Chapter 291
When the wind stopped blowing, he would lose his way.

——Shangguan Meisha.

She keeps the clouds open to see the moonlight.

A confession of true feelings finally moved the rebellious Bai Luofeng.

During this time, she was indescribably happy.

Being able to lean on Bai Luofeng's chest was the happiness she dreamed of.

Unexpectedly, this day finally came.Before I knew it, I burst into tears.

Bai Luofeng patted her fragrant shoulder gently, comforting her softly.

At that time, she felt that she was the happiest woman in the world.

"Luofeng, you know, it's great to meet you."

"You feel good, and I am also very happy."

Bai Luofeng said this, but his expression was somewhat ashamed.

"You're happy, and I'm happy too."

She hugged Bai Luofeng, adding a little more strength.

A woman in love is usually irrational.

She clearly knew that Bai Luofeng was the deacon of the Heavenly Sword Sect.

Three years ago, Bai Luofeng was only a six-star sword king.

Today, his cultivation has advanced by leaps and bounds, and he has risen to the realm of the Three-Star Sword Emperor.

Being able to achieve such a leap forward in just three years shows that his talent is really extraordinary.

But when he came to Beiqi, he had a knife in his arms and had bad intentions.



Three months later.

"Luofeng, there's something that I haven't been able to figure out."

"What's the matter?"

They have been together for three months.

During these three months, they got along day and night, but they never found it boring.

They enjoy this two-person world very much.

However, over time, people's hearts will naturally undergo some subtle changes.

After all, Shangguan Meisha is the princess of Northern Qi.

And Bai Luofeng is the deacon of Fengdian of Tianjianzong.

Their positions are relative.

When at a certain moment, they all regained their senses, they would naturally face some practical problems.

Shangguan Meisha finally remembered her identity as the princess of Northern Qi.

So, she looked at Bai Luofeng with cold eyes, "Luofeng, why did you come to Beiqi, why did you approach me, and why did you want to stay with me for three months?"

Hearing such words, Bai Luofeng's eyes showed a trace of hidden sadness.

"Meisha, why did I come to Beiqi, why did I approach you, why did I stay with you, don't you know why?"

Bai Luofeng knew that Shangguan Meisha had always been a shrewd and capable woman before she was with him.

Although she is not very old, she has a lot of research on the way of governing the country.The love for Bei Qi surpasses the existence of life.

A woman like her, once she regains her senses, will no longer put love in the most shining position.

She will still be the aloof princess of Northern Qi, and he, the Qin spy who was ordered by the Sect Master of Tianjian to infiltrate Northern Qi, is very likely to be the first enemy she will deal with.

"Luofeng, let's go."

"You won't kill me?"

Regarding Shangguan Meisha's decision, he felt a sudden pain in his heart.

At this time, he would rather Shangguan Meisha stab him to death with a sword.

"Then you want to know why I didn't kill you?"


Bai Luofeng looked at her with complicated eyes.

He hoped that Shangguan Meisha would give him an answer, but at the same time, he was very afraid of hearing the answer he didn't want to hear.

Therefore, his heart is contradictory.

"In fact, I do not know."

Shangguan Meisha couldn't give an answer.

It's not that she never thought about stabbing Bai Luofeng to death with a single sword, but she couldn't do it.

Even though she knew in her heart that once Bai Luofeng returned to Qin and Gu Chen ascended to the Qin throne, the Northern Qi would be destroyed.

"If you don't kill me, you may regret it."

Bai Luofeng is a three-star sword emperor, and the Saint Ding five kingdoms, few people can kill him.

But in front of Shangguan Meisha, he even showed a gesture of begging for death.

It can be seen that his love for Shangguan Meisha is also deeply rooted in his bones.

"I won't regret it, and please don't make me sad if you can."

Shangguan Meisha knew that she seemed very powerless when she said this.

But for Bei Qi, for the only love in her heart, she hoped that Bai Luofeng would not destroy all the beauty in her heart.

"I do not know."

Bai Luofeng's mind became very confused.

Once upon a time, he got lost in the gentle land of Shangguan Meisha.

Although he is 40 years old, he naively thought that such a simple life would last forever.



half a month.

In the next half a month, they still lived together.

However, they have become much more silent.

There are 24 hours in a day and night.But what they said did not exceed 24 sentences in total.

"Luofeng, has our relationship come to an end?"

"You can continue at any time if you want."

Bai Luofeng is a lonely person.

For 40 years, he has only had rare happiness.

The appearance of Shangguan Meisha enriched his life.At the same time, it also made him feel that he is a sentient, soulful, and smiling person.

"I really can't go on, Luofeng, I'm very tired."

Perhaps, this is the exhaustion after a passionate love.

The deeper the love, the more tired the heart is.

Even if the two have been living in peace, there will still be many suspicions.And this kind of suspicion is only clear in their own hearts.

"I know."

In Bai Luofeng's life, apart from Feng, there was Shangguan Meisha.

Ever since he got Shangguan Meisha, he has left Feng in the cold. In his eyes, heart, and mind, there is only Shangguan Meisha alone.

He is so focused on love, he can naturally notice all the details of Shangguan Meisha's body, and he can also clearly feel that she is tired and has lost the strength to continue.

"Luofeng, I don't want to lose you."

Even though she was tired, she was still very clear in her heart.In this world, no man can take his place in my heart.

"I know."

Bai Luofeng understood Shangguan Meisha's intentions.

Otherwise, it is impossible for him to neglect his most loyal partner for her sake.

"Luofeng, do you know what I'm most afraid of?"

The so-called woman's heart is the sea needle.

As a man, who can really understand a woman's mind?

"I do not know."

Bai Luofeng is an honest man.

He will not pretend to be deep, pretend to understand when he doesn't understand.

"What I am most afraid of is your confused eyes, your cooling emotions, and the wind that stops surging in your heart. Compared with losing you, what I am more afraid of is that you will lose your own soul."

Shangguan Meisha had been thinking about it for a long time when she said these words.

"I seem to understand a little bit. Maybe it was you who imagined me too perfect."

Bai Luofeng had an epiphany.

If the wind ceases to blow, it is no longer the wind.

These days, the reason why they have less and less communication may be due to the three words "closer makes mediocre".

No matter how noble you are, once the other party understands you thoroughly, you will no longer be as noble as before in the other party's heart.

(End of this chapter)

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