Chapter 295
Too much love and justice, sooner or later you will suffer.


From Qinjian Mountain to Wangcheng, there is no need to go through the Giant Spirit Gang in a straight line, but you can see Tiannv Peak.

When he saw Tiannv Peak, he discovered that there was an extremely powerful sword intent hidden there.

That sword intent, to say the least, is at the level of a sword king.

Could it be that the Li family still lives in Tiannv Peak?


Xiaofei said: "Master, don't worry about the Li family, it's more important to get to Wangcheng as soon as possible."


Su Fei didn't intend to take care of it.



A few days later, night.

Finally came to Wangcheng.

He didn't dare to drive the Purple Wing Phoenix any longer.

After all, he is still the one who must be killed by the Heavenly Sword Sect.

Landing on Fuji Island at the border of the Royal City, the plan is to pass through Feixing Hall, Prince Jing's Mansion, and Tongtian Prince's Mansion, and then go straight into the palace.

But this process is not easy.

You know, he is already a well-known celebrity in the Great Qin Empire.

Within the royal city, there are quite a few eyeliners of the Heavenly Sword Sect.

If you want to enter the palace quietly, it is hard to compare to the sky.

Of course!
Just as he was about to leave in disguise, Neptune followed.

He will be much safer if he walks with Su Fei.



Three days later.

After a long journey, they finally came outside the gate of the palace.

Just as he was about to find an inn to settle down, he suddenly discovered that a group of people were escorting a prisoner out of the prison.

Taking a closer look, it turned out to be Ming Daoren.

Ming Daoren is now 74 years old.

In the past few years, he has been under house arrest, and he has lost his former style.

Unexpectedly, after Gu Chen ascended the throne, he intensified his efforts and threw him into a dungeon to live an inhuman life.

In the meantime, Ming Daoren had gray hair and a haggard face, as if he was not far from death.

Su Fei always thought that even if Ming Dao Ren's dignified Nine Star Sword Emperor was placed under house arrest, he would not be ruined.

But now it seems that he was really wrong.

In the palace, the means are extraordinary.Even the Nine-Star Great Sword Emperor, once reduced to a prisoner, he will not be able to stand up by his own strength.

Seeing his mentor in such a mess, Su Fei lost his position in an instant.


He had a sore nose and let out a deep drink.

He was about to rush up to save others, but was stopped by Neptune who was traveling with him.

"This is Wangcheng, not your Jiuding Villa. There are so many of them, even your teacher is subdued, let alone you."

It was later learned that releasing Ming Daoren's cage could suppress the aura in the practitioner's body.

No matter what kind of profession a cultivator is, as long as he is based on a spiritual foundation, he will definitely be greatly affected.

Ming Daoren couldn't get out of trouble, so it was reasonable.

"Senior Hai, no matter what, I must rescue the teacher!"

"I understand your current mood, but if you rush to save someone now, I'm afraid you will fall into the other party's trap."

After all, Neptune has experienced people.

He can see through many things at a glance.

Why was Ming Daoren released from the prison at this time, neither sooner nor later.Among them, there must be a conspiracy.

Later, after some inquiries, I finally learned that Gu Chen decreed this morning that Ming Daoren beheaded for public display at Caishikou three days later.

In the state of Qin, unless the crime is extremely heinous, the death penalty will never be imposed.

So, what did Ming Daoren do wrong?

He was right in everything, the only thing wrong was accepting a student like Su Fei.

Gu Chen attacked Ming Daoren in order to give Su Fei a blow.

Moreover, since the first day Su Fei came to Wangcheng, he has been followed by Gu Chen's eyeliner.

"Su Fei, Su Fei?"

There are many people on the street.

Suddenly, a familiar voice came.

Looking back... "Brother?"

In the past few years, Jingzhai's cultivation has not dropped, and at a glance, he has already comprehended attribute attacks.

"Brother, you have many masters in the Shadow Studio, please find a way to rescue the teacher."

"I know."

Jingzhai is also a student of Ming Daoren.

Moreover, his fate with Ming Daoren is deeper than that of Su Fei.

He was equally anxious.

But he's always been a calm guy.

He knew that Gu Chen's sudden order to behead Ming Daoren for public display was just a small trick, and his real target had always been Su Fei.

Including Gu Chen's sudden announcement of Namu Ruoshui as a concubine, also to anger Su Fei.

After learning all this, Su Fei was extremely angry.

He was really angry.

Once, all he wanted was to rescue Gu Chen from the soul prison.

Now, this ungrateful bastard not only doesn't know how to be grateful, but also opposes Su Fei everywhere.No matter who it is, it will feel chilling.

"Su Fei, don't think too much, let's find a place to live first, as for the matter of the teacher, we have to think long-term."

Jing Zhai took Su Fei to a nearby inn to stay.

They are easy to recognize, and ordinary people cannot recognize them.



That night, Su Fei couldn't hold back anymore and asked Neptune to take him into the palace to meet Mu Ruoshui in private.

Neptune rebuffed straight away, "Impossible, the palace is heavily guarded, even if it's me, I can't guarantee that I'll be safe."

"But I have to confirm Ruoshui's safety, otherwise, what's the point of this trip!" Su Fei couldn't bear it.

Neptune knows that he is experiencing a double blow now, and it is not easy to calm down.

So, take the risk to bring him into the palace.

Surprisingly, there were no obstacles on the way.



Yuxiu Palace.

Mu Ruoshui stood in the courtyard.

She looked up at the bright moon hanging high in the sky, her eyes were full of loneliness.


She sighed repeatedly, preoccupied.

"call out!"

Su Feifei fell into the courtyard.

She was startled, but the expression on her face was extremely calm.

"You seem to know I'm coming?"

This was Su Fei's first feeling.


She said, "Gu Chen let you in on purpose."


If not, how could it be so easy to enter the forbidden area of ​​the palace.

"Come with me."

Since Su Fei was able to come and meet Ruoshui, he didn't intend to return empty-handed.

"I do not go."

Mu Ruoshui's answer was so cold.

Su Fei frowned secretly, "Why?"

"I don't want to explain too much, I just pass on a word to you for Gu Chen."

"Send a message?"


She turned around and turned her back to Su Fei.Grab a pair of scissors and trim the bonsai on the table.

At the same time, he said softly: "Gu Chen said, if you can rescue Ming Daoren in three days, he will promise you one condition. If you can't rescue him, then you have to promise him one condition."

"Hehe, want to bet with me? Why should I agree to him!"

Su Fei was very disappointed with Gu Chen.

This is also the first time in his life that he misjudged someone.

"You'd better promise him."

This is Mu Ruoshui's suggestion.


"Don't ask so many questions, just do it."

Mu Ruoshui must have her reasons for saying this.

Su Fei hesitated for a while, "Okay, I'll listen to you once."

After finishing speaking, he and Neptune left the palace first.

After returning to the inn, he locked himself in his room.

Suddenly remembered four years ago, on the day Qingzong committed suicide, Hanquan once reminded him that in a place like Shengding Continent, if you value love and righteousness too much, you will suffer a big loss sooner or later.Now, this sentence really comes true.

(End of this chapter)

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