Chapter 296

Your ring is very interesting. Anyway, I don't have a place to live, why don't you just lend me a few days?
——Xiao Mei.

The next day.

Su Fei had nothing to do, so he went to Caishikou for a while.

The execution platform was ten meters high, and the four pillars were stained with blood.It can be seen that many people have died here.

"call out!"

He looked up for a while.

Suddenly, he stretched out his figure and landed on the execution platform.

Suddenly found a person lying under the guillotine.

"Xiao Mei?"

Why is she here.

"You finally came."

Xiao Mei's face was gloomy, and she didn't know what she had experienced in the past few years.

Four years ago, Su Fei witnessed her return to the Heavenly Sword Sect.

But since then, there have been no rumors about her inside or outside the Heavenly Sword Sect.

"Sister Mei, are you still the Sister Mei I used to know?"

"Master Su, we haven't seen each other for so many years. I heard that you have been doing well recently, and you have become the owner of the No. [-] villa in the world. By the way, why has your cultivation base stagnated in the past few years? What's the matter?"

She didn't answer the question.

"Sister Mei, what is your identity now, and why are you here?"

Su Fei didn't want to answer anything.

He really couldn't see through Xiao Mei.

"What is my identity, can't you see it?"

She stood up, with her hands on her hips, looking towards the direction of the palace, with a bit of decadence in her eyes.

"Forgive me for being stupid, I really can't see it. But I think there must be a reason for you to appear here suddenly."

After experiencing Gu Chen's incident, Su Fei also began to doubt his own vision and judgment.

He wasn't sure what kind of person Xiao Mei was.

It is impossible to determine who she is, and it is impossible to guess her motives for doing things.

"Master Su, it may not be a good thing for a person to be too curious. Don't ask so many questions, why don't you answer me a question?"

Her face suddenly became serious.

"what is the problem?"

Intuitively speaking, her appearance this time is not malicious.

"Are you really planning to bring everyone back to Immortal Realm?"

This question, coming out of her mouth, really surprised Su Fei.

Because, Qian Mei and the others have said that although Xiao Mei is also from Immortal Realm, she does not intend to return to that place.

"Why do you care about such a question?"

This is what Su Fei has to figure out.

"I just want to know your mind. If you really want to do this, you have to understand the consequences of doing so."

Xiao Mei is older than Su Fei, and she has more life experience in Shengding Continent than Su Fei.

She said this, presumably because she knew some unknown secret.

What's more, Su Fei has never been to the Immortal Domain, so he has no idea what kind of place it is.

Perhaps, Xiao Mei has already seen through everything?
"Sister Mei, why are you so hesitant when talking to me? It's not like practicing Tai Chi. Tell me, what's going on."

Of course Su Fei hoped that she would be more open-minded.

At this time, he is not in the mood to "play Tai Chi" with her.


Seeing that Su Fei was so impatient, Xiao Mei let out a weary haha.

After that, he kept staring at the space ring on the little finger of his left hand, and said meaningfully: "Mr. Su, your ring is not bad. Anyway, I don't have a place to live now, why don't you lend me a few days?"


I thought she was finally going to tell the secret.


"Sister Mei, don't make fun of me. You are an elder of the Heavenly Sword Sect. How can you have no place to live? There are countless people all over the country who want to curry favor with you."

"Fawn? Hehe..."

Xiao Mei smiled sarcastically, "They are flattering the Heavenly Sword Sect, so what does it have to do with me, besides, I am no longer a member of the Heavenly Sword Sect."

"You left Tianjianzong again?"

"Nonsense! I'm no longer a member of the Heavenly Sword Sect, aren't you pretending to be ignorant?"


Su Fei clearly remembered that she had returned to the Heavenly Sword Sect before...

"You want to say that you saw me go back that night, don't you?"


Su Fei was startled, "How do you know what I'm thinking?"

" hid in the grass outside the dragon gate that day, did you really think no one would find out?"


makes sense.

Xiao Mei back then was a level 120 imperial spirit master.

Before Su Fei found her, she had already seen it clearly.

"Then I don't understand. Why did you go back to the Heavenly Sword Sect?"


Xiao Mei glared at Su Fei, "Four years ago, if I hadn't gone back to hold back the elders of the various halls, do you think that you would still be able to return to your Jiuding Villa because you killed so many hall masters of the Heavenly Sword Sect?"


That's it!

Four years ago, Su Fei was still wondering.

At that time, he left the Luoxia Inn, and no one caught up to him for half an hour.

Until he reached Zhenyun's territory, eighteen masters from the Heavenly Sword Sect caught up with him.

But it's not good for them to do it anywhere, so they chose the territory of Zhenyun's house.

Obviously, that is not a very good place for Tianjianzong.

Now it seems that everything is because of Xiao Mei's help.

Knowing all this, Su Fei was naturally grateful.

But he still didn't understand why Xiao Mei suddenly appeared here.

Could it be that she came to help him again?
"Master Su, your mind is really complicated. Can't you think about things more simply?"

Seeing that Su Fei was lost in thought, Xiao Mei slapped him hard on the shoulder.


That palm was not light.

Su Fei immediately came to his senses, "Sister Mei, it's not that I think too much, but that in a place like Shengding Continent, many things must be thought through clearly, otherwise, if you make a mistake, the price you pay will be It’s not just a personal life.”

"As long as you know!"

Xiao Mei's face darkened, "I'll tell you what you want to know later. Now, let me sleep in your ring first, I haven't slept for several days."

"……OK then."

Hiding Xiao Mei in the space ring, he sat cross-legged on the execution platform, imagining how to rescue Ming Daoren from this place next.


At a certain moment, the sound of a small plane came from the ear.

"Master, someone is coming!"


There are indeed people.

This person is none other than... "Gu Chen?"

Today, he is already the Ninth Five-Year Venerable, and he is actually wearing a gray gown, which looks extremely simple.

Moreover, there was no killing intent in his eyes as expected.

When he flew onto the execution platform and sat cross-legged, he was actually sitting face to face with Su Fei.

"Why are you here?"

Su Fei was already taken aback by Xiao Mei's appearance.

The appearance of Gu Chen was at least three surprises and four surprises.

"I'm here to clarify something with you."

Gu Chen is now 20 years old.Compared with four years ago, he looks more mature and stable.

His eyes are full of stories.

Presumably, his sudden appearance this time must be tricky!

(End of this chapter)

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