Chapter 287 Replica

The small world can indeed avoid the pursuit of the eye of the wind.

It's no wonder, it is for this reason that they brought Su Fei here.


How the hell did they get in?
Su Fei has been following behind them without realizing it.


The little plane said: "This will only be understood after you can create a small world yourself. As for now, even if you explain it, you still can't understand it."


That being the case, Su Fei didn't ask any more questions.



Later, he was no longer polite to the seniors of Zhenyun's family.

I stayed on the spot, and this stay lasted for half a month.

During these half a month, everyone in Zhenyun's family took great care of him.

Here, in addition to the wealth that can rival a country, there are also a large collection of rare treasures.

Su Fei is not a greedy person, otherwise, within this half month, he must have gained a lot.

Although he did not accept the gift from Zhenyun's family, he also gained a lot of knowledge.



Half a month later, the spies from Zhenyun's family reported that Bai Luofeng had received other missions from the Heavenly Sword Sect and had gone to the distant country of Qi.

At the beginning, Su Fei was also very curious about what kind of mission he had accepted so that even Su Ting's three souls could be abandoned.

It was only later that I realized that it was another layout of the Heavenly Sword Sect.

Of course, at this moment, Su Fei has no time to learn so much.

Now that Bai Luofeng had already left, there was no need to stay at the Extreme Intent Gate.

So, I bid farewell to everyone immediately and returned to Nanchuan.



After another two days, I finally returned to Nanchuan.

He was not in a hurry to show his face in front of acquaintances, but hid in the busy city to inquire about news.

Living in a restaurant with a good business near Qingyu Inn, after three days of understanding, it can be regarded as a harvest.

Looking back, it has been more than 20 days since he left Nanchuan.

During this time, many things happened in Nanchuan.

In Proud World Villa, as Su Fei expected before, Yexue was very shrewd, but now that things are getting serious, it is natural that people go to the house to empty.

Ming Lou, out of Su Fei's prediction, for some reason, even they disappeared.Ming Chaoying and Kang Bo even disappeared, no one knew their whereabouts.

Xiao Mei's Merlin Auction House has also existed in name only since she returned to Tianjianzong.That place has nothing to do with Xiao Mei.

The Qingyu Inn is the same as before, under the management of the bank, and it operates normally.

On the other side of Jueming Li Palace, during this period of time, it was also going step by step, without any major movements.

The other is the Beicheng Mine.

Although Su Fei wasn't here during this time, he had already explained everything before he left Nanchuan.

Therefore, under the control of Shaoyin, Juejiu, and Jinyi, a brand new base has been built.

Other than that, it's Gu Chen's business.

Gu Chen has really been released.

Moreover, he also has his own mansion.

In the main city of Nanchuan, the newly built City Lord's Mansion is Gu Chen's residence.

His residence is also the most luxurious and imposing existence in Nanchuan.

These days, Gu Chen lives a full life.

After this catastrophe, both he and Yueqiu know how to cherish each other better.

So, they got married.

On the day of their wedding, Hanquan personally brought them a congratulatory gift.

That congratulatory gift was a commendation from the royal family.

The royal family not only granted him the title of marquis, but also made him the city lord of Nanchuan.

For a while, he also stole the limelight in Nanchuan.

During these days, almost everyone was talking about Gu Chen's deeds.

It couldn't be easier for Su Fei to inquire about him.



Three days later, Su Fei finally left the restaurant.

He first went to Qingyu Inn.

Qian Zhuang was not surprised to see him at all.

"Master Su, how are you doing during this time?"

"Thanks to you, everything is fine."

Su Fei exchanged pleasantries with Qian Zhuang.

Afterwards, he explained some things to the bank, and then set off for Beicheng Mine.

Just came to the door, happened to meet Shaoyin.

She was still the same as before, dressed up very grandly.

Seeing Su Fei, he immediately greeted him, "My lord, I haven't seen you for a long time, where have you been?"


Su Fei looked mysterious and did not explain.

Afterwards, under the leadership of Shaoyin, they went to their new base.

That place is located in the center of Beicheng Mine, and it is also the largest in size, the top of Qilong Mountain.

Before, Su Fei didn't notice the existence of Qi Longshan.

When I saw Qilong Mountain today, I suddenly remembered the distant mountain I saw through the Renjian Bridge in Jiuding Mountain Villa.

Because, the two are almost exactly the same.

"Shaoyin, do you know why this place is called Qilong Mountain?"

"I don't know."

Shaoyin didn't know much about it.


Right here, Xiaofei said: "You are right, Qilong Mountain, it is the mountain you saw on the Human Bridge behind Jiuding Villa before."

"So... Jiuding Mountain Villa is nearby?"

The little plane said: "It's possible."


"My lord, do you seem to have something on your mind?"

Shaoyin noticed Su Fei's expression was different, so he asked with concern.

"It's nothing."

In the meantime, they have reached the top of Qilong Mountain.

The villa in front of him was designed and completed by Jin Yi himself.

Every detail is perfect.


When Su Fei saw it clearly, he suddenly realized that this place was built exactly like Jiuding Villa!
After walking in, the first thing that catches the eye is the familiar nine tripods!
Seeing this, Su Fei couldn't help being dazed, "Shaoyin, what's going on with the Nine Tripods?"

"My lord, don't underestimate the nine tripods. Jin Yi said that the nine tripods symbolize the pinnacle of power. If you have no objections, this place will be called the Jiuding Villa in the future."

"...Nine Cauldrons... Villa?..."

In the world, is there such a coincidence?
"What's the matter, Master Immortal Master, are you not satisfied with this name?"


"Then why... You don't seem very happy."

"You misunderstood. It's not that you are unhappy, but that you are too happy, so you don't look very happy."

"……All right."

Shaoyin was also speechless.

In her opinion, Su Fei was forcing an excuse.

"By the way, what about the others, why aren't they at home."

"They're out shopping."

"What to buy?"

"Of course it's building materials. Although the general framework is completed, the next thing is to arrange the organs."

"Is that so..."

Later, they wandered around the villa for a while.

Every courtyard, every piece of furniture is really exactly the same as Jiuding Villa, it can be called a copy!
Finally, guided by curiosity, Su Fei walked through the main hall and opened the back door.

Outside the back door is a bottomless cliff.

Shaoyin followed, "Master Immortal Master, be careful, Jin Yi said, an invisible bridge will have to be built here in the future."

"The invisible...bridge?"

"Yes, it doesn't matter if you don't understand, she said, that bridge is called the Human Bridge, and only a few people in this world can see the existence of that bridge."


Shaoyin's words made him feel confused.

Is this really a copy of Jiuding Villa? ...


Xiaofei said: "I checked the information just now, and the designer of Jiuding Villa was the ancestor of their Jin family."


(End of this chapter)

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