Chapter 314
Three days later, the two young men landed on the top of the eternal snow-capped mountain outside the southern city with incredible speed.

The older man was dressed in white, his eyes were full of hostility, and he looked like a murderous and ruthless character.

The younger man was dressed in black, his eyes were as clear as water, without the slightest impetuosity, he looked like a worldly master who had no desires or desires.

Anyone who knows the situation knows that they are brothers of the same father and mother.

The older brother, Su Yan, has been regarded as a treasure in the palm of his hand by the family since he was a child, and he has been taken good care of him.

Younger brother Su Fei has never had much status in the family, and everyone regards him as a thorn in their side, wishing him to die sooner.

But who would have thought that Su Fei endured humiliation for 14 years, and finally one day, he got the sword repair system and found a chance to stand up.

For the next five years, he stole Su Yan's limelight.

It is also because of this that Su Yan's hatred for him is increasing day by day, and he even thinks about how to get rid of his thorn in his side every day.

Now, Su Yan has finally become the Nine-Star Sword Emperor, while Su Fei's cultivation is only fixed at the Nine-Star Great Sword Master.

The gap between them is like a crown of heaven and earth.

So, Su Yan finally came to the door.

This time, he thought he was absolutely sure that he could defeat Su Fei.

But when he saw Su Fei with his own eyes, the confidence in his heart instantly became less firm.

"Su Yan, are you really ready?"

Su Fei stood with his sword in his hand.

The sword in his hand has been upgraded to level 99.

For a sword of this level, the sword heart has reached a considerable height, enough to resonate with the master.

The sword moves at will, so terrifying.

At this moment, a dazzling blue light glowed on the edge of his sword.

It seems that when he faced Su Yan this time, he activated the ice attribute.

In this vast snow-capped mountain, fighting with the ice attribute does have an absolute advantage.

But the reason why Su Yan's confidence was shaken was not because of Su Fei's sword, nor was it because of the attribute attack on his blade.More, it comes from the confidence in Su Fei's eyes.

He didn't understand how a mere nine-star swordsman could be so confident when facing himself, the majestic nine-star sword emperor.

"Su Fei, don't play tricks anymore. A few days ago, you sent Qian Mei to look for me just to scare me away. Let me tell you, today, if you and I fight, either you will die or I will live." !"

Su Yan's sword was also held in his hand.

Originally, his posture of holding the sword was very domineering, with a domineering appearance.

But now, that overbearing has dropped a lot.

Instead, it was Su Fei.

Even though his cultivation was far from Su Yan's, there was still a king's arrogance on his face.It seemed that instead of showing any stage fright, he was extremely calm, with an appearance of winning.

It is because of this extraordinary aura that Su Yan has never seen before.Therefore, at that moment, I couldn't help but look at him with admiration.

"Su Yan, since you also know that this is a battle of life and death, let me ask you, at this moment, if you have any last words, feel free to say them, as long as I can do it, I will definitely help you do it!"

Su Fei had a bold face without hesitation.

Although the grievances between them are deep, but as an opponent, he will always give each other enough respect.Even this opponent doesn't deserve his respect at all.

"I'm afraid it's not me who wants to leave the last words, Su Fei, do you know that I have cultivated into the Nine-Star Sword Emperor now, plus I have a green dragon in my body, do you think you are sure that you can beat me?"

Of course Su Fei knew that he was the nine-star sword emperor with the three attributes of Xuan, Water, Poison, and, the moment he saw him just now, he had already seen that his star soul was the Sky Arrow.

In Saint Ding Continent, apart from some natural star souls, there are twelve kinds of star souls that are the strongest.And this Sky Arrow is one of them.

Many people were extremely afraid of Su Yan when they learned that Su Yan possessed the Sky Arrow Star Soul.

Over the years, he has challenged people everywhere and gained a great reputation. In the Great Qin Empire, he has a resounding nickname, the God Emperor of Eternity.It means that he is the strongest emperor-level warrior in Shengding Continent for thousands of years!
For this nickname, Su Yan himself is extremely proud.

However, he is not satisfied with this.

Once, he announced something to the whole world, that one day, he will not only be the Emperor of Eternity, but also No. 1 in the history of Saint Ding Continent!
He wants to be number one, and not just number one in the world, but number one in eternity!


Suddenly, with a flick of his long sword, sword energy flew across the air, and the white snow falling in the void was instantly frozen!

Seeing this scene, Su Fei's face was still very calm, "The sword is a good sword, but unfortunately, I followed the wrong master."

"Is it!"

Seeing that Su Fei spoke so harshly, Su Yan didn't show any anger on his face, but said extremely calmly: "I heard that your star soul is a disaster star, is it because of your star soul that you have been a waste since you were young, and it is also because Is your star soul stagnant at the current level?"

On the surface, it seemed that Su Yan cared so much for Su Fei.

But if you really understand Su Yan's personality, you must know that he is clearly mocking Su Fei.

Naturally, Su Fei would not explain too much to him, and he also had a calm face, "Su Yan, if you want to fight, do it quickly. We are not here to discuss swords."

"Don't worry, why rush!"

Su Yan shrugged, "To be honest, I've always been very curious about you. You mentioned discussing swords just now, why don't we discuss them today, what do you think?"

"Hehe, you came all the way to Nanchuan just to discuss swords with me?"

Su Fei suddenly became impatient.

"Su Fei, I know that you are blaming me for killing your sister Wan'er. However, after all, she is just an ordinary woman, and she is not worthy of being remembered by you at all. How to put it, you are also the king of Chu now. You and I On the sword, there will definitely be something new..."

"shut up!"

Su Fei knew a long time ago that Su Yan is a heartless and ungrateful person, "I have nothing to say to a person like you. If you want to discuss swords, go to hell and talk to King Yama!"

Saying that, Su Fei's sword also moved.


The sound of the sword's cry had just sounded, and at the same time, the snow in the void fell down again.

"Hehe, you want to fight me!"

Su Yan swung his sword again, and the snow within a radius of one kilometer was frozen again.


Su Fei is not in the mood to fight with him.

"call out!"

With a stretch of figure, he appeared behind Su Yan.


Swing a sword again.

This sword is as fast as lightning and has a mighty force.

Target: Su Yan's neck.


As expected, Su Yan was highly vigilant about this position.

It was about to hit, but it was easily blocked by him.

"call out!"

Su Fei never expected to end Su Yan's life so quickly.

So, with the power of his sword swing, he ejected a distance of [-] meters backwards! ...

(End of this chapter)

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