Invincible sword repair system

Chapter 292 A Big Gamble

Chapter 292 A Big Gamble

Qi is life, man is a dish, our existence is a gamble of the creator.

—— Su Fei.

The love between Bai Luofeng and Shangguan Meisha was short-lived, but they both felt the true love from each other.

Some people say, don't care about forever, only care about what you once had.

Perhaps, the two of them are like this.

After the two of them parted ways, Bai Luofeng returned to Tianjianzong.

As for Shangguan Meisha, she was still the lofty and incomparably noble princess of the Northern Qi Dynasty.



Dalu returned to Nanchuan three days ago.

As for Gu Chen, he had ascended the throne and became King Qin four days ago.

Although Bai Luofeng left three months later than Dalu, he returned to Tianjianzong five days ago.

Dalu's speed was really too slow. As the general of the Northern Qi Dynasty, he came to the border of Qin State again, and every step he took was like walking on thin ice.On the way, he was hunted down by many monks above level 80, and almost died several times.

Finally came to Nanchuan, but it is not easy for him now to meet Su Fei.

You must know that Jiuding Mountain Villa is heavily guarded today, and it is not a place where anyone can enter if they want.If you break in rashly, most of them will never return.

This morning, he came to Qingyu Inn and met Qian Zhuang.

Qian Zhuang took him into Jiuding Villa, and only then did he meet Su Fei.

The two exchanged pleasantries, and Daru also expressed his most sincere thanks to Su Fei.

Then, the two finally got to the point.

Su Fei asked: "Now that you are the top general of the Northern Qi Dynasty, why do you come to visit me at Jiuding Villa when you have time? It must be something important."

"Princess Meisha said that after Gu Chen came to the throne, the first thing he had to deal with was your Jiuding Villa. Although I don't know if the news is reliable, but as the saying goes, be careful when sailing for ten thousand years, Mr. Su, from now on, you have to pay more attention." Be careful."

Daru knew that he came too late, and there was no point in saying many things now.

But what has to be said, he always has to say.

"I know."

There are many intelligence experts around Su Fei, so he already knew about Gu Chen's matter by heart.

But Daru came all the way to talk to him, it can be seen that in Daru's heart, he still regards him as his best friend.

So, he said with a smile, "Dalu, we haven't seen each other for so long, let's not talk about this, you are an ancient warrior, judging by your current cultivation, you should have reached the late stage of ancient martial arts."


Seeing Su Fei's current achievements, Dalu knew very well in his heart that the information he brought all the way from Northern Qi was superfluous.

While lamenting Su Fei's astonishing growth rate, he was also thinking about why Shangguan Meisha asked her to come to Qin.

"What's the matter, Daru, you seem to have something on your mind?"

Seeing his dazed expression, Su Fei inevitably had some guesses in his heart.

"It's nothing."

Dalu didn't want to explain too much, "Let's talk about cultivation, Mr. Su, what is your current cultivation level?"

"Five-star great swordsman."

Su Fei has always been dissatisfied with this realm.

Dalu was also surprised when he heard the words, "With your talent, after so many years, you still haven't broken through the realm of the sword king?"

"There is no way, everyone's cultivation will encounter some bottlenecks, there is no rush."

To break through the realm of the Sword Emperor, one has to enter the star palace, know the sea of ​​stars, and practice the fusion skills of martial soul and attributes.At the same time, you have to practice martial arts, advance martial skills, and take the second-turn magic pill.

Every link is extremely important and full of difficulties.

In the past few years, he has never been able to comprehend the Nanyu Xinggong in the palm of his left hand.

If you can't comprehend, you can't break through.

He has always been unable to understand why his horoscope formed a certain resistance to him.

He wanted to find out what abnormality existed in the star palace, but after so many years, he found nothing.

Therefore, the realm of cultivation has never been able to break through.

What's more, even small planes can't solve this problem.



Later, the two discussed some things about the star palace.

But it can be seen from Daru's words that he is really just a layman.

After some discussion, it was fruitless.

"By the way, Mr. Su, I heard that you have obtained Su Ting's three souls, so among them are the secrets of the Five Kingdoms of Saint Ding really hidden?"

After talking about the star palace, Dalu finally mentioned Su Ting's three souls.

"Is this what you wanted to ask yourself, or was someone else asking you to?"

Su Fei knew very well that in addition to Qin, those who knew about the Northern Qi, Eastern Wei, Western Zhao, Southern Yan, and the Four Kingdoms were also interested in Su Ting's three souls.

Moreover, over the years, people have continuously set foot in Jiuding Villa just to capture Su Ting's three souls.

It's a pity that they all underestimated the strength of Jiuding Villa, so they all returned in vain.

"I'm asking you now, of course I represent myself. If Young Master Su doesn't want to say it, I won't force it."

Although Dalu is Northern Qi's top general, in his heart, he doesn't think that Northern Qi is a good one to rely on.

Because, Northern Qi's ambition is to become the overlord of the five countries.Such a court is not worth serving at all.

"It's not that I don't want to say it, but that I can't understand the mystery."

Su Fei didn't know what Dalu was thinking, he only knew that it was Bei Qi who helped him back then, took him away from Nanchuan, and gave him a stable life for so many years.

Therefore, he has always been wary of Daru's identity.

"Even you can't comprehend it?"

Dalu knew that Su Fei was so talented that even he couldn't comprehend it. It's afraid that few people in the Five Kingdoms of Shengding could see through the mystery.

"It's not surprising that I can't understand it. However, although I haven't fully understood it, I do know something."

Most of Su Fei's cultivation relies on the system.

Therefore, when he has nothing to do on weekdays, he always finds time to study Su Ting's three souls.

"Like what?"

Dalu's eyes were shining, which made Su Fei very suspicious of his motives.

But as a friend, he didn't want to deliberately conceal it, so he took out the transcript he had made before and handed it to Dalu.

Daru took a look and said silently: "Qi is fate, people are vessels, our existence is a gamble of the creator? This is so profound, what does it mean?"

"It's literally."

Su Fei's words were not intentionally profound.

It's just that Daru may have thought too much.

"literal meaning?"

Daru thought for a while, "So, we are very likely to be the creator's test subjects?"

"That's right, that's it."

Su Fei admired his comprehension ability very much.

"But... what do you mean by the big bet you wrote? What is the bet, and what is the object of the bet?"

In fact, Daru is only half-knowledgeable.

"This is also a place that I can't understand for the time being."

Su Fei wrote such a paragraph by himself, half of it is affirmative, and the other half is guesswork out of thin air.

(End of this chapter)

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