Invincible sword repair system

Chapter 332 Not Simple Woman

Chapter 332 Not Simple Woman
Su Fu's words and deeds always surprised Su Fei.

In Su Fu's body, there is always a trace of maturity and wisdom that does not belong to his age.

Perhaps, he will really have a very good future.

But the little plane has to get Su Fei to agree to accept him as an apprentice, what kind of system functions can it activate?

Taking advantage of Su Fo's silence, Su Fei personally entered the realm of the system, checked back and forth, but did not see any new functions.

So, he said even more curiously: "Little Airplane, you are not kidding me, are you?"


"It's true that I lied to you, but I can't say that I was teasing you. I believe you have already seen that this Su Fu is indeed a good seedling."

"...but... are you going to let me take him with you all the time?"

You know, when Su Fei comes to Mu's house, he won't stay for too long.Even if Su Fu was accepted as a disciple, it would not be of much help to him.Coupled with the rules of Shengding Continent not being able to join another school, he even felt that he had ruined Su Fu's future.

But if you think about it carefully, the small plane obviously doesn't mean that.In other words, she most likely wants Su Fei to keep Su Fu by her side...

Of course, this is just his own guess.

The little plane hesitated for a while... "Perhaps before you officially set off for Immortal Realm, accepting an apprentice in Saint Ding Continent will be of great benefit to your future development. As for whether you are willing to take him with you all the time, that is It's your own problem, I will not interfere with your actions."

"……All right……"

Even though the little plane said so, Su Fei couldn't see the benefits at all.

Moreover, the little plane was obviously giving him a problem.

According to the original plan, the next step is to go to Wangcheng to declare war with Sima Queen Qin.Do you want to bring Su Fu with you?

Linking the affairs of Nie Enhui and Su Fu together, maybe in the future, they will really bring this child with them... I don't know if this is correct.

"It's dinner time!"

Just as the scene was cold, suddenly, Mucheng came out from the kitchen.

"Come on, you're all hungry."

On the dining table in the yard, there were more than a dozen side dishes.Wine and meat are all available.

"Let's go, eat first."



This is Meridian Palace, which is Su Fei's own territory.As the host, he pulled Nie Enhui and Su Fu to sit down at the dining table.

"Are you drinking now?"

Mucheng was about to pour wine for Su Fei, but hesitated for a while.After all, they have not lived together for so many years, and they are not familiar with each other's eating habits.

"Drink. I'll do it myself, though."

Su Fei took the jug from Mucheng's hand, and poured himself a glass.

"King Chu, you said you wanted to bring me to meet someone, is this girl?"

Nie Enhui used to work for the Li family, but now sitting at the Mu family's dining table, she looked very reserved.

"That's right. Her name is Mucheng, and she is my fiancée."

To this day, Su Fei is still willing to admit such a relationship.

Hearing this, Mucheng's eyes were also quite surprised.

"Su Fei, who is this girl?..."

Mucheng is now 21 years old. Compared to eight years ago, she seems to be a different person.Gentle and virtuous, detached temperament.

Four years ago, Su Fei went back to Mu's house and met Mu Orange once.

However, at that time, Su Fei thought only of Mu Ruoshui.For Mu Orange, he didn't pay much attention.

But when I saw it today, I couldn't help but shine in front of my eyes.

"Her name is Nie Enhui, and I brought her here from the Li family."

"The Li family?"

Li Xiaoyun is Mucheng's grandfather, until now, she still doesn't know about the fact that the Li family was wiped out by Su Fei.

Seeing that Su Fei mentioned Li's house, she also had a look of astonishment, "Su Fei, you mean... have you been to Li's house?"

"Yes. I killed everyone in the Li family."

Su Fei didn't intend to hide it from him, after all, sooner or later, such things would spread throughout the entire Saint Ding Continent.


Mucheng was shocked, "How did you do it? The Li family has millions of soldiers, including four peak sword kings, and thousands of sword masters. Could it be that you just wiped out all of them by yourself? The Li family is full?"


Su Fei nodded, "If you blame me for killing your grandfather..."

"No, I haven't. If that's the case, I'm grateful you didn't have time."

Mucheng's answer surprised everyone.

"Miss Mucheng, you don't seem to have a good impression of the Li family?" Nie Enhui was also curious as an outsider.

"Eight years ago, my grandfather persuaded my mother not to stay in the Mu family. My mother said that she was born as a member of the Mu family and died as a ghost of the Mu family. In a fit of rage, my grandfather killed my mother. I have nothing to do with the Li family. I don't have any good feelings, but I can't talk about hatred. But I always hope that someone can avenge my mother. I am very happy, this person will be my fiance. "

Mucheng looked at Su Fei again, her tearful eyes were full of gratitude.

"Eight years ago? When did it happen? At that time, was I still in Mu's house?"

After all these years, Su Fei knew nothing about it.

"On the night before you set off to compete in Wangcheng, my mother was killed by my grandfather. Before she died, she still missed you and asked me to give you the jade pendant from Zhenyun's family."

"Is that so..."

Hearing this, Su Fei felt sore in his heart.

Unexpectedly, Mucheng at that time had such a huge pain hidden in her heart.

Looking back, Mu Cheng was only 13 years old at that time, and she had no status among the young ladies in the Mu family.

But she was stronger than any young lady. Even when facing a fiancé like Su Fei, she didn't show the pain in her heart. She just explained the jade pendant to him, and at the same time told him to be careful all the way.

Thinking of these past events, and thinking about Mucheng's eight years of living alone in this deserted Meridian Palace, she feels inexplicably uncomfortable.

"Mucheng, you have suffered all these years."

There are thousands of words in his heart, but at this moment, these are the only words he can say.

"It's nothing. Life and death are parting, it's human nature."

Mucheng was very open-minded.She quickly regained her composure, and looked at Nie Enhui, "I can see that you are not an easy woman. Your surname is Nie, are you a lady from the Nie family in Xiangcheng?"


Nie Enhui took a quick glance at Mucheng, seeing that she was not a cultivator, and she was quite surprised to know so much about the outside world.

"I heard that the patriarch of your Nie family, Nie Haisheng, is a well-known hero of Xiangcheng, Bo Yuntian. I don't know what is your relationship with Nie Haisheng?" Mucheng asked.

"Miss Mucheng praised you, it's my father." Nie Enhui said with a humble expression.

Su Fu, who was at the side, snorted coldly, "Nie Haisheng and Bo Yuntian are good, but unfortunately, his daughter is not very good. Don't think that I speak with subjective emotions. Think about it, as Nie Haisheng's daughter, she actually Taking refuge in the Li family, how many heroes have been killed for the sake of tigers these days! This kind of person should not be alive at all!"

(End of this chapter)

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