Invincible sword repair system

Chapter 310 Su Yan Must Die

Chapter 310 Su Yan Must Die

Awakening divine power is not as easy as it says.

Su Fei is very clear that this system still has great flaws. If he wants to complete the awakening of divine power, he must rely on his own strength to break through to the level of the Sword Emperor.

"My lord, my lord?"

Suddenly, there was a scream of panic in my ear.

This voice is... "Moonfall?"


"Master, trouble is coming."

"What trouble."

"I feel the sword emperor's aura of the green dragon soul. It seems that Su Yan has already broken through the sword emperor realm, and he really came here to trouble you."


Su Fei vowed to avenge Wan'er.

Unexpectedly, Su Yan would become the Sword Emperor so quickly... Moreover, he also has the blessing of the power of the dragon soul, I'm afraid...

"Master, don't worry, he is the sword emperor with three attributes of water, mystery, poison, and you are immune to all three attributes. As for his star soul, I will be able to see it when I see him."


Now that Su Yan came to him, Su Fei naturally couldn't sit still.

He passed the human bridge and returned to Jiuding Villa.

Yue Luo looked nervous, "My lord, just now I made a divination for you. If you fight Su Yan, I'm afraid it will be more or less auspicious."

"In any case, this battle is imperative."

When he learned that Su Yan had broken through to the Sword Emperor realm, he had already guessed that this battle would not be easy, and he might even be killed.

But Su Yan killed Wan'er, he couldn't swallow his breath.

Moreover, Lao Zhang didn't want to come to Nanchuan with Su Fei, and stayed in Da Mo Town.

If Su Yan was allowed to go back alive, even Lao Zhang would not be able to escape death.

Therefore, this battle must not be dismissed, and Su Yan must die.



After meeting for three days, they fought to the death on the top of the snow-capped mountains outside Nancheng.

Counting from today, on the first day, Su Fei's mood is very calm.

Yue Luo stayed in Feixue Hall, and said nervously: "My lord, in my opinion, this battle can be avoided if it can be avoided, and the overall situation must be the most important thing in everything."

Su Fei knew that Yue Luo could see what happened within three days.

In other words, she should be able to see part of the decisive battle three days later.

So, he said indifferently: "Tell me, what did you see?"

...Yue Luo hesitated for a while, "My lord, it's better not to say anything."


It was the first time for Su Fei to see Yue Luo being so coy.

"My lord, in short, just listen to my advice. After three days, don't go to a decisive battle with Su Yan, otherwise..."

Yue Luo was half-spoken and stopped again.

"Forget it, since you feel embarrassed, there is no need to talk about it."

Su Fei waved his hand without forcing it.

"Thank you my lord!"

Yue Luo breathed a sigh of relief, but his face still looked serious.


Suddenly, Bai Luofeng came from outside the hall.

"Feng Huang, what's the matter?"

Su Fei hadn't seen Bai Luofeng for quite a while, but when he saw him today, he seemed much haggard.From the looks of it, it seemed that he had suffered serious internal injuries.

Bai Luofeng glanced at Yue Luo beside him, "Yue Luo, are you finished?"


Of course Yue Luo could tell that Bai Luofeng didn't want her to stay.

So, he cupped his fists at Su Fei and saluted, "My lord, Yue Luo will take my leave first!"

"Okay, let's go!"



"Cough cough!..."

After Yueluo left, Bai Luofeng coughed.

Coughing and coughing, he coughed up blood.

With a flash, Su Fei came to Bai Luofeng's side, held his arm, and said with concern: "Fenghuang, what's wrong with you?"

"My lord, I am afraid that my life will not be long."

Bai Luofeng looked at Su Fei in pain, "But before I die, there is something I must tell you."

"What's the matter?"

In Su Fei's system backpack, there is still a life extension system.

If it was given to Bai Luofeng now, I don't know if he will rebel in the future.

However, there is no time to think about it now.

Bai Luofeng's face was pale and he had difficulty breathing, as if he was about to die.

But he held Su Fei's arm tightly, and said with a painful expression: "My lord, do you know who caused my injury?"

Su Fei looked at him carefully.

At that moment, the ice dragon pattern on his chest was inexplicably restless.

It can be clearly felt that there is a palm force of the green dragon soul in Bai Luofeng's body.

So, he said in astonishment: "It was Su Yan who hurt you?"


Bai Luofeng nodded and said: "The current Su Yan is already the majestic Nine-Star Sword Emperor, and he has the blessing of the green dragon soul in his body, so his strength cannot be underestimated. Lord, in my opinion, you must not go to this battle! "

Today's Bai Luofeng is already the Seven Star Sword Emperor.

As the wind attribute sword emperor, with the invincible star soul wind eye, he was injured to such an extent by Su Yan.

Su Fei thought to himself that he was no match for Bai Luofeng.

If I fight Su Yan, I'm afraid...

"Fenghuang, don't talk so much. No matter what happens in the future, I want you to live!"

No need to think about it, the reason why Bai Luofeng suffered such serious injuries must be to protect Jiuding Villa.

Since he was able to make such a big sacrifice for Jiuding Mountain Villa, it is natural that he cannot be stingy with a mere life extension system.

He helped Bai Luofeng to the practice room.

Then, it took three hours to implant the system into Bai Luofeng's cranial nerve.



Bai Luofeng's life was saved.

He didn't expect that even the pharmacists in Jiuding Mountain Villa were helpless, Su Fei only spent three hours to save his life.

While grateful, I was also extremely surprised.

He asked Su Fei something about the system, but Su Fei didn't explain much, but told him not to leak this secret.

Bai Luofeng agreed very simply, "Don't worry, my lord, you saved my life. I promise, the heavens and the earth know about this matter, you know and I know, and there will never be a third person to know."


Su Fei said no more.

He was still worried about the decisive battle with Su Yan three days later.

Afterwards, Bai Luofeng tried to persuade Su Fei many times, but he couldn't persuade Su Fei to quit.



So, after Bai Luofeng left Feixue Palace, he immediately called everyone and held an emergency meeting.

At the meeting, Bai Luofeng asked everyone what strategy they had against the enemy.

Qian Mei said: "Since it is a matter decided by the protagonist, we have no right to interfere, let's just wait for the good news."

Yue Luo said: "If you are waiting quietly, I'm afraid it will not be good news. If you have any ideas, just say it. Whether it is successful or not, let everyone discuss it before making a decision."

Mu Ruoshui said: "Why don't we find some good players and meet Su Yan first?"

"That's a way." Shaoyin, who was late, sat in the last row, "Even if we can't kill Su Yan, at least we can consume his physical energy. In this way, it will also be of some help to the Lord."

"Yes." Jin Yi nodded approvingly, "But who is better to send? You can't come out all over the nest just for a mere Su Yan."

"That's not enough." Jue Jiu got up and said, "Why don't you let me meet him for a while first."

(End of this chapter)

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