Invincible sword repair system

Chapter 294 True Love Cannot Be Forced

Chapter 294 True Love Cannot Be Forced
Some love, once missed, is eternal.If you insist, it will only hurt both sides.

——Mu Orange.

"Su Fei, can you come with me?"

Mucheng's voice was very calm, not at all like the emotions that lovers should have after a long separation.

"of course."

The same is true for Su Fei.

He had feelings for Mucheng, but it wasn't love, it was just sympathy.

The marriage contract back then, when I think about it now, is more like a ridiculous farce.

But if it weren't for this, maybe he wouldn't have achieved what he is today.

He was grateful to Mucheng for many things in the past.

But it is still too difficult to say love.

Not seen for a few years, Mucheng has also appeared slim and graceful.

She was wearing a white and blue elegant long dress, with a slender figure, she was no longer the dry and thin little girl back then.In the crowd, she is so dazzling.

17 is old.

For many girls, this is a very cherished age.

The two left Qianqiu Temple Square and went to Ziwu Palace in Guangwu Hall.

It turns out that Mucheng has been living here ever since Ziwu Palace left the building.

She built a gazebo on the lawn outside the Meridian Palace, where she watched the sunrise and sunset every day, and her days were extremely peaceful.

"Sit down, I'll make you a pot of hot tea."

"It's work."

Su Fei sat down and saw that there was not much change here.Recalling everything I experienced here, it seems like it happened yesterday.

Ming Daoren, Jing Zhai, Mu Ruoshui, the Sixth Elder, the Li family of Tiannvfeng, the battle of the White Tiger List, the Xuantian team, the poison of a mother and a thousand sons in the Ziwu River, the Manyuetan in the back mountain, and the stone that sealed Ji Cang. Hole……

This is where he changed his destiny, and it is also the blessed place in his life.

"Su Fei, what's the matter, are you thinking of many things from the past?"

Not long after, Mucheng personally made a cup of hot tea for him.

Looking at the hot air on the teacup, Su Fei felt a lot of emotion in his heart.

"Mucheng, I should have come back to see you earlier. How have you been all these years?"

"I am fine."

Mucheng sat on a stone bench very close to Su Fei.

Together they looked at the setting sun in the west.

The setting sun is orange at a glance.

The distant mountains are like an ancient picture scroll, the beauty is intoxicating.

"Okay, that's fine."

Su Fei naturally hoped that she could live well all the time.

It can be seen that her cultivation still has not made a major breakthrough, and perhaps she will not be able to achieve extraordinary achievements in her cultivation in this life.

But she was born in the Mu family, so she was destined to not go to the countryside to make a living by farming like the ordinary children of other families.What's more, she has an engagement with Su Fei.

"Su Fei, don't you have anything else to say to me?"

Mucheng's heart was indifferent.

In the past few years, I don't know what happened to her.

Today, she is like a master who has no desires or desires, without the slightest impetuous aura that is unique to ordinary people.

"I don't know what to say, didn't you say you have something to tell me?"

Su Fei still didn't know how to get along with her.

When he was in Qinjian Mountain, he always felt that he only treated Mucheng as a child.

But now, it is still the case.

He really didn't know how to talk about love with a child.

"Yeah, I have something to tell you."

Mucheng could tell that Su Fei had no intentions of her.

So, with a dark sigh, "It's about the third elder."


Su Fei was shocked.

Mucheng mentioned Ruoshui to him, which somewhat surprised him.

"You actually called him so affectionate, it seems that the rumors are true."

After the Dragon Ranking ended four years ago, Su Fei left Mu's house and went to Nanchuan.

Mu Ruoshui also followed.

Many people in the Mu family criticized this.

Many people said that Su Fei and Mu Ruoshui probably had an unusually intimate relationship.

But more people think that Su Fei is just a child, and Mu Ruoshui is already an adult, it is impossible to be emotional with a child like Su Fei.

But Mucheng, as Su Fei's fiancée, was always worried.

She felt that the rumors could not be groundless.

Since some people talk about it like this, even if there is no love between them, their relationship must be unusual.

Now it seems that her idea is indeed correct.

"Mucheng, I'm sorry, I know, this is unfair to you. But I assure you, no matter what, as long as you are willing, even if I fall in love with someone else, I will never break our marriage contract."

Everyone knows that Su Fei is a person who keeps his promises.

Back then, he had personally promised this marriage, even if he didn't have that kind of affection for Mucheng, he would still carry out this marriage contract to the end.

"Su Fei, do you know that it's not fair to you, to me, or to the third elder."

Mucheng is not a thick-skinned woman either.

What she hopes to get is true love.

If Su Fei didn't have that kind of affection for her, she hoped that Su Fei could be set free.

"Mucheng, don't continue talking. I said, as long as you are willing, I will definitely fulfill my promise and treat you well for the rest of my life."

Su Fei knew what she was going to say.

She wanted to give up.

But Su Fei knew that once she gave up, at her current age, she would no longer be able to live in Meridian Palace.

Even if she doesn't need to go to the countryside to be a peasant woman, she still has to work as a slave in various branches.In this life, it is difficult to find true happiness.

"Su Fei, I know that you are doing it for my own good. Moreover, I also know that you came here this time to find the Third Elder."

"How would you know?"

Although Mucheng couldn't cultivate, she was extremely intelligent.

But no matter how smart she is, Su Fei has not mentioned why she came here, how did she know?

Su Fei looked curious.

"A few days ago, the king sent people to Mu's house, and they took the third elder to the palace. From that day on, I knew that you would be back soon."


Su Fei was startled, "You mean, Gu Chen asked someone to take Ruoshui to the palace? Do you know why?"

"It is said that he wants to accept her as a concubine."

Mucheng asked Su Fei to come here to talk about this matter.

"Accept her as a concubine?..."

When Su Fei heard it, his mind was buzzing.

"Su Fei, you must cheer up."

Mucheng could tell that Su Fei must be very sad.

"No, no!"

Su Fei's face turned cold, and he stood up abruptly, "She must not marry Gu Chen."

"Su Fei, calm down. You have to know that some love, once missed, is eternal. If you force it, it will only hurt both sides."

Mucheng pulled his arm.

She knew that not everyone could persuade Su Fei at the moment.

But she had to try.

So, she grabbed Su Fei's hand, hoping to calm him down as soon as possible.

"How do you want me to calm down? This matter is of great importance and involves a lot. I must prevent this from happening!"

As he spoke, he gently pushed Mucheng away, and then summoned the purple-winged phoenix, which flew towards the royal city at top speed...

(End of this chapter)

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