Invincible sword repair system

Chapter 293 Friend of the Wind

Chapter 293 Friend of the Wind

Wind is the hardest thing to find.

——Bai Luofeng.

Dalu came late, but it didn't matter to Su Fei.

After a long time, Dalu finally realized that his worry about Su Fei was really unnecessary.

Not to mention a mere Great Qin, even if the Five Kingdoms of Saint Ding unite, they are not his opponent.

Although Su Fei's own cultivation is fixed at the level of a five-star great swordsman, the real strength of Jiuding Villa is enough to compete with the sky.

For three years, Su Fei has not been able to see through his own star palace, what kind of anomaly exists, nor has he fully understood the secrets of the five kingdoms in Su Ting's three souls.

But in fact, all of this was already destined in his horoscope.

The so-called everything is ready only owes the east wind.

Now, what he needs is that gust of east wind.

Gu Chen ascended the throne, and the country was named Shura.

In the second year of Shura, Su Fei reached his full age, but his cultivation level was still fixed at the five-star great sword master, and he did not see any improvement.

During this time, Dalu had already left Qin and returned to Northern Qi.

But Yue Luo, who had disappeared for a long time, suddenly returned.

four years ago.

Back then, Yue Luo and Su Fei entered Zhen Yun's small world together.

But when Su Fei left, Yue Luo stayed behind.

Therefore, for the past four years, Yue Luo spent all of her time in the Ultimate Mind of Zhen Yun's family.

With the care of the five brothers of Zhenyun Beidou, the little days of Yueluo in the Jiyi Gate can be described as chic and comfortable.

Moreover, her cultivation has also achieved a breakthrough by leaps and bounds.

Four years ago, she could only see the future for 3 minutes.

And now, she could already see the next three days.

One day, she found Su Fei nervously and told him that Dongfeng was coming.

Three days later.

There is a person worthy of attention in Nanchuan.

Bai Luofeng.

It is said that because he didn't want to betray Shangguan Meisha, he didn't feed back the information about Northern Qi to Tianjianzong. Now, he has been expelled from Tianjianzong.

When he came to Qingyu Inn, the first thing he did when he entered the door was to ask for a drink.

Su Fei knew that he was his Dongfeng.

As long as he came, he would be able to comprehend the secrets in Nanyu Xinggong.

So, I waited for his arrival in Qingyu Inn very early.

But when he saw Bai Luofeng, he was extremely surprised.

Bai Luofeng was in a mess, not at all the demeanor that a sword emperor should have, but more like a beggar on the street.

"Senior, what happened to you?"

Su Fei brought him a jar of good wine and sat down opposite him.


He poked lightly on the wine jar, and the wine immediately gushed out from the small hole.

He immediately opened his mouth wide and lay down on the ground to pick up the wine.

"Senior, you..."

"Master Immortal Master."

Just when Su Fei was about to say something, Qian Mei pulled him aside, and whispered: "Jing Yi said, Bai Luofeng's temperament follows the wind, and he often regards himself as a friend of the wind. You also know that the wind is the most difficult thing." I found it. It is not easy to win him over."

"Then what do you say?"

It was imperative to win over Bai Luofeng.

"First of all, we need to know why he suddenly became like this."

"So you figured it out?"

"It is said that he suddenly became like this because he suffered an emotional blow."

"You mean Shangguan Meisha?"


Qian Mei said: "It's Mu Ruoshui."


Su Fei was startled, "What do you mean?"

Qian Mei said: "After he was expelled from Tianjianzong, he became a wandering prodigal son just like Neptune. Some time ago, he passed through the Qinjian Mountain area and met Mu Ruoshui by chance. Fascinated by the capacity of the world."

"and many more."

Su Fei interrupted: "You mean, he has been to Qinjian Mountain?"

"Yeah, what's the matter?" Qian Mei looked at Su Fei suspiciously.

"It's nothing."

Su Fei said: "I just asked casually, you continue to talk."


Qian Mei continued: "Mu Ruoshui said that she already has someone she likes in her heart, and she will never fall in love with another person in this life."

"Is there anyone you like?"

Su Fei frowned secretly.

The first thing he thought of was not himself, but the Sky God of Sky God Island.

But he didn't know that it was a misunderstanding.

In fact, in Mu Ruoshui's heart, the person she has always loved is Su Fei.

Seeing Su Fei's lonely face, Qian Mei knew what was on his mind.

"Cough cough!"

So, he coughed and said: "Master Immortal Master, now is not the time for children to love each other, if your cultivation is still like this..."

"I see."

Su Fei regained his composure, "Go ahead and talk about how we can win over Bai Luofeng now."

"Go to Mu Ruoshui first."

This is Qianmei's suggestion.

In her opinion, as long as Mu Ruoshui is in Jiuding Mountain Villa and invites Bai Luofeng, in Bai Luofeng's current state, he will definitely nod and agree without saying a word.

But... "I don't know if Ruoshui has forgiven me."

Su Fei remembered Mu Ruoshui's resolute departure before, and now he still has lingering fears in his heart.

"Don't worry, as long as you go, she will definitely come."

The one who understands women best is naturally a woman.

Qian Mei is also a woman, so she has already seen through Mu Ruoshui's mind.

"Can I?"

But Su Fei is a man after all, she really can't be sure what Mu Ruoshui's feelings for her are.

"you can."

Qian Mei encouraged: "Whether she comes or not, based on your relationship with the Mu family, now that you are the owner of Jiuding Villa, the number one villa in the world, you should go to Qinjian Mountain to show your closeness, right? "

"makes sense."

Since Su Fei left Qinjian Mountain, he never went back.


Going back this time, besides meeting Mu Ruoshui, there are also Mu Cheng, Mu Jian, Mu Shuangshuang, Mu Zixi...

"My lord, what are you thinking?"

Seeing Su Fei dazed, Qian Mei patted him on the shoulder.

Su Fei came back to his senses, "It's nothing, it's not too late, then I'll set off now."

"No, you have a long way to go to Qinjian Mountain, so you need someone to escort you."

Today's Jiuding Villa is full of talented people, including several Sword Emperors.

One of the most trustworthy ones is Neptune who has long had friendship with Su Fei.

Although Neptune has not officially joined Jiuding Villa, he has been living in Jiuding Villa in secret since half a year ago.



In the afternoon, set off.

It was Neptune who was walking with Su Fei.

Within a day, the golden-tailed peacock on Neptune came to the void of Qinjian Mountain.

"call out!"

There was a gust of wind in my ears.

The two stretched their bodies and landed on the Qianqiu Temple Square at an altitude of 150 meters above the main peak of Qinjian Mountain.

When everyone recognized who came, they were all extremely excited.

"It's Su Fei!"

"Su Fei is back!"

"Everyone, come and see, Su Fei is back!"


Seeing them like this, Su Fei felt inexplicably warm.

This feeling is like returning to my hometown.

Soon, the Great Elder took the initiative to come out to greet him.

"Su Fei, looking forward to the stars and looking forward to the moon, but I look forward to you back. Come, come, follow me into the palace for a while."

"Great Elder, you don't have to be so polite. I said before that Su Fei will always be a disciple of Ziwu Palace in Guangwu Palace in this life."


As he spoke, he was about to walk into Qianqiu Palace when suddenly, a familiar yet unfamiliar voice came from his ear.

"Su Fei, you are finally back."

This voice is... "Mucheng?"

(End of this chapter)

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