is 31 years old, his skin is a little darker, and he looks a little old.

True Cloud Pangu, three-star battle emperor, level 113.

He is 32 years old, looks rough, and looks like a rough man.

True Cloud Sky Crane, Three-star Ming Gong Emperor, level 113.

He is 33 years old, with white hair and a childlike face, and looks like a quite stable man.

True Cloud Wuxiang, senior holy magician, level 117.

He is 34 years old, handsome, looks like a woman at first glance, and his movements are somewhat enchanting.

These five people, no matter their occupation or appearance, each has its own characteristics.

But one thing is consistent, they are all wearing red clothes.

The first thing Su Fei thought of was the Red Clothes Club.


Just as Su Fei had this conjecture, the little plane said: "Don't think about it, they have nothing to do with the Red Clothes Club."


Su Fei immediately stopped guessing.

But at this time, Zhenyun Beidou smiled, "Master Su, you don't know yet, it was Boss Qian who ordered us to keep you safe, so please go to our house to have a cup of tea first, rest your feet before Let's go."

"Boss Qian?"

Su Fei was stunned for a moment, "Which Boss Qian?"

"It's the bank."

Zhenyun Beidou spoke very frankly, without sloppy at all.


At first, Su Fei also looked confused.

However, it soon became clear that the reason why Qianzhuang was so rich was also because he was also a member of Zhenyun's family in the past.

Moreover, his real name is not Qianzhuang, but Zhenyun Zhuangxiang.

After learning all this, Su Fei was finally relieved.

Speaking of it, it is indeed a little tired.

So, following the five of them, they arrived at Jiyi Gate very quickly.



It was a manor in a busy city, with a small footprint, and a gold plaque was hung on the lintel.

—— Qianzhuang.

Seeing these two words, Su Fei was stunned again.

However, an explanation was soon provided.

It turned out that the reason why Zhenyun Zhuang Xiang changed his name to Qian Zhuang was precisely because his mansion was called this name.

After entering the bank, what I saw was very different from ordinary manors.

Whether it's the ground, walls, columns, or furnishings, they are all gold.

Seeing these, I can't help but feel exaggerated.

Just imagine, how much money does such a manor cost?

Zhenyun Beidou saw the surprise in Su Fei's heart, and immediately explained.

Those are just gilded, not pure gold.

If it's pure gold, I'm afraid of being missed by thieves.

Hearing this, Su Fei couldn't help laughing.

The five of them followed him into the living room.

The living room is not big, and it even looks a bit crowded with a few people sitting in it.

But the maids serving by the side are all water spirits, so they don't care about the small space.

One of the plump maids in her twenties personally cut a piece of fruit for Su Fei and handed it to him respectfully, "Master Su, I heard that you fought against the three great sword kings of the Heavenly Sword Sect by yourself. Really?"

"How did you know?"

Su Fei and the five of them just came here, and they didn't see the five of them mentioning it. How did the maid know about it?

The maid giggled, "Young Master Su, don't forget that this is the Gate of Ultimate Intent, and things in the suburbs can spread throughout the city in less than half an hour."


Sure enough, the power of gossip is very powerful.

Su Fei complained secretly, but suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

Why do you come here?

At this time, Su Ting's three souls should be brought back as soon as possible to save Gu Chen.


At this moment, the sound of a small plane came from my ear.

"If you come here, you'll be safe, don't think too much, it's not a bad thing to take a rest here first."

It seems that the small plane is also aware of it.

But she didn't say it clearly, and Su Fei didn't want to ask more.

Seeing that Su Fei didn't speak, Zhenyun Beidou personally poured a cup of tea for Su Fei, "Young Master Su, treat this place as your own home, stay here for a few days before leaving."

"How many days?"

Su Fei hesitated for a moment, "By the way, I haven't asked yet, why did you have to bring me here?"

He wanted to see what explanation Zhenyun Beidou would give.

"This is..."

Zhenyun Beidou fell silent, as if unwilling to say more.

This made Su Fei feel a little uneasy.

But at this moment, the white-haired and childlike Zhenyun Tianhe suddenly said: "To be honest, Mr. Su, Bai Luofeng, the deacon of the Heavenly Sword Sect's Wind Palace, is waiting for you on Eight Star Island."

Eight Star Island is the territory of the Murong family.

The shortest way for Su Fei to return to Nanchuan this time is naturally through Eight Star Island.

"In that case, I can make a detour, can't I?" Su Fei said.

Zhenyun Tianhe shook his head, "Master Su doesn't know something, that Bai Luofeng's star soul is the eye of the wind, no matter which way you go, as long as it is a windy place, you will definitely not be able to escape his eyes. Therefore, The best way right now is to wait!"

(End of this chapter)

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