Chapter 288 Epilogue
It really is!
It seems that there must be some kind of special relationship between the Jin family and the Dragon family.

But this is not a bad thing for Su Fei.

Both the Jin Family and the Dragon Clan are his most trustworthy partners on this continent.

"Master Immortal Master, you have just come back, you should go back to your room and rest for a while."

Shaoyin suddenly had a special concern for Su Fei.

At first, Su Fei also felt something unusual.

But later I found out that Shaoyin did this in the hope that Su Fei could implement the plan as soon as possible so that he could return to the Immortal Realm as soon as possible.

"It doesn't matter whether you rest or not. The only thing I'm worried about now is Dalu and Xiling's sword strike. I don't know how they are doing now."

In fact, since the imperial court lowered the oppression of the common people in the world, Dalu and Xiling Yijian, like the people in Minglou, disappeared in Nanchuan.No one knows where they went.

But later there were rumors that Dalu took his army to the distant Northern Qi.

As for Xiling Yijian, he returned to the Shadow Chamber alone.

"Master Immortal Master, the base is almost built now, what should we do next?"

Shaoyin knew that Su Fei had his own plan.

Although Su Fei is young, he is very resourceful.In this team, everything must follow his orders.

"Let's rest for a while and see the situation before we talk. During this time, everyone has worked hard."

Some of the people Su Fei wanted to win over did not join.

Therefore, there are still big loopholes in his plan.

Moreover, he already knew that the king sitting on the throne today was not a descendant of the Sima family, but Dusheng of Kongshen Island.

He could imagine that no matter how far-reaching the plans of Tianjianzong and Yingyingzhai were, perhaps all of them were under the control of Kongshen Island.It is Kongshen who is really planning the strategy behind the scenes.

"Alright then, since the Immortal Master has already decided, I also want to be alone for a while."

Shaoyin was indeed tired, as could be seen from the look in her eyes.

Her exhaustion didn't just come from her body, but more from the struggle and torture deep in her heart.

Su Fei was very considerate of her feelings, so he smiled gratefully and said some comforting words to her.



Later, their lives were peaceful for three years.

Whether it is Nanchuan, Qinjian Mountain, or even the entire Great Qin Empire, nothing major has happened.

But such calm is always disturbing.

Three years.

It has been three years since the Jiuding Villa was completed.

During these three years, although Su Fei has been telling everyone to cultivate their health and rest.

But some things have subtly changed in the course of these three years.

Jiuding Mountain Villa responds to all changes without change, and under the leadership of Su Fei, it seems to have become the number one villa in the world.

There is a steady stream of outstanding talent coming in.Some people appear suddenly, even people feel inexplicable.But they always have their own reasons for joining Jiuding Villa.

Su Fei is a person who loves talents, he will not refuse any talent to join.But there are very few people who can really live in Jiuding Villa.

Most of the uninvited ones were arranged in nearby other courtyards.

As the number of people continues to increase, the number of nearby other courtyards ranges from one to ten, and from ten to hundreds. Today, there are already 370 and nine other courtyards.

There are ten people living in each courtyard, which is 790 people.

Suddenly there are so many more people, and the expenses are also increasing day by day.

And all expenses are borne by the bank.

Therefore, the addition of Qianzhuang at the beginning has indeed made the formation of this team more stable.

What's even more surprising is that Qian Zhuang is not a greedy person, and all the money is spent in Su Fei's name.

In this way, Su Fei is even more remarkable in the eyes of everyone.

But this always made Su Fei feel bad.

But Qian Zhuang always said that he is the core of the team, and all resources in this team should be controlled by him alone.

Every time I heard Qian Zhuang say such things, I always felt that I owed him too much, and I didn't even know how to repay him.

You know, once promised to help Qian Zhuang rescue his daughter from Jueming Li Palace, but he didn't really do it.This incident has been condemning Su Fei almost all the time.

In addition, why Qian Zhuang joined his team is still beyond his comprehension.

But Qian Zhuang still has something to say, he said, the most important reason is that he believes that Su Fei is a master worth following.

Master worth following, these words are always imprinted in Su Fei's heart.

He could see that what Qian Zhuang said was very sincere.

Moreover, everyone else has the same trust in Su Fei.

With such a high degree of trust from everyone, Su Fei is also more demanding on himself.

In the past three years, he practiced day and night, worked tirelessly, and suffered a lot.

But for some reason, in the past three years, his cultivation base has not seen obvious improvement.

So far, his cultivation has only been raised to the level of a five-star great swordsman.




Speaking of this cultivation base, it is really big enough.

Let's talk about the seven people currently living in Jiuding Villa first.

They are Jue Jiu, Shao Yin, Jin Yi, Qian Mei, Qian Zhuang, Jing Yi, and Su Fei himself.

In the past three years, they have been getting along very well.

On weekdays, everyone is talking and laughing.

But in fact, everyone has their own thoughts.

And Su Fei is the only one who understands their thoughts best.

Jue Jiu wants to become stronger, but at the same time, he also needs a flexible and powerful right arm.

Three years have passed, and Su Fei's cultivation has not achieved a breakthrough. Therefore, he still hasn't found a way to help him grow new arms.

But fortunately, with Jin Yi's help, he has obtained a mechanical right arm.Although it is not as good as a real arm, it is also strong enough. The strength of swinging the knife is no less than his left hand.

Shaoyin's idea is relatively simple, she just wants to return to the Immortal Realm earlier.

As for Qian Mei, her thinking has always been more complicated, and sometimes she doesn't even know what she wants.But one thing is for sure, that is the same idea as Shaoyin.She is also eagerly looking forward to the day when she can return to the Immortal Realm and her own homeland.

As for Jin Yi and Qian Zhuang, they followed Su Fei at the beginning, and they may have many complicated purposes.

But after getting along for a long time, those purposes are no longer important.

What they valued more was Su Fei.

They felt very comfortable when they were with Su Fei.

It was as if there had never been such a comfortable day in my life.

Jin Yi can do what she likes to do every day.Seeing her handicrafts being appreciated by everyone, as a craftsman, she is undoubtedly happy.

As for Jing Yi, before he joined the team, he had been secretly following Su Fei.

You know, he is a rare intelligence expert in the entire Great Qin Empire.

Three years ago, Su Fei made a big splash in Wangcheng, so naturally he couldn't escape his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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