Invincible sword repair system

Chapter 286 The Small World of Zhenyun Family

Chapter 286 The Small World of Zhenyun Family

The so-called eye of the wind is the eye of the wind.

Unexpectedly, Bai Luofeng could comprehend such an advanced star soul as Fengyan.

It seems that his talent must also be extraordinary.

Su Fei has heard a little about Fengyan.

He knew that among all the natural star souls in the world, it was one of the most difficult to defeat.

Once Bai Luofeng cultivates this Fengyan to a certain height in the future, he may become an invincible existence.In the world, there may not be many people who can defeat him.

"Young Master Su, you can stay here with peace of mind. Our people will watch for you outside. After Bai Luofeng leaves, we will naturally notify you."

Seeing Su Fei's silence, Zhenyun Tianhe looked enthusiastic and asked him to stay again.

"This... I'm afraid it's inappropriate."

Su Fei got up apologetically, and clasped his fists to the five people present, "Seniors, I appreciate your kindness, but... I still have important matters to attend to, so I really dare not delay for too long."

"Master Su, isn't your so-called important matter the matter of Gu Chen?" Zhenyun Tianhe actually broke Su Fei's mind with one word.

"Senior, how did you know?"

"Boss Qian also told us. In fact, since the day you left Nanchuan, Hanquan has already released Gu Chen in advance."

"Advance? How is it possible..."

Su Fei couldn't believe it.

"It really is."

Zhenyun Tianhe also stood up, "Young Master Su, you don't know yet, the king personally ordered Gu Chen to be released, and said that Gu Chen was innocent, and in order to express the court's apology, he specially conferred the title of Marquis. Starting yesterday In the entire Nanchuan area, apart from the Bingfeng League, Guchen has the highest status."

"how can that be?"

Hearing these words, Su Fei couldn't believe it even more, "Could it be that the imperial court just counted the more than 1 lives in Gu Yue Town?..."

"It's not surprising."

Seeing Su Fei's surprised expression, Zhenyun Beidou stood up and explained.

According to his meaning, that is to say, under the rule of the Great Qin Dynasty, the decision of the court represents justice.

The court says you are guilty, but you are also guilty if you are innocent.

If the court says you are not guilty, then you are not guilty if you are guilty.

Let's say that Gu Chen killed more than 1 people in Gu Yue Town. The essence of this incident can be called a heinous crime.

But as long as the court says a word, the ones who are guilty are no longer Gu Chen, but those who were killed.

You know, in Gu Yue Town, many people participated in the killing of Gu Chen and Yue Qiu's parents, this is the root of the crime.

The imperial court made a fuss about this, so naturally there was a reason to release Gu Chen.

In addition, the imperial court added a name of rebellion to those dead, saying that they conspired to rebel and were suppressed by Gu Chen alone.

In this way, Gu Chen's crimes became an indelible feat of the imperial court.

Therefore, not only can he be released, but also an official can be added to him.

After hearing this explanation, Su Fei secretly admired it.

This is the so-called justice under the rule of the Great Qin Dynasty?

Simply ha ha! ...

But no matter what, Su Fei has made so much effort, isn't it just to rescue Gu Chen and use it for me.

Now Gu Chen is finally released.


According to the court's handling method, Gu Chen may not be able to become Su Fei's partner in the future.



Months of careful planning just go to waste?

Su Fei secretly felt unwilling.


Things have come to this point, it is really difficult to undo.

Without one Gu Chen to join, the overall combat effectiveness of their team will naturally be greatly reduced.

Thinking of these, I felt inexplicably heavy, and I sighed unconsciously.


Seeing Su Fei's sad face, Zhenyun Beidou gave him a tug on his arm, "Okay, Mr. Su, don't talk about this for now. Sit down and rest for a while before talking."


Zhenyun Wuxiang, who hadn't spoken much all this time, also said with an enchanting face: "Young master Su, you don't look like the kind of person who can't take time off, so it's possible that you wouldn't even buy me a cup of tea from my brothers." give face?"

"Okay, sit down, you can rest assured about Gu Chen's matter, if something really happens, it will count as five of us brothers."

Zhenyun Pangu has a rough appearance and a bold personality.As he spoke, at the same time, he took out a jar of good wine from the space ring.

"Bang" on the table.

"Why, third brother, do you still want a drink?"

Seeing the wine, the dark-skinned Zhenyun Canaan couldn't help it anymore, and leaned over to sniff it like a dog.

"Go, go, not for you."

Zhenyun Pangu slapped him hard on the head, "This is for Mr. Su. It is said that he drank all the good wine worth hundreds of thousands of gold soul coins from Boss Qian at the Qingyu Inn, so Mr. Su must have Huge quantity, this wine is made from the palace, most people can't drink it even if they want to drink it."


How can others understand Su Fei's mood.

At this moment, let alone a bottle of fine wine, even if you give him a hundred advanced systems, it will be difficult to be tempted.

For wine, it is even more unmoved.


Sighing lightly, he sat down again and forced a smile, "Thank you seniors for your kindness, it's not that I don't want to save face, it's really that the development of the matter is not satisfactory..."

"Okay, okay, in life, there is no smooth sailing. If you should eat, you should eat, if you should rest, you should rest, if you should drink, then you must drink. Mr. Su, don't refuse anymore."

That is true.

As the saying goes, there are nine out of ten unsatisfactory things in life.

Su Fei is naturally very clear about this reason.


Zhenyun Wuxiang became anxious, and fell on Su Fei like a woman.

At the same time, he raised his eyebrows at the maid next to him, signaling to pour wine for Su Fei.

The maid was also very discerning, and immediately poured a big bowl of good wine for Su Fei.

"Come, come, Mr. Su, let's have a drink before we talk." The maid smiled sweetly, and her voice was particularly nice.

It was hard for Su Fei to refuse.

But Zhenyun Wuxiang suddenly became like a rascal and fell on him, it was really unacceptable.

Although he looks like a woman, he is a man after all.

So, he pushed him away, "Senior, can you all be normal? Now that Gu Chen has been released, I really don't have anything urgent to do now. It doesn't matter if I stay for a few days, but... this place will It's not too small, can I go out and live in the hotel by myself?"

After pushing Zhenyun Wuxiang away, he took the wine handed over by the maid and drank it cheerfully.

Zhenyun Pangu is a rough man, seeing Su Fei's young age, he seems to be so proud when drinking, with an indescribable satisfaction on his face.

But when he heard the word "inn", his expression darkened instantly, "Master Su, the Extreme Meaning Gate is no different than the outside. There has never been such a thing as an inn here."

"No inn? If people from outside come in, where do they live?"

"Ordinary people, of course, can't come to the ultimate intention door."

When he said this, Zhenyun Pangu's face was secretly a bit smug.


Just when Su Fei was puzzled.

The little plane immediately explained, "This is the small world of Zhenyun's family. Here, even Bai Luofeng's eye can successfully block it."

(End of this chapter)

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