Invincible sword repair system

Chapter 289 Wedge: Broken Wing

Chapter 289 Wedge: Broken Wing

Wedge: flap

A bird with broken wings needs wings, not a cage.


The spring breeze may not necessarily be gentle.

Sometimes, it can also be full of chills.

A bird's wing was injured. It struggled desperately, wanting to fly into the void and soar freely as before, but no matter how hard it tried, it was in vain.

Shaoyin, who always liked to be alone, found the bird by accident.

She approached it, and it flapped its wings and backed away.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here to help you."

Shaoyin had never been so gentle before.

Facing humans, she always has an inherent sense of alienation.

But when she faced the injured bird, there was a hint of maternal love in her eyes.

"Choo Choo Choo!"

The bird chirped strangely and seemed very nervous.

"Don't be afraid, good boy!"

Shaoyin squatted down very slowly, for fear that the bird would be startled.

The emotions of birds are naturally incomprehensible to human beings who are aloof.

Shaoyin held the bird tenderly in his palm.

The bird looked at Shaoyin surprisingly, felt the gentleness of Shaoyin's palm, and seemed to finally let go of the hanging heart.

Later, Shaoyin took the bird home.

Seeing this scene, Qian Mei was extremely surprised, "Hey, did the sun come out from the west? Is our usually icy Master Shaoyin so caring?"

Shaoyin ignored Qian Mei.

Just in time, Su Fei came out of the hall.

He was not at all surprised by Shaoyin's behavior.

"Shaoyin, do you need my help?"

"No, thank you, I can do it myself."

Shaoyin took the bird back to the room and administered medicine to the bird herself.

Her medicine was finally purchased at a high price from the chamber of commerce. Within three days, the bird's wings could move freely.But wanting to fly into the void freely is still too reluctant after all.

In any case, the bird sees hope.

At first, the birds "twittered" and sang cheerfully every morning.

It is like a naughty child. As a bird that used to soar in the sky, even if it can only rely on its feet to run on the ground, it always runs back and forth in the yard, and flaps its wings countless times, trying to move forward. Fly high in the void.

But when it gradually recovered, Shaoyin asked Jin Yi to make a bird cage that she thought was quite comfortable.

The birdcage was large, but locked on the outside.

While the bird was sleeping, Shaoyin quietly put the bird into the cage.

Since then, the birds have stopped singing happily.In the yard, there are no more birds running happily.

It seems to be getting depressed.

One day, Su Fei passed by Shaoyin's courtyard.Seeing Shaoyin staring at the bird in the cage in a daze, he walked over and asked: "Shaoyin, what's the matter, why are you so preoccupied?"

Shaoyin sighed softly, "It's nothing, it's just this bird, it seems to be different from before."


Su Fei stared at the bird in the cage for a long time, "It's indeed a little different. It was afraid of people before, but it's not afraid now."

"I didn't say that."

Shaoyin spent the longest time with the bird.

She knew very well that the bird was a very cheerful little fellow at first.

But in the past few days, it is no longer cheerful, and even always looks sullen.

Later, Shaoyin briefly explained these details to Su Fei.

When Su Fei heard it, he suddenly realized, "So, the bird belongs to the sky, and if you lock it in a cage, it won't be happy."

"Birds... belong to the sky?"

Shaoyin thought for a while, and suddenly realized, "Master Immortal Master, you are still the best, and you can tell the truth."

With that said, Shaoyin unlocked the lock on the outside of the birdcage.

She tried to free the bird.

But for some reason, the bird landed on her shoulder and didn't intend to leave.

For this, Shaoyin was quite puzzled, "My lord, what is the reason for this? Didn't you say that it belongs to the sky, why doesn't it leave?"

Seeing this scene, Su Fei laughed loudly, "Everything knows how to be grateful. You saved it, and you spend all your time with it every day. Now, it already regards you as a friend."


Hearing these two words, Shaoyin inexplicably felt warm in his heart.

She can't get along with most humans, but unexpectedly, she got a bird friend all the time.

"Shaoyin, have you ever thought about keeping it with you all the time?"

"Master Immortal Master, you also know that people like us live a life of licking blood on the edge of a knife. If we bring it with us, I'm afraid it will hurt it."

"It's okay, just say, do you want to take it with you?"


Shaoyin understood Su Fei's temper.

She knew that Su Fei would not say such things for no reason.

So, hesitantly said: "Master Immortal Master, do you have any good ideas?"

"Of course there is."

In fact, Su Fei recently made a very interesting system, which can be used on birds and beasts.

If Shaoyin wanted to keep this bird by his side forever, he would definitely encounter many dangers in the future.

If it is implanted into a cultivation system, then it may not only have the ability to protect itself, but may even become the most powerful helper around Shaoyin.

"If there is one, of course I would."

Finally, Shaoyin nodded.

Su Fei took the bird and entered a side room next to it.

It took about three hours to finally implant the system into the bird's nervous system.

"Choo Choo Choo!……"

At first, when the system started up, the birds chirped and flopped about the room like they were going crazy.

However, it soon calmed down.

Moreover, Su Fei has bridged a shared system in that system, and it happens to be able to talk to it in the system through the small plane.

"Little guy, don't be afraid, I'm here to help you."

"help me?"

In the world inside the system, the sound of birds can be converted into human language.

"That's right, I know, you want to stay by Shaoyin's side all the time, don't you? As long as you do things according to the system's prompts every day, sooner or later, your ability will be as strong as our human beings, or even surpass our human beings. "

"Beyond human?"

The sound of the birds is full of childishness.

"Of course, if you don't want to stay by Shaoyin's side, you can also choose. But I can assure you that from today onwards, you will be the most powerful existence among birds."

"Wait, you seem to understand me?"

Only then did the bird realize that its language had been translated into human language by the system.

"Yes, I understand. Of course, don't be afraid, I will explain to you slowly later."

Su Fei understands its shocking mood very well. Many things can't be absorbed by birds in a short while.But as long as it is given enough time, it will definitely adapt to the addition of a cultivation system in the body, and enjoy the process.

(End of this chapter)

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