Chapter 351
Of course, whether he can keep his title is a matter for later.

At this moment, the most important thing is to help Tianjianzong solve the immediate crisis.

"Brother, you can't go in!"

"I have to go in. If I don't see King Chu today, I won't leave!"

"He is retreating, but he has no time to talk to you. If you make such unreasonable troubles again, I will be rude to you!"


Just as Su Fei was cultivating to be the Sword Master, there was a commotion outside.

Listening to the voice, the female is Nie Enhui, and the male... The voice is quite familiar, but I just can't remember who it is for a while.


Open the door and look... "So it's Baichou, come in!"


Baichou gave Nie Enhui a cold look, then strode into Su Fei's room.

"Baichou, you came here suddenly, it must be that the situation of Tianjianzong is already very bad."

Su Fei practiced in seclusion for the past three days. Although he didn't hear anything outside the window, he still felt the energy fluctuations outside from time to time.

If you didn't guess wrong, Xuanyinju launched a total of 72 rounds of attacks against Tianjianzong.Moreover, each round is more fierce!

And in fact, it is true,

In the past three days, countless disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect were killed and injured, and several outer halls had been uprooted.As for the inner hall, there is not much left.

Baichou's mood was indescribably depressed.First of all, Bai Yubang, the acting suzerain, looked on coldly. The former suzerain, Bai Chaoqun, also ignored it and even asked him to come to Su Fei for help.

Although his people came, but in his heart, he was still very awkward.

Facing Su Fei, he had a somewhat apologetic expression on his face, "King Chu, I hope you don't take what happened back then. Today, if no one stands up to stand up for the Heavenly Sword Sect, I'm afraid that from now on the world will never be able to return." The Wutian Sword Sect exists!"

"Don't worry, I promised Sect Master Bai that I will try my best to protect the Heavenly Sword Sect!"

Su Fei didn't take the past to heart at all.What's more, the one who suffered in the past was also Tianjianzong, and he himself did not suffer any losses.

"That's good, that's good!..."

Baichou never imagined that the one who guards the Heavenly Sword Sect is actually an outsider like Su Fei.

At that moment, all the pride in his heart from being a descendant of a famous family disappeared in an instant.



In the afternoon, seven people came to Xuanyinju.

Among them, there are three Sword Emperors, two Ksitigarbow Bow Emperors, and two Thunder War Emperors.

Seven people, all monks above level 120.

When they came to Tianjianzong, they killed everyone they saw, even the old and weak women and children who had no strength to restrain a chicken, they did not let them go.

"King Chu, when do you plan to make a move?"

Su Fei in Youwang Palace did not act immediately.

Baichou stayed in Youwang Palace all the time, seeing the bloody scenes under the mountain, his heart was full of anger.

Su Fei was very calm.

He was observing the way those seven people shot.

None of the three sword emperors released sword qi and sword pressure. They just used very ordinary attacks to kill ordinary monks.

The two Ksitigarbow Bow Emperors would occasionally kill a few sword masters or above, but they also didn't use all their strength.

And those two thunder war emperors were more like playing soy sauce, playing and stopping, just like having fun.

For this, he really couldn't figure it out.

So, looking sideways at Bai Chou, he asked, "In your opinion, what do you think Xuan Yinju's real purpose is for doing this?"

"Purpose?... King Chu, when is this? I don't care what his purpose is. They killed so many members of my Heavenly Sword Sect. We have to avenge this revenge!"

Baichou's emotions were very agitated, obviously, he was unable to think calmly.

So, Su Fei turned to look at Nie Enhui who was at the side, "Miss Nie, what do you think?"


Nie Enhui has been observing the situation outside these days.

She has always been suspicious about the purpose of Xuanyin Residence.

Here, seeing what Su Fei mentioned, he boldly guessed: "In my opinion, their real purpose may not be the Heavenly Sword Sect."

"Then tell me, what is their real purpose in doing this?"

Su Fei liked her point of view very much, and looked forward to her answer.

"This is..."

Nie Enhui thought for a long time... "In my opinion, they clearly have the ability to break into the main altar, but they have not done so for a long time. Either they are just demonstrating against the Heavenly Sword Sect, or they simply don't want to completely defeat the Heavenly Sword Sect."

Hmm... "You have a point, so what do you say, if they are just demonstrations, what is their purpose?"

Su Fei continued to ask.

Nie Enhui said: "If it's just a demonstration, it can be understood as a kind of provocation. Maybe it's to force someone from the sect to come out for a decisive battle, or maybe it's for a truly fair showdown?... To be honest, I I can't figure it out either."

She spoke in a mess.

However, Su Fei felt that her analysis made sense.

So, he continued to ask: "Then if they don't want to completely defeat Tianjianzong, what kind of conspiracy will be hidden behind it?"

Nie Enhui thought for a while, "Perhaps their status in Sima Houqin is not as high as we imagined. If Tianjianzong exists, Xuanyinju will always be useful. If Tianjianzong perishes, then Xuanyin Residence, I'm afraid it will also fall into a dangerous situation."

"Makes sense!"

But... this is just Nie Enhui's idea.

Su Fei always thought that Su Fu was a smart boy.

So, he looked sideways at Su Fu, "What's your opinion?"


Su Fu never thought that Su Fei would ask a child like him such a big matter.While being flattered, he quickly calmed down, "Actually, my thinking is different from Auntie Nie's. I think that Xuanyinju's actions are simply devoid of humanity. No matter what their purpose is, they deserve to die!"

"That's right!"

After hearing these words, Baichou was the first to raise his hands in favor!


Su Fei also felt the same way.

But he still didn't make a move, but asked secretly in the system's internal vision: "Little Airplane, what do you think?"

"I think what Su Fu said is right. No matter what, you have to help Tianjianzong solve the troubles. And Xuanyinju is the trouble of Tianjianzong. By destroying Xuanyinju, you are helping Tianjianzong. But..."

"But what?"

"But before that, you should kill Bai Yubang first."

"Oh? What do you say?"

"The reason why Xuanyinju did this is precisely because of Bai Yubang's inaction. Tianjianzong is facing such a predicament. As the acting suzerain, Bai Yubang hides in Tianjian Pavilion with his own wishful thinking. You kill him first. Once you enter Bai Yubang, you will be able to conquer the hearts of the Heavenly Sword Sect. Only by conquering the hearts of the Heavenly Sword Sect can your overall plan be made more perfect!"


Hearing what Little Airplane said, Su Fei burst into laughter, "In the whole world, you, Little Airplane, are probably the only ones who really know how to make plans!"

(End of this chapter)

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