Invincible sword repair system

311 - War of Guardian

311 - War of Guardian
"No, you can't go!"

Bai Luofeng said: "That Su Yan is the Nine Star Sword Emperor possessed by a dragon soul. With your current cultivation level, it would be easy for him to kill you."


In fact, Jue Jiu is not without self-knowledge.

He knew that he was no match for Su Yan.

But at this time, not many people dare to fight.

He just wanted to lead the way and see if anyone else stepped forward.

But when everyone learned that even Bai Luofeng was not Su Yan's opponent, no one in the huge Jiuding Villa dared to stand up.

Finally, Bai Luofeng turned his gaze to Neptune, "How about it, Neptune, how about you?"


Today's Neptune is the Nine-Star Great Sword Emperor, and his combat power ranks first in the entire Jiuding Villa.

If even he is unwilling to fight, I'm afraid that this strategy against the enemy will be declared in vain.

"Neptune, at a time like this, only you can hold Su Yan back."


"If you can't even do it, we shrimp soldiers and crab generals will die in vain if we go."


"In order to preserve strength, it is more appropriate for the Sea Emperor to go."

"The Emperor of the Sea is the majestic Nine-Star Great Sword Emperor. As long as he goes out, Su Yan may lose his life."

"That's right, how can the strength of the Sea Emperor be comparable to that of a young man like Su Yan!"


Seeing that Neptune has not expressed his opinion for a long time, the big guys can't wait.

For a time, everyone praised Neptune to do this.

"Everyone, be quiet first, let's listen to the opinion of the Sea Emperor himself first."

As the convener of this meeting, Bai Luofeng was willing to respect Neptune's own decision.

"In my opinion, I don't need to take action at all."

Neptune grew up watching Su Fei.

He knows more about Su Fei's strength than anyone present here.

"Neptune, can you speak more clearly?"

Jue Jiu looked astonished, "Could it be that, in your heart, Haihuang, the Lord has the absolute possibility of defeating Su Yan?"

"No, no, I never said that."

Neptune waved his hands again and again, "I mean, the Lord wouldn't want us to do this."


In fact, everyone agrees with what Neptune said.

Everyone knew that he would not want anyone to intervene in the decisive battle between Su Fei and Su Yan.

Then, there was a long silence in the hall.

Some people hold a lot of words in their hearts, but they don't know where to start.

And some people have thousands of ideas in their hearts, but they dare not express them on such occasions.

There are also some people who are greedy for life and afraid of death, for fear of talking too much at this time and attracting others' attention.



Finally, Qian Mei stood up, smiled lightly and said, "Okay, since everyone can't discuss anything, why don't you let me meet with Su Yan."


Bai Luofeng looked at Qian Mei in astonishment, "With your strength, I'm afraid..."

"Hey, don't think too much, I didn't go to see him to fight with him."

Qian Mei always thought to herself that men are the ones she knows best.

She thought, since she was incapable of fighting, she could only outsmart her.

If Su Yan can be made to give up the decisive battle...

"Everyone, don't bother."

Just when Qian Mei was thinking about something.

Suddenly, Su Fei walked in from outside the hall.


Everyone stood up and shouted in unison.

"All sit down."

Su Fei looked at everyone gratefully, "I know, everyone has troubled me for the decisive battle between Su Yan and me, but this is a personal grudge between me and Su Yan, and there is no need to worry about others. If something really happened to me, Then from now on, Jiuding Villa must be entrusted to everyone present to host it!"


There are more than 70 people in the hall, and all of them are dragons and phoenixes.

But they all follow Su Fei's lead.

If something happened to Su Fei, Jiuding Villa might not be as prosperous as before.

Just as Neptune sat down, he suddenly stood up again, "My lord, I have something to say to you, may I take a step to speak?"

"Of course!"

Su Fei already knew that his success today was inseparable from Neptune's help.

Therefore, he also has a special respect for Neptune.



The two moved to the square outside.

The square was empty.

Neptune stood still and said solemnly: "Master, have you ever thought about letting go of everything here and taking them to the Immortal Realm earlier?"

"Leave everything here?"

Unexpectedly, even Neptune would say that.

So, he became even more curious, "Neptune, what do you mean by that?"

"It's nothing, just say, have you thought about it?"


Su Fei's answer was very honest.

"Then why didn't you do that?" Neptune asked.

"This..." It is very troublesome to explain.

"What? Do you have any concerns? Or, in Saint Ding Continent, is there anything you can't let go of?" Neptune asked.

"a lot of!"

Speaking of this, Su Fei felt a confusion in his head.

He can think of many things.

About the Mu family, about the Su family, about the future of Jiuding Villa, and Kongshen Island...

"Since I can't let go, I have a way."

Neptune did not intend to replace Su Fei in the battle.

But because of his concern for Su Fei, he would naturally stand by Su Fei's side, and he would consider him personally from his standpoint.

"What can the Emperor of the Sea do, please tell me."

Su Fei is also full of absolute patience with Neptune.

"I'm thinking, you can try to fight a psychological battle with him." Neptune said.

"Psychological warfare?"

Su Fei looked at Neptune in surprise, "How do you say that?"


Seeing Su Fei being so serious, Neptune suddenly smiled.

He smiled inexplicably and out of place.

However, he laughed heartily and loudly.


His laughter spread throughout the Jiuding Villa.

Everyone can hear his laughter.

"Sea Emperor, you..."

Su Fei was stunned.

"Let's go, I'll take you to meet someone."

Suddenly, Neptune's laughter stopped.

"See who?"

"You'll know when you go."



Afterwards, they went to the other courtyard where Neptune lived.

In the other courtyard, besides Neptune, there are several other people.

They are all exiles.

Among them, Han Quan was the leader.

Right now, Han Quan couldn't afford to be seriously injured.

Seeing this scene, Su Fei realized something, "So even Han Quan is not Su Yan's opponent?"


Neptune said: "My lord, you still have a chance to choose. If you choose to go to the fairyland in advance, you don't need to pay attention to Su Yan's provocation."


Su Fei said: "The decisive battle between me and Su Yan is not only for protecting Jiuding Villa, but also for Wan'er, for Lao Zhang, and for myself!"

"In the final analysis, it is the battle of protection."

Neptune understands Su Fei.

He knew what the real significance of the battle between Su Fei and Su Yan was.

(End of this chapter)

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