Invincible sword repair system

Chapter 352 Old Ginger Is Really Spicy

Chapter 352 Old Ginger Is Really Spicy
It didn't take long for Su Fei to know that the so-called title came from the Hall of Fame.

In today's Saint Ding Continent, Su Fei is the only sword master who is eligible for the title.

The moment he obtained the title, his name resounded throughout the entire Saint Ding Continent, and even became famous all over the world, spreading to the Saint Realm, Immortal Realm, and even God Realm.


Later, Xiao Jifei added, "In addition to the title of Aojian in the Hall of Fame, you are on another list, and you are also on the list."

"What list?"

"Sheng Ding Continental Red List."

"What is the Red List?"

"The so-called red list is the kill list." Xiao Ji said: "Currently, you are the one with the most murders in the history of Saint Ding Continent."

"...I went because of the battle at Tiannv Peak?"

"Not bad!"


Su Fei never imagined that he had become a murderous maniac before he knew it? ... "Forget it, let's not talk about this, tell me first, with my current strength, how many moves will I need to kill Bai Yubang?"

Anyway, so many people have been killed, it doesn't hurt to kill one or two more.

"One move!" Xiaofei said.


Su Fei never questioned the small plane's prediction.

And this answer was also within his expectations.

After all, he now has 3000 million sword qi and sword pressure.Generally speaking, this is something only sword immortals can do!


"call out!"

Then, he stretched his figure and landed on the square of Tianjian Pavilion.

"King Chu, this is not the place you should come to, please step back!"

More than 100 sword master-level guards, seeing Su Fei breaking into the Heavenly Sword Pavilion without the permission of the acting suzerain, immediately surrounded him and blocked Su Fei's way.

"call out!"

Su Fei ignored it, and with a flash of his figure, it fell like black mist in the hall of Tianjian Pavilion.

Bai Yubang stood with his hands behind his back, as if he had expected Su Fei to come.

"Are you ready to die?"

Su Fei didn't draw his sword immediately.

"King Chu, you suddenly broke into Tianjian Pavilion, it must be..."

"Don't go so far, you haven't answered my question yet!"

Su Fei interrupted coldly, apparently unwilling to talk to him further.

"Did the King of Chu be instigated by something? Judging by your murderous look, are you sure to take my life today? If that's the case, I don't know if I should say a few words or not."

Bai Yubang, the Sword Emperor, had a calm expression when facing Su Fei.

You can see that he is a smart man.

But as the old saying goes, sometimes cleverness is misunderstood by cleverness.

Bai Yubang's calmness is nothing more than that he feels that he is the acting suzerain of the Heavenly Sword Sect now, and Su Fei promised to solve the troubles for the Heavenly Sword Sect, so he will definitely not attack him.

But he was wrong.

Su Fei didn't like his tone of voice very much.

[Wu Yi, break the momentum! 】

So, he stopped talking, and with a single thought, he released the first form of the martial arts book.

This move has been upgraded to level 140, and it can perfectly release attribute attacks.

Su Fei's dark attribute has been integrated with his body.

At this moment, as long as the mind moves, a black mist will be seen, condensed into a sharp sword in the void, and shot coldly towards Bai Yubang's face.

"call out!"

The sound of the sharp sword breaking the wind just sounded.


Before Bai Yubang had time to react, he only heard a muffled groan, his body had already been pierced by the sharp sword.

And that sharp sword is extraordinary.It contained the sword pressure of the sword emperor level of the dark system, and the moment it invaded Bai Yubang's body, it instantly crushed his internal organs.




At the same time, there was a violent sound of breaking wind.

The more than 100 sword masters who blocked Su Fei's way just now rushed over one after another.

When they saw Bai Yubang's pale face and the bloodshot from the corners of his mouth, a swordsman strode over and touched Bai Yubang's body lightly.


Bai Yubang's body instantly atomized, leaving nothing behind.

"This...what the hell is going on here! King Chu, did you kill the suzerain?"

There was an indescribable shock on the face of a guard.

You know, Bai Yubang is also the strongest sword emperor of Tianjianzong.

Su Fei killed him, but there was no movement at all.Not to mention that they didn't see it with their own eyes, even if they saw it with their own eyes, it would be unbelievable.


Su Fei admitted, "I killed him. But think about it carefully, is a person like him really suitable to be the acting suzerain of your Heavenly Sword Sect?"


From the very beginning, the guards had no intention of throwing swords at Su Fei.

The moment they saw Bai Yubang's death, many people even had expressions of excitement on their faces.It can be seen that Bai Yubang's death was expected by all.

"King Chu, although we don't quite agree with Bai Yubang being the suzerain, why did you kill him? Do you also want to take this opportunity to destroy my Heavenly Sword Sect?"

After all, the sword masters couldn't see through Su Fei's intentions.

"Don't get me wrong, I did this only to fulfill my promise to Sect Master Bai." Su Fei looked sincere.

"Is it!"

But those sword masters are still hard to believe.


Just at this moment, a familiar laughter came.

After the laughter, there was a "whoosh" in my ear.

"The old man is right, the King of Chu is indeed a trustworthy person!"

The man flew into the hall.

Taking a closer look, he has white hair and a childlike face, is dressed in white clothes like snow, and holds a dust whisk in his hand. He looks like a master of a generation.


This person is none other than Bai Chaoqun who said a few days ago that he wanted to practice in seclusion.

Seeing Bai Chaoqun's return, the sword masters knelt down and saluted one after another.

"Free, get up!"

Bai Chaoqun said calmly: "Now I am no longer your suzerain, but Bai Yubang is indeed not the real suzerain successor in my heart. These three days, I just used his strength to play a tactic to slow down the army. "

"A plan to slow down?"

A sword master stood up and said with astonishment: "Sect Master, what do you mean by that?"

Bai Chaoqun said: "I knew for a long time that Bai Yubang had evil intentions and secretly colluded with Empress Sima Qin. As long as he is allowed to be the suzerain, Empress Sima Qin will never kill Tianjianzong. And Bai Yubang With a cautious personality, he will not surrender to Sima Houqin before the king of Chu leaves the customs. At least, he will not surrender in the open. understand what I mean?"


In fact, what Bai Chaoqun said was very clear.

As an outsider, Su Fei could understand everything.

After hearing Bai Chaoqun's words, Su Fei also felt quite emotional, "Sect Master Bai, you old ginger is really spicy!"


Bai Chaoqun smiled heartily again, "No matter how hot I am, I still have to rely on you, a younger generation, to help our Heavenly Sword Sect solve our troubles. From now on, everything will be left to you!"

(End of this chapter)

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