Invincible sword repair system

Chapter 333 Reunion Again

Chapter 333 Reunion Again

After all, Su Fu was still just a child.Judgments about certain things are ultimately subjective.

Of course, the biggest reason for this was that until now, he still concluded that Nie Enhui killed his father.

Now that Su Fei has learned the truth, he thinks differently. From Nie Enhui's point of view, she joined the Li family, but she must have had no choice but to do so.

But when it comes to her performance in the Li family, Su Fei has also seen it with her own eyes.I have to say that she is indeed not a simple woman.Moreover, her lying skills are really good.For ordinary people, it is really hard to see.

"Prince Chu, you haven't told me yet, why did you bring me to see Miss Mucheng?"

Nie Enhui is an adult after all, she won't care too much about children like Su Fu.

But she was still full of curiosity about Su Fei's purpose of bringing her here.

"Nothing, just drop by to see her."

Su Fei didn't think so in his heart.However, due to some special reasons, he himself forgot the real purpose of coming here.

"Is that so?"

Nie Enhui looked at Su Fei suspiciously, apparently not believing it either.

"It doesn't matter whether it's right or not. It's getting late now. After eating, everyone, let's have a good night's rest. If there's anything else, we'll talk about it tomorrow."

For some reason, Su Fei's face suddenly became serious.

"Sir, can you teach me some kung fu tomorrow?"

Su Fu was young, and his attention shifted quickly, so he didn't hold on to Nie Enhui's affairs.

"Of course, tell me, what do you want to learn?"

From the very beginning, Su Fei felt that since he accepted the student, he should be responsible for him.But he has no teaching experience himself, and he doesn't know where to start.

"I want to learn everything, as long as my husband is willing to teach."

Su Fu is not picky either.

But this attitude made Su Fei feel awkward.If he chooses a certain skill, he doesn't have to think too much about it.

After a moment of hesitation, "If that's the case, let's talk about it tomorrow."

"Good Le!"

Su Fu thought that he would be able to learn Kung Fu from Su Fei tomorrow, and he was indescribably happy.That night, I ate three whole bowls.

Nie Enhui was so preoccupied that she didn't eat much.And Mucheng was the same, she didn't know what was going on in her mind, and she was seriously distracted several times.

Su Fei was the same as usual, without any abnormalities.



Night finally came.

Nie Enhui, Mucheng, and Su Fu, they all stayed in Meridian Palace overnight.The same was true for Su Fei, but he was meditating alone in the gazebo outside the courtyard.

"Su Fei, you're back, why don't you look for me?"

Suddenly, a woman in a robe walked slowly behind him.

Feeling her aura, Su Fei got up immediately, "Mu Jian, I haven't seen you for many years, how are you?"

"I'm very good."

Now, Mu Jian is also 21 years old, and she looks slim.As the number one beauty among the younger generation recognized by the Mu family back then, her current appearance is also not disappointing.

Moreover, now that he has grown up, his temperament is much more mature than before.However, she is still single and unmarried.

When she looked at Su Fei, there was a trace of strange expectation in her eyes.This kind of expectation is full of love between men and women.It can be clearly seen that she has a good impression of Su Fei, and even wants to have a relationship with him beyond ordinary friends...

But perhaps because of Mucheng's long-standing engagement with Su Fei, she has not been able to express her feelings directly.

Su Fei took a glance at her, and immediately noticed that she was already a 110th-level senior forbidden master.

"It seems that your practice over the years has been pretty good."

Su Fei didn't know what to say to her, so he brought the topic to cultivation.

Mu Jian smiled happily, "Yes, thanks to the automatic healing system you gave me, it saved my life several times. By the way, what about you? Why can't I see what your current cultivation level is?"

"I... am currently at the peak level of the Great Sword Emperor."

Speaking of his own cultivation, Su Fei looked a little embarrassed.

"Ah? Are they all so powerful!"

Mu Jian looked at Su Fei in surprise...for a long time...

In the end, surprise turned into admiration, "Let me just say, you are definitely not an ordinary person. But... why did you come back suddenly? Just now Mu Zhen told me that you are back, I still don't believe it."

"I came back to kill Tang."


Mu Jian's eyes widened, "It seems that they said that Li Tang's millions of soldiers were destroyed in an instant, are they all true?"

"it is true."

"...It's really unexpected that you are so strong now. By the way, you are now the lord of Chu, so what are your plans for the future?"

When Mu Jian asked this sentence, she seemed cautious.After all, this is a major military matter, and now that Su Fei is the king of Chu, he probably won't reveal it so easily.

"I plan to fight Sima and Qin first."

In front of Mu Jian, Su Fei did not hide it.

"Then one day, will you take action against us, Mu Zhou?"

Although Mu Jian was always willing to believe that Su Fei would not betray the Mu family, she still had such worries in her heart.

"of course not."

Su Fei's plan this time is all to repay the Mu family's kindness.

In the past, if it wasn't for the help of the Mu family, he wouldn't be where he is today.

Therefore, he has always been grateful, and intends to entrust the position of the master of the world to the Mu family after they rule the world.

And when that time comes, he will no longer have any concerns about Shengding Continent.Only in this way can he leave with peace of mind and embark on the broad road leading to the fairyland.



Of course!
Mu Jian didn't know what he was thinking.

For Su Fei, she has become more and more incomprehensible.

So, after hesitating for a long time, he continued, "Actually, I came here a long time ago and saw you with them, so..."

"I know."

In fact, the biggest reason why Su Fei forgot to bring Nie Enhui to find Mucheng just now was because he noticed Mu Jian's appearance.

He felt very ashamed in his heart, maybe it was because he was not good enough that Mu Jian was so unfamiliar with him.

After dinner, everyone went back to their room to rest.He was sitting in the gazebo and meditating by himself, just waiting for Mu Jian to come over and talk to him.

At last she came.

But from her expression and tone, there was a serious suspicion of Su Fei.

This made Su Fei very heartbroken.

"Then do you know why I came to you alone instead of bringing the team members with me?"

Mu Jian's mood is also complicated.

She didn't approach Su Fei so quickly, precisely because there were already two other women by his side.

She didn't know if approaching rashly would cause trouble to Su Fei.

In fact, deep down in her heart, she didn't have much doubt about Su Fei.

She still has 100% trust in Su Fei.She was still willing to believe every word Su Fei said, and she was still willing to believe that he was still the same Su Fei from before, and also her best friend.

But for some reason, when they met again, the two always seemed strange.

(End of this chapter)

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