Invincible sword repair system

Chapter 297 There Will Be a Battle

Chapter 297

All the injustices in the world are just the complaints of the weak.Only the strong are worthy of talking about fairness.

——Ancient dust.

When there is confusion in one's heart, one should face the confusion directly.Only in this way can we get the real answer.

Gu Chen was the confusion in Su Fei's heart.

At this moment, Gu Chen was in front of him.

He has a lot to say, and these words must be said.

And Gu Chen was also confused.

His confusion was precisely Su Fei.

He also had a lot to say, and just as much had to say it.

"Master Su, thank you for everything you did for me four years ago. But I don't know why you did that. Why did you save me?"

Su Fei has asked himself this question countless times.

Many times, he didn't know why he wanted to save Gu Chen.

Perhaps, just a flash of thought.

Or maybe it's just pure pity.

But he didn't want to say these thoughts.

Even if you say it, others may not believe it.

Today's Guchen is already a person who has crossed his life.

Su Fei knew that no matter what he said, he could not change the hostile relationship between them.

So, he smiled and said, "Then what about you, why do you want to be the King of Qin? What's so good about being the King of Qin? Could it be that your dream is to be imprisoned by a throne for the rest of your life?"

Gu Chen also didn't want to answer such a question.

Naturally, he has his reasons for being King of Qin.

As for his dream, only he himself knows.

He felt that there was no need to tell others these words.

So, he smiled lightly, "You know, sometimes, I really envy you."

"Envy me? What do I have that you envy?"

"I don't know, it's just an intuition. I think what you have is incomparable to everyone in this world."

When Gu Chen said this, he naturally thought so.

Su Fei could see the sincerity in his eyes.

It is also because of this sincerity that he is still willing to believe that the current Gu Chen may still be the old Gu Chen.

Gu Chen hasn't changed, it's just that Su Fei didn't understand him at all.

"Maybe I have a lot, but I can't protect everything I have. In this way, no matter how much I have, I will eventually lose everything and have nothing."

"So have you ever thought about sharing what you own with others, for me."

When Gu Chen said this, there was still sincerity in his eyes.

But such sincerity is frightening.

He wanted to take away what belonged to others, but he was able to say it so confidently and with peace of mind.

It can be seen how selfish he is in his heart.

"No one can take what is mine. If you have to do that, there will be a battle between you and me!"

A man has some patience and some can't bear it.

Gu Chen's words really made him unacceptable.

What's more, what he wants to take away now is what Su Fei loves in his heart.

This is unbearable for any man in the world.

"Under the whole world, is it the land of the king? Su Fei, you should understand that as a citizen of Daqin, including yourself, you are all widows."

Gu Chen suddenly changed his tone of voice.

He spoke to Su Fei in the posture of King Qin.

This made Su Fei even more chilling.

So, he smiled coldly, "Gu Chen, since this is the case, today, I, Su Fei, declare war on you in the name of the owner of Jiuding Villa!"




When he said this.

There was a thunder in the void.


Heavy rain, pouring down.

The two stared at each other with cold eyes in the rain.For a long time, I didn't blink.

"Su Fei, are you sure you want to do this?"

Gu Chen still wanted to give Su Fei a step down.

But such a step is to make Su Fei admit that he is a coward.

"I'm sure!"

Su Fei has never been a coward.

Since Gu Chen had to start this war, he wouldn't back down.

"very good!"

Gu Chen was actually satisfied with Su Fei's answer.

He looks forward to this fight.

As the son of Shura, if there is no war, he will feel very lonely, and he will also feel that life has lost its meaning.

He was born to fight!

"You're a lunatic!"

At that moment, Su Fei finally understood that he was wrong, wrong from the very beginning.

It is impossible for Gu Chen to become his partner, impossible in this life, impossible in the next life, impossible in every lifetime.

"Su Fei, I know, you must think it's unfair, don't you?"

Although Gu Chen is crazy, his madness is not without reason.

He suffered injustice from a young age.Therefore, his vision of the world is always distorted.

He sees the world through unfair eyes.

Then, other people in his eyes are also like this.

As King Qin, he already knew Su Fei's experience.

At first, he thought Su Fei was the same kind of person as him.

But now it seems that he was wrong.

He suddenly felt that the injustice that Su Fei thought was different from the injustice in his heart.

"I never thought about it that way."

In fact, Su Fei didn't think it was unfair.

From the very beginning, he was not a mortal who complained.

He always knew he was extraordinary.

In Su Fei's heart, there is supreme pride.

He never disdained to fight with mortals.

He said that when he was in the Su family, he could endure so much humiliation precisely because he knew that most of the Su family were mortals.

He doesn't want to have too much haggling with mortals.

But ancient dust is different.

Gu Chen is the son of Shura, and from the day he was born, he was destined to be extraordinary.

"You must think it's unfair, I know. But all the injustices in the world are just the complaints of the weak. Only the strong are worthy of talking about fairness."

Gu Chen talked to himself, as if he didn't hear every word Su Fei said.

It can be seen from this that as long as it is something he has already determined in his heart, no matter what others say or do, he cannot change his deep-rooted point of view.

"Hehe, that's what you think."

Su Fei suddenly realized that it was meaningless to continue talking to him like this.

So, he stood up disappointed.

"call out!"

Without saying a word, he stretched his figure and left the execution platform at Caishikou.



at the same time.

Sky God Island.

Gan Lansen and Tianming sat in the Vientiane Building drinking tea together.

Seeing what happened in King Qin's city, Gan Lansen showed a sad face.

But Destiny is extremely excited.

"Wu Sheng really fulfilled his mission, he did it!"

"It turns out that the so-called Gu Chen is the source of Su Fei's anger, and this is the key point."

Kalansen finally understood.


Destiny smiled complacently, "All these plans are shown in Su Fei's horoscope. He and Gu Chen are destined to have a battle. After this battle, the structure of the Five Kingdoms of Saint Ding will undergo earth-shaking changes." Variety."

Hearing this, Gan Lansen realized something, "So Kongshen's plan is to destroy the Five Kingdoms of Shengding, right?"

Tianming smiled deeply, but did not give an answer.

(End of this chapter)

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