Chapter 315

One time is not enough to fly out of the snow mountain.

So, he performed more than 300 empty ghost steps in a row.


The sound of breaking wind in my ears was so cold.

The speed was too fast, and there was an extremely strong sense of splitting on his face.

If it wasn't for the dragon energy protection, if he continued at this speed, even if he wasn't killed by Su Yan, his body would be weathered sooner or later.

However, his vision is still very clear.

In the blink of an eye, he was already far away from the border of Nanchuan.


Su Yan's reaction was also quick.

He chased after him.

However, he did not use the flying mount.

Therefore, in terms of speed, Su Yan could not have the slightest advantage at all.


"Su Fei, if you are a man, fight me hard, don't run away if you have the guts!"

Su Yan shouted from behind.

"Hehe, stupid!"

How could Su Yan be able to easily see through Su Fei's intentions.

He headed east all the way, uninterruptedly using the empty ghost step, but it was not for escape.

He knew very well that the cultivation gap between his current self and Su Yan was too huge, if he confronted him head-on, he might not end well.

Therefore, he had already planned everything, and was going to suppress Su Yan in another way.

"Su Fei, you kid, you have never had any other skills except being stubborn since you were a child. This time, no matter how far you escape to the ends of the earth, I will smash you to pieces!"

That Su Yan didn't know what kind of pace he used, although he didn't catch up immediately, but he kept chasing after him.

It seems that Su Yan, as the majestic Nine Star Sword Emperor, has enough spiritual energy in his body.

"Big words, you want to kill me, let's talk after you catch up with me!"

With a soft drink, Su Fei raised his body skills to another level, and his speed was a little faster.


The gust of wind in the ear is getting faster and faster.

He felt that his body had reached a certain limit.



Starting from Nanchuan, heading east in a straight line is the direction of Longya Fort.

"I see!"

Half an hour later, Su Yan thought he finally saw Su Fei's intention clearly.

"Hehe, you kid is really ridiculous. Could it be that you want to return to Longya Fort and fight me in front of the folks and elders? If you do this, you will undoubtedly bring shame on yourself!"


Su Fei sneered and didn't say much.

"call out!"

Finally, they arrived at another snow mountain.

That snow-capped mountain is within the territory of Tianluomen.

In the past, Su Yan challenged Tian Luoyi, the son of the king in the Tianluomen area, and also used one move to turn Qi into a blade, cutting off Tianluoyi's limbs.

Today, Tian Luoyi has been reduced to a useless person, and the entire Tian Luo Sect also hates Su Yan because of what happened to Tian Luoyi.

As early as the day before, Su Fei personally visited Tianluomen, and explained to them that he was about to fight Su Yan.

The current Patriarch of Tianluomen is named Tianluo Zhennan, who used to be King Zhennan, one of the nine kings of the Qin Kingdom.

His cultivation is now in the realm of the Three Star Sword Emperor.

Although he is also the Sword Emperor, it is obviously impossible for him to fight Su Yan.

However, Su Fei is very clear that the Tianluo family is proficient in formations, and also has a lot of research on Qimen Dunjia.

So, I came here yesterday to ask Tianluo Zhennan for advice on how to elevate my newly learned Yin Cong Canopy to a whole new level.

However, Tianluo Zhennan didn't tell him how to upgrade Yin Cong Huagai. Instead, he said that as long as he lured Su Yan to this vast snow-capped mountain in Tianluomen, he would naturally have a way to deal with him.

At first, Su Fei didn't quite understand the mystery.

However, at this moment he finally understood.

When he stood on the vast expanse of snow-capped mountains, looking around, he couldn't see the end.

"What the hell is this place!"

When Su Yan came after him and landed on his toes, he also noticed the strangeness of this place.

Snow, not snow.

Mountains, not mountains.

Wind, not wind.

God, not God.

Land, not land.


Anyone with a discerning eye can see that everything here is an illusion.

Because the snow here is not cold.

The mountains here do not give people a sense of high altitude.

The wind seems to be completely non-existent.

The sky, like a dry well, is so narrow.

The ground is so empty, and there seems to be nothing under the feet.

Especially when they step on the snow, they can't even see their footprints.

"I'm so sorry, Su Yan, you're done!"

Yesterday, Tianluo Zhennan gave Su Fei a waist card of the Tianluo family.It is said that in times of crisis, as long as you crush the waist card, you can be rescued.

He hadn't quite understood before, what was the use of this waist card.

But at this moment, he immediately understood.

So, he crushed his waist card without hesitation.


The moment the waist card was shattered, the world in front of him changed instantly.

He appeared outside a crystal clear cage.

As for Su Yan, he was imprisoned alone.


A middle-aged man's happy laughter came from his ear.

...It is the south of Tianluo Town.

Su Fei immediately turned around, cupped his fists and saluted him, "King Zhennan, this cage..."

"This is the Immortal Locking Formation left by the ancestors of our Tianluo family. It's just a nine-star sword emperor. If he doesn't have the waist card of the Tianluo family, he will never be able to get out!"

Tianluo Zhennan is very confident about this cage.

Su Fei glanced back, and could still see everything inside clearly.

At this moment, Su Yan was running around in that small cage crazily, swearing non-stop, trying his best to break through the cage.

It seems that, as Tianluo Zhennan said, Su Yan can't get out.At least, it won't come out for a while.

"King Zhennan, thank you for your help this time, if it weren't for you..."

"Hey, what's the matter, if we have to say thank you, we have to thank King Chu."

Before Tianluo Zhennan finished speaking, he knelt down on one knee and said solemnly: "King Chu, in order to thank you for avenging the Tianluo family, my Tianluo family, with 300 million members, is willing to join the camp of Chu State and serve for the Chu family." Wang Xiao is a dog and a horse!"


Su Fei thought to himself that he didn't do anything.

But I didn't expect... "King Zhennan, you are too serious. How can I, Su Fei, be able to be worshiped by you!"

As he spoke, he immediately went up to help Tianluo Zhennan.


Tianluo Zhennan looked stubborn, "If the king of Chu doesn't agree, I won't get up!"


This day, Luo Zhennan is 45 years old, and he is still a three-star sword emperor. It is really... "King Zhennan, what do you mean by this, get up and speak first, otherwise I will No promise!"

Su Fei couldn't figure it out.

It stands to reason that Tianluo Zhennan shouldn't think about taking refuge in himself.

With his strength, he can call himself emperor.

"King Chu, to tell you the truth, we want to join the Chu camp for a reason."

Tianluo Zhennan sighed heavily, looking at the direction of Wangcheng with deep eyes, not knowing what was going on in his heart...

(End of this chapter)

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